My thoughts on the assault balance changes.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by eternal, March 26, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Once again. Not useless, just not worth playing in comparison. Useless implies they broke the class and he is completely bad now. He is just simply not worth taking over picking another assassin or tank or gunner who would all end up being more effective at every job the assault does.

    I dunno where the guy is getting the "increased arm time" from. It has the same 1second timer as before.

    Double bombing required you to place a bomb before hand (planning ahead) wait for the cooldown (unless running skill regen it was 10seconds) and then using it again. Would you complain if you walked into an enemy firebase? It requires more setup time than a firebase.

    The knockback for each level of the charge increases, but the actual movement speed of the assault does not change from level 1 to level 3.

    "Assault is now good against players who don't notice him!" is not a good argument FOR claiming that it wasn't an excessive nerf.

    You could run: Crit, Rof, Armor, Accuracy, Skill, Clipsize in any number of different orders. I personally ran Skill/RoF/Health(bronze) to take advantage of his skills as much as possible since his weapons are fairly weak compared to everyone else. Now you basically have to run RoF/Accuracy/Skill or Armor/RoF/Clipsize

    His speed got a MAJOR nerf and he is now only "fast" in extremely short bursts, and very vunerable when doing so. His charge is the same speed/range as tank but on a significantly longer cooldown.

    BOMBS WERE NERFED IN 90% of situations NOT buffed

    Level 1 and 2 got a reduction in cooldown. Level 3 got an INCREASE in cooldown. If you don't detonate your bombs within 3seconds of using them then the cooldown reduction is actually now an increase. And level 3 is ALWAYS slower now, even if you detonate the bomb AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

    I don't know what is so hard to figure out about that. It didn't get buffed, it got nerfed for everything but air detonations during level 1 and 2. In every other situation it is a nerf. Using em as a trap: nerf. Using them long range: nerf. Leveling it to level 3: nerfed.
  2. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I think you were confused by my original post which lists the cooldowns by having the actual cooldown time and then +1second for bomb arm

    See what I meant by that is that there is the actual time it takes for your skill to regenerate (say: 20seconds) However since the skill doesn't regenerate when you have your bomb deployed, and it takes a minimum of 1second before you can detonate your bomb. It effectives adds 1second to your cooldown timer. So your ACTUAL time from using your skill, to when it would be available to be used again is 21seconds since it takes 20seconds to regen, but it wont start regenerating until the bomb is detonated after 1second has passed.
  3. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Yeah. My mistake. The arm time has not changed.
    Look: The assault has changed. Whether he's weaker than all the other classes or not is very difficult to say at this point, but he definitely has a different style to him now.

    My suggestion: If you play 3 games and are raging in all of them then switch classes, he's not your class anymore. I wish it weren't so (I loved playing the assault. Such attitude!) but that's the way the cookie crumbles. If it turns out that noone is playing assault anymore (and I'm sure Uber check the numbers) then they'll go back and rework the patch.

    You may be right there, but i was also sure that it was taking longer in-game too... but by that stage I was getting super frustrated with dying all the time and not being able to escape like I used to so... yeah... :oops:
  4. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Both the changes to the bomb and the charge cooldown nerf was fine. The change in the charge's speed is what I think should be reverted. That's about it.
  5. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I agree with this.
  6. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Never going to happen. There's more implications than balance involved when it comes to the assault's charge speed.
  7. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Might I ask the what those implications are?
  8. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Has to do with coding in varying latency situations.
  9. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Ah, well this rather sucks as the Assault Charge is completely outclassed by the Tank's Charge in both effectiveness and cooldown.

    One possibility would be to add a stun effect to the Assault's Charge 3, however, I don't think it will work out well considering the Assault's speed and range. Still, it some receive some buff to justify the nerf in speed and cooldown.
  10. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Actually only lvl1/2 Bomb has a faster regen, lvl3 is the same as before. Throw in the detonation delay and all lvls of Bomb are at least 1 second longer(accounting for travel time to target)

    There's numerous things that various classes "shouldn't" be doing and do it anyway, sometimes effectively.
    The AssaultCharge isn't the best anti-bot tool, but it is pretty good at knocking them off their path. I've seen bots ignore everything and backtrack 50+ft in order to get back onto their botpath

    The only time Assaults could coast to an uber streak is on pubs with mediocre players. Get 1 or 2 players that are good at their classes and that pre-patch Assault will barely manage a Mega Streak

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