Naval seriously over powered

Discussion in 'Support!' started by penchu, June 8, 2013.

  1. asteryz

    asteryz New Member

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    One of the issues right for all aoe weapons is that we don't have formations yet. So units clump up in a big ball and then one volley takes them all out :p I love it when that happens to the enemy :3

    On a side note: If I recall correct the big ships die to a single T2 bomber hit.
  2. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    And T1 bombers too.
  3. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    Am all set now, I can live stream to and can edit my video to give the devs a snippet of the problem/bug.
    Everyone interested, it is a open source tool, working very well, called Open Broadcaster... :)
  4. Ralith

    Ralith Member

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    For reference, I found what appears to be an effective strategy against navy: leapfrog T2 fixed artillery + advanced radar for targeting. The arty one-shots boats, and it's not too hard to keep enough defenses up around the advance until you get to the water edge, at which point you can build your own boats and duke it out.

    Even so, I feel like navy's a bit overpowered: a ground army even venturing near a navy-occupied body of water spells doom, and the range is outright ludicrous; if you have the eco, it makes sense to build T2 navy even if you have nothing more than a puddle, because there is no other unit as singularly effective at utterly destroying large armies.
  5. kmike13

    kmike13 Member

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    I would recommend T2 bombers for navy, they seem to work quite well. I would say that the navy take a very short amount of time to build for their power. Especially leviathans. But the Alpha has only been out for a small time so I would wait before actually looking too much at balance
  6. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    I think just making sure that land based anti-air units are stronger than sea based anti air units might be a good fix.

    That way Naval power will defeat Land Power with it's massive range, but Air Power will defeat Naval Power with it's superior mobility, and then Land Power will defeat air with it's superior firepower.

    Rock paper scissors setups in RTS games are always fun. Although I could see a problem with this on planets that are mostly land or mostly water. On an all land planet, bringing planes would be a bad idea because of ground based anti-air; and on a water planet, planes would make having a navy pointless, which is the reverse of what should be intended for water planets. I guess the latter could be fixed by requiring planes to refuel and re-arm on carriers.
  7. penchu

    penchu Member

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    Just wanted to add - If you do want to win a game -

    • *build an adv radar near your enemies base
      *build 2-3 lobbers
      *Game ends

    I know nano has said that trying to play the game right now is pointless and to a level I agree with this, I utterly agree with the fact that we need to prove existing bugs to ensure that they can be fixed before Beta/full release

    However there is a downside to this is we end up not playing the game how it should be played we end up playing it to replicate bugs/glitches and by doing this we will miss bugs that will show up in later on when people start playing to win etc.

    Right now i understand there is a lot of bugs that need to be fixed and unbalances that need sorting out but that wont stop me from pushing them.
  8. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    I play the game for fun and find it quite enjoying, most bugs will take a lot of time to fix but balancing takes literally just one number to change.

    :roll: I find it odd that some people take offence in other people having fun.

    I don't think all naval is over powered but

    here's a picture of a battle I won, only with the help of my one leviathan, that could even reach yellow.

    my personal suggestion to fix this would be to make the range much shorter (I think around 1/3 or 1/4 would be fitting) or the damage of the weapons much lower 1/4 or 1/5.

    it's only weakness is air so if you make some hummingbirds or other flying aa you've pretty much won already.
  9. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    As with anyone working it is frustrating when bystanders do nothing to help, and in many cases make it actively harder to do your job.

    The number of balance and feature requests on the bugtracker that I have to nuke or otherwise waste time tagging as "pointless to discuss at this stage" makes those members of the community who are giving up their time to trawl through the BugTracker and find legitimate problems much harder.

    Since I'm one of those members, Hell yea I want my job to be easier and not feel like I'm wasting time telling every fifth "bug" report that it's either about an incomplete feature or a balance issue.

    The attitude of "I don't want to help, I'm just here to have fun... Here's my 'bug' report on the state of balance at the current time..." is actually counter-productive for we small few who are trying to help Uber identify the most pressing bugs that are actively hampering this being a game rather than a tech demo.

    Units floating into space, getting stuck in the floor, getting stuck in buildings, getting stuck in ravines, the ChronoCam forcing a player to play up to a whole 30 seconds in the past, Fog of war showing my enemies' location with Factory Decals and Holding shift giving me knowledge of my enemy's build queue.

