MyMNCServer - Report a hacker

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by LennardF1989, December 26, 2010.

  1. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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  2. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    One innocent person being banned is a failure of the system, and artificial aiming is not the only clan that uses AA. I'd love to see this operating on a basis of actual proof rather than accidental association. Of course if you can find their tag on the AA boards it would be more than reasonable to get rid of them.
  3. MrHappy

    MrHappy New Member

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    Wait, I am confused. Is this to report a hacker or someone who is better than you are? I have played with that guy, he isn't hacking...just good.
  4. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    AA tag found on the AA boards? yeah i'm pretty sure they can find that.

    Also its multiple accusations not just one..

    And id rather see a few innocents get banned at the expense of an actual actively goverened ban system with human interaction.. rather than the old, oh we updated punkbuster, oh they beat it within 12 hours system..
  5. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    not to be rude, but been a member for 5 days, have 3 posts.. kinda sounds like you might BE this guy... or a friend.
  6. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Imagine you would be one of those cases.
  7. MrHappy

    MrHappy New Member

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    That's pretty rude.
  8. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    If I was, than I would deal with it..

    I would write an email to uber, petition to have my case reviewed etc..

    my point isnt that it doesnt suck if an innocent gets banned.

    but there is NO SPECTATOR VIEW, so theres really no way to prove anything.. in fact even if there were, its not a way of PROVING it.. its all subjective.. a guy could have the bets AIM EVER.. and super fact reflexes, he could just be super pro.. than what?

    I think there are plenty of things to consider here.. look at bunnies video..

    at that range, not one bullet missed, the rate his health dropped was indicitive of perfect aim.. how quickly he was hit after leaving cover, even when bunnies wasnt looking at him moments before.. but is that proof? no.. its just looks really bad..

    what would you suggest they do grim? Seriously? What are your suggestions.. we all know punkbuster does nothing.. its beaten by AA within hours of an update.. HOURS.. so what are the options? Give up because its imossible to prove anything.. I think they are doing the right thing here, and if mistakes are made, i'm sure uber is open to investigating the case, if you petition..
  9. UberGaf

    UberGaf Uber Alumni

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    The process has leaned heavily toward "proof required"; including videos of suspicious behavior, existing VAC bans, and public declarations of cheating. I don't really get this last one, but some players get more out of cheating if they know that everyone else knows they're cheating. *shrug*

    So far, no banned players have come forward to tell Uber that they are innocent, and I think the existing process has worked well. To clarify, I wouldn't ban a player based on tag alone, but an AA tag is certainly one of many useful data points in determining who's cheating.

    We are actively working on spectator and hope to have it in soon. The primary obstacle is making sure it doesn't negatively impact the performance of the game. It's like adding extra players, so it adds bandwidth and workload to the servers.
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Being open for petition is pretty much the anti-thesis to banning Cheaters, conclusive proof is required if that is not possible then that's that.

    You don't win a war by killing civilians, that's an act of war crime and you don't want to be that guy.

    "Dealing with it" and petitioning don't really mix well either.

    I'd rather see 1000 cheaters unharmed than 1 innocent harmed as much as that sucks but were I come from you're not guilty unless there is conclusive proof
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    ZOMG, I love you Ubers! That is awesome news!
  12. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    well to be honest, there is no such thing as PROOF of cheating.. no conclusive.. atleast outside of software that catches the programs installed on your pc.

    everything else is subjective.. you argue this like its a court of law, which it is not.. but even if it were.

    we are all presumed innocent right now.. even if an accusation is made.. we go to trial, still presumed innocent.. evidence is provided (videos, testimonials, eye witness) and the jury (uber) makes a judgement. you cant than appeal, if you have grounds to do so (make a petition) and the case is reviewed again..

    Far as I see it, this is a lot closer to the justice system, than other methods..
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    There are countless ways to code undetectable hacks, passing judgement on inconclusive proof and hearsay "I swear 5 of my mates saw him flying around as sniper!!!1" and some random snippet video will never satisfy the needs of conclusive AC, harm one innocent player and you pretty much prove that you are incapable of being an AC admin.

