Need Noob Advice!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by jockhockey, July 6, 2011.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    First off 4 equals passive because on default key setting B+4 is a quick passive upgrade.

    Now are you saying that when you "noobstomp" upgrading everything put passive makes you laugh or is it that you misread L-Spiro's post?
  2. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    vlane is more pro than everyone else and only needs the sword
    personally i like cloak lvl3 cloak as well

    my tank recommendation still stands for dealing with multiple noob sins
  3. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Personally I don't think that the money you spend on upgrades (except passive) is worth it. The money is better spent on buying juice and winning the game.
    You can argue cloak, but even that upgrade makes so little difference because the only thing it actually helps against is pros and not a lot of people stand still.
    Dash is just not worth it.

    If you play against people that pose no threat you can upgrade whatever you want and it makes no difference.

    Edit: And I'm totally pro. Like, bam, like pro.
  4. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    My priority is the katana too, but the time before I can save enough money is too stressful for me without a bit of run power. I am pretty impatient, and it helps get a first-strike on enemy turrets or something.

    Since Assassin deals with bots, level-3 cloak is useful for stopping bot fire mainly. Its not about sneaking up on Pros (your cloak will be off when you attack Pros anyway, if you are doing it right).

    Rest for turrets and the annihilator mainly. I dont personally buy juice much except in over-time, because Assassin gets juice so fast on her own.

    L. Spiro
  5. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    If you lunge correctly you are shooting at the enemy turrets while the other team hasn't jumped off their spawn ring.
    Don't know how dash works, because I never upgrade it, but doesn't it just increase the dash time and not the actual speed?

    Meh, I prefer to kill the bots and not stop them from shooting at me.
  6. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Both of your points are correct but I am just too impatient. I want the ability to move quickly while cloaked, and also just in general.
    Yes it just makes the duration longer, but at level 3 you can get to the enemys base from yours faster than you can with lunges (though lunging off ledges is still the fastest way, when available). Still I consider level-3 optional, but I take it sometimes to satisfy my impatience, especially when I have tons of money.

    Being able to kill anything shooting at you is certainly ideal, but everyone gets into a bind sometimes.
    I consider also that having level-3 cloak makes you more effective at killing turrets.
    After blinding them you are free to slash for a while, but you have to stop slashing sooner if your cloak is level 1 or 2. With a level-3 cloak you can slash all the way up to the point when the turret comes back online (and even more if you are willing to take a hit or 2).

    Shurikens from a distance are an option but slashing is faster.

    L. Spiro
  7. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    True, but everything except a lvl 3 rock-it (only turrets that attack count) dies in one juice when smokebombed if I remember correctly, so you only have that advantage when you want to kill two turrets.
  8. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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    Derailing, but the only reason an unprotected rockit 3 wouldn't die to a Katana sin juice would be if you had absolutely no rate of fire enhancement (mine is bronze). What do you run? (Of course, I also have a gold RoF sin if I'm in the middle of a roflstomp match)
  9. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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  10. white-o2

    white-o2 New Member

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    A really noob advice in general is for people to stop seeing this game as a standard shooter where you just score frags.

    It's almost similar to dota, and the game rewards you for surviving - Bot streaks and kill streaks. So its your best interest to know when to fallback and not push a lane too much that retreating is impossible.

    I keep seeing new players do that. They just rush in and gets themselves killed / flanked from the other lane, so I thought this'd be useful to know.

    -- Also watch bot lanes since only bots take down moneyballs.

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