    Currently this RTS "game" tells me where you are, what you're doing... and what you're GOING to do. However trying to do anything about it is practically pointless because there's a very good chance that my units are going to disobey orders, refuse to attack some buildings for arbitrary reasons and worst of all, get stuck in the floor almost constantly.

    It's great that you can have fun with a toy train that's this broken... but you're not helping fix it by talking about the paint job or how one wheel is slightly off centre. It's no good talking cosmetic or balance issues for this train when the axle is broken, half the wheels are buckled, we're missing the rest of the passenger carriages and large sections of the track disappear into orbit or under the ground.

    Can you see why some people might be a bit miffed that you're talking wheel balance and actively refusing to help in any other way... because you're here to "have fun"?
    Last edited: June 9, 2013
  10. shadowmint

    shadowmint New Member

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    I don't want to be a jerk, but you keep saying this to people...

    Have you considered maybe it's better to have a bunch of enthusiastic people playing the game and having fun and talking about it, rather than filing bugs and watching the bug tracker?

    I'm pretty sure the only 'official' directive we've had on this front is: Play the damn game! I've no doubt Uber is collecting a bunch of statistics on every game, and that's quite possibly way more useful than maintaining the bug tracker.
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Funny that Uber has been directing people there then, isn't it? Why would they waste time doing that if they didn't use it?

    You think Uber would be appreciative of Lennard's work and then not use it?

    I don't want to be a jerk, but I've come well prepared to be one.

    Also, I doubt that anyone sufficiently enthusiastic about this game would be quelled by just my posts. I think a lot of myself... but I know my limits and the limits of an internet forum.
  12. penchu

    penchu Member

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    I can completely understand your point of view but the description of this board does say

    "This is the place to discuss alpha specific issues, bug, problems, etc. Gameplay, balance, crash bugs, weird behavior, talk about it here. Please be diligent about using search."

    which is what I was following when I posted about Naval units, I agree people shouldn't post imbalance issues as bugs on the bug tracker which i refrained from doing by posting here but yes I totally agree that we do need to sort out the bugs and we do need to make sure the basics of the game are solid but you also have to have fun :)
  13. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Even if Uber wanted to stop people talking about balance, they wouldn't be able to. I almost wish I still had access to that thread I started and could pull quotes from Scathis...

    Oh well. I'm going to try to keep up with what's going into the BugTracker. I just wish we had a team trying to replicate some of the bugs as there's only so many I can do in a day by myself.
  14. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    * This isn't a suggestion forum. Discussing bugs or balance = yes. Suggesting Space Combat = you will be --REDACTED-

  15. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Errrr... I don't think many people are. I haven't seen any recently, have you?
  16. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    I was trying to say IT IS OKAY to discuss balance.
  17. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    I respectfully disagree.

    It's ok to discuss the "Feel" of the game, its pace and general awesomeness in some areas and lackluster performance in others.

    Talking "balance" like it's the be-all-end-all way to fix this game for right now and should be done ASAP? No.

    Balance should be essentially ignored until all the major elements of play are functioning correctly. Fog of war needs to actually obscure things (especially when holding shift), Metal Points need to be the place that you need to expand to to get more metal, buildings need to not be able to be built on top of each other and units need to not get stuck in the floor in 100% of all games.

    It is my humble opinion that THEN we have a game... and THEN we should talk balance.
  18. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    Would you PLEASE stop talking like 1) you work for uber 2) that you know everything better than anyone else.

    While I've submitted items to balancing I've also submitted to general bugs, but I've only been able to find one so far that they weren't already aware of.

    They are aware of all those issues and working on them but they take time, changing the number on damage, does not take any time.

    it's fine that you don't wanna have fun, but us that does have fun, don't do any damage to the game.

    talking like uber doesn't know what they're doing can however do damage to motivation.
  19. uberbasherbetax

    uberbasherbetax New Member

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    I agree on that statement. Balance is the last thing people should think about first comes a fully functional game and then balance.

    How hard you may try to do everything at once. There are other things that need priority.
  20. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    'How hard you may try to to everything at once.' I'm guessing 'you' is supposed to be the alpha testers? There are literally thousands of people posting bugs on the tracker, and about half of them are duplicates anyway.

    So for the people who do not have anything to report, how about you let them talk about balance, it's not the end of the world. And for the people who don't want to talk about balance, and feel like it's a waste of time at this stage, fair enough and you know what, you're probably right. But why are you then wasting you time even posting on this thread in the first place. This is a balance thread, leave it alone.

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