My thoughts on the assault balance changes.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by eternal, March 26, 2011.

  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I think the re-balance (not nerf) is perfect. It separates the good Assaults from the decent ones.
  2. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    I would of been okay with a moneyball damage multiplier nerf on the bomb and grenade launcher. Nerfing basically every aspect of the class (as assault is the most skill dependent class in the game by far) by this much has made it underpowered.

    I think the game was best balanced before the armor nerf, heavies are becoming too powerful now, just look at tank, with gold armor he can get like 1100 health, which is almost 3x the max assassin health. I don't feel that it is right for an endorsement to be less good because you play a class that is weak in the area of that endorsement, as the use of endorsements is to either specialize in an area, increase strengths, or decrease weaknesses, now armor doesn't really do much of any of those for sin/sniper, it merely makes them not get instagibbed by half the abilities in the game.
  3. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    It wasn't a "rebalance" that implies buffs in other areas. It was a nerf. The "buff" to the cooldown on his bomb skill only affects levels 1 and 2, and even then it was a nerf thanks to the removal of cooldown while deployed.

    It used to be

    Level 1 - 20seconds
    Level 2 - 15seconds
    Level 3 - 10seconds

    Now it is
    Level 1 - 15seconds + 1second arm time + flight time (Unless you are air detonating the bombs they probably are going to take about 1-2seconds to reach their target.)
    Level 2 - 12seconds + 1second arm time + flight time (Unless you are air detonating the bombs they probably are going to take about 1-2seconds to reach their target.)
    Level 3 - 10seconds 1second arm time + flight time (Unless you are air detonating the bombs they probably are going to take about 1-2seconds to reach their target.)

    Its a pretty hefty nerf to his late game bomb usage, and unless you use the bombs pretty might RIGHT AS SOON AS IT CAN BE BLOWN UP then its a direct nerf to its cooldown time.

    His charge is slower moving, shorter range, and longer cooldown now in every form. Which would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact its nearly a 45% nerf and ends up making his charge slower, and weaker than the tanks (it should be faster and weaker or slower and stronger.)


    In comparison to the armor nerf (which btw also affected the Assault.) the Assassin got a parking ticket, and the assault got impounded.


    As you can see, unless you are running gold armor then the nerf to armor endorsements was the same for the Assault and Assassin. And if you are running gold armor than the difference is 25health.

    Now its true that the Assassin relies more heavily on taking gold armor than the assault due to the fact she has a majorly lower base health. So even just looking at the stats differences between the loss of 75health and the loss of around 50% of your dps from skills is a pretty major difference. The assassin got a 25% nerf to her health. The Assault got a 50% nerf to his moneyball damage, 40% nerf to his charge regen and shortened its range and lowered its speed. He also got a difficult to quantify but fairly major nerf to his DPS from bomb usage. And to top it off he also got a 17% nerf to his health from last patch.
  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Yea, I've been launched halfway across the map by a lvl2 Tank charge but when I've lvl2 Assault charged people they barely go 20ft and start blasting me
    The only time the Assault charge even remotely gets to excel is when you get it up to lvl3, but at that point you get the grapple unless you jump or jetpack first

    I'm not saying the Assault's charge should be on par with that of the JetCharge, but all the changes combined were a bit much
    Right now it doesn't even feel like an escape tool until you get it to lvl3 at which point it almost stops being an escape tool if there's any enemy players/bots in the way
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    The moneyball damage wasn't nerfed at all.

    The charge could use some things return. Not all the things. It probably would be best for it to act like a lvl2 charge when connected in air, that way people will have to learn to use it in air at lvl3 unless they intend to grapple. The cooldown doesn't need to be as good as it was. The bomb cooldown is nearly equal if you are using it to whail on the moneyball, it is simply nerfed as a trap. It regens fast enough even when used as a trap, but it could be allowed to regen 1/2 way until detonated and that would be better.