    VAC can be easily circumvented, so can PB or other AC measures; won't go into details here but there are some pretty fatal flaws with all of those.
    Last edited: February 17, 2011
  14. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Which is precisely the system grimbar's referring to.
    Innocent until proven guilty.
    And you very well know I was talking about their gamertag, or username, you know, the thing that comes after the AA?
  15. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    ok so you find them on the forums.. posting a question like

    how does this work.. how do i install this? Is that conclusive they are using it?

    this is my point.. there is no SUCH THING as conclusive

    like i said many times before vac is circumvented all the time.. within hours of an update..

    and nothing is conclusive.. this is the system UBER is using and supporting.. and id rather have this than nothing at all (relying on vac) vac stops amateur coders thats about it..

    I see no point in complaining about the system that UBER is using, under the guise of its not conclusive enough.. videos are NOT conclusive either.. thats my point..

    But hey.. who cares.. lets not derail this tread.. k nuff said.. lets get back to doing what uber asked us too.. reporting hackers and letting THEM decide based on the evidence we present..
  16. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I'm not complaining about UBER's system, I'm not sure why you think I am. Nor am I suggesting VAC be the only method. I just want sufficient evidence(like video) before banning them from playing the game, which up until that post had been the generally accepted norm.

    And somehow I highly doubt you would just deal with the fact that you had just been banned from every decent server for the game you paid good money for, and all for the reason your play appeared to be too good to be true
  17. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    damn straight it is. And I make sure there is valid proof ^_^
    nail these suckers to the wall UE!!!
  18. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    dude, the dead giveaway was when he got ejected and didnt miss a beat.

    And that boys and girls was how Modern Warfare 2 was born ^_^
  19. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Im with Grimbar on this one, the man talks sense and is rather handsome, but thats beside the point.

    I am an I3D community mod, I watch over community servers for the game BFH, and once I3D and uber have got everything sorted im hoping to become a community mod for the public servers on MNC as well.

    I can tell you now that if an I3D admin got seen banning a player from a single server without extremely compelling evidence then that admin would be part of a **** storm of epic proportions, and rightly so.

    Evidence is very easy to collect, first thing to do is to play as a sin, try and get them to shoot you in stealth from a reasonable distance, remember to stand away from any doorways, players or anywhere you could be accidently shot, also remember to film this happing more than once.

    If theyre not going to shoot you in stealth then its very simple, sneak up on them as a sin and watch them play, snap aiming is extremely easy to spot especially on a sniper, film him repeatedly snap aiming, even break stealth if you want, his aimbot should detect you as the highest threat and snap to you giving a very nice piece of evidence of a 180 degree snapaim.

    If you want to ban every slightly suspicious player you come across then i suggest you create your own server where you are more than welcome to do so, but an innocents name going on a global banlist, or uber taking any action against a player who isnt a proven hacker is simply unacceptable and should not be tolerated.
  20. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Will No be Tolerated.. LOL

    Ive Read all that before.. in every FPS forum ever..

    Theres a reason cheating is out of control, parents cant spank their kids, and people stay on welfair for half their lives..

    its because we let them, for fear of punishing those who arent guilty..

    I hate the whole, better to let 100 rapists walk, than to risk one innocent man in jail..

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? no.. no its not... its not better to have 100 rapists loose in my neighborhood, not at all.. no system is perfect, and I'd rather it fault on the side of security. You demand on this proof, but than list things that are not proof.. Ive been shot in stealth MANY times by people who arent cheating.. and ive seen many snap aimers who are just experienced.. so what? so you have a video where they might be hacking.. cant ban em right? I mean 1% chance they are just that good.. right? yeah.. your argument looses weight, when you have to use it against itself. Because the only thing truly conclusive is software, and that is no longer a factor, thanks to major companies releasing hacks made by professional coders, that are updated daily to defeat counter measures..

    so I guess we just play with hackers..... ooooorrrr we let uber do what they are doing.. and deal with it.

    I vote B. Its about time we started baning those asshats who have been getting away with it for years.

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