Need Some Sniper Help?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by xPEx Noscope, January 16, 2011.

  1. xPEx Noscope

    xPEx Noscope New Member

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    Have you ever asked yourself: why can't I kill anyone while paying sniper? Who was that guy who just killed me and three other teammates with two sniper shots while blinded by a product grenade and how can I be as good as him?

    Well the answer is here, well actually it's in my sig but you know what i mean. Now you can be as good as the not so famous bear wrangler that is xPEx Noscope of the supergreatawesomefantasticrobot team MNLD! Read away and enjoy!

    *disclaimer. This is MY play style if other snipers do not agree with it or you want to play differently then go ahead. This is just the way I play and it works (for me).
  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Sniper being my least played class, next to Assassin, I've never had problems with. It's quite strange actually. Probably 95% of the time I play Sniper I'll go something like 20+ kills and -5 deaths, yet I rarely play him. I find him too easy. Cover yourself in traps, get headshots and grapple people out when possible. If it's along game, I find myself with fully upgraded skills, and enough money to build Level 3 RockIts.
  3. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    A lot of people don't know how to play sniper very well. Most people don't know how to use them strategically enough to win the game. Many just hang back in the base and turtle, so I also created a guide entitled Wazupwiop's Offensive Sniper Guide. The strategies discussed in their will give a noob player some ideas on how to kick some butt.

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