    If they unnerfed the assault, it should only be half way at most. Or, since people whine, unnerf his skills and nerf his weapons instead. That way, we get to see the hypocritical side of people, complaining that the skills really weren't enough. Either way, nerf only part of his charge instead of all of that, and well the bomb is fine the way it is seeing as how I still hate assault teams in overtime.

    Oh, also, I introduced this to the XBox community, they saw a video of post-patch assault, and they think it is a GOOD idea, was a long time coming, and assault mains don't see too much a problem with it.
  6. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    They did reduce damage versus the money ball. Bomb is now 450 vice 999.99 previously.

    And now the money ball damage is quite terrible given the risk required to actually put out a full juice plus bomb attack. At best with everything connecting I was getting about 33% or so. Compared to every other class this is terrible given that level of risk.
  7. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    The thing that gets me the most is this:

    The answer to "Omg, the sniper is overpowered! He has an explosion round and he has so many traps", "hax! The Sin has cloak, is so quick and has ridiculous grabbing capability", and "the gunner's gun is soooooooo OP" has been the same; Stop whining, get better, and deal with it.

    But now, with the character that the designers themselves said excels at nothing getting nerfed, many of those same people say it's about time and they have no problem with it.
  8. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Okay, from now on i'm going to punch anyone who quotes hostilebalance.ini in this kind of thing. Theory and practical. Two different situations. In theory an assassin can kill a tank reliably with a lunge and sword backstab. In reality it'll be a cold day in hell before you can sneak up on most tanks who are actually awake. A man 500 miles away can blink really hard and they'll spray that jet gun everywhere.

    I think the rebalance is perfect. I've still seen assaults rip up the field even after the nerf. But they were already assaults i learnt to be wary of.

    I have to pick my battles a bit more carefully since the sin nerf. Like the assault now does. The exact same reaction came from assassins after we got nerfed - lots of whining that it was unfair and not required. Learn to adapt.

    The assault is still the most rounded and versatile class. It's just got a bit more of a niche as the everyman as opposed to the uberman.
  9. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    The thing is: the "assassin nerf" wasn't just an assassin nerf. It was a nerf to the assault, support, and sniper as well.

    Also you can't really compare the two. The assassins got a 25% nerf to an endorsement, but nothing else was touched. The assault got a 17% nerf to an endorsement, and nearly a 35-40% nerf on his charge (making it the worst charge in the game by a LARGE margin.) A (much needed) 50% nerf to his moneyball damage (which frankly only needed about a 30-35% nerf.) a major nerf to his mobility (cooldown on sticky bombs don't recharge even affected this.) and a major nerf on his versatility (lack of ability to still be a threat while also being a deteraint to specific areas.

    Once again, I was all for an assault nerf (where as most assassin's were completely against their nerfs at all.) and I feel that Uber was going in the right direction with this nerf, but they completely overshot it.

    Is the cllass still playable? Yes. Is the effort required significantly more than other classes need to put forward to be as effective? Also yes.

    Assault needed a nerf, he didn't need such a MAJOR nerf.
  10. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    QFTQuoting for truth is so gay...
  11. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    do you even play assault?
  12. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    I main tank and i have to state that the charge basically GIVES the tank his close range killing abilities. Without it every other class can avoid, run away, or outdamage his weapons at close range. I think that is why they made it like that.
    The assault should be at mid range anyways and is already highly mobile meaning his charge should be used to increase that mobility or to push back those who get closer than mid range.
  13. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    sorry but you don't know what you are talking about, assault is close range and long range, close range ar, long range grenade, charge helped close distance to bring them into AR range, bomb is bomb although now it sucks. And his mobility is not that high, his run speed is very slow the only high mobility he has is his jetpack, which is a skill with a cd too.

    And other classes out damaged the tanks jet gun close range???? Are you serious?
  14. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Gold RoF + Sniper Headshots x2 in rapid succession. Easily outdamaged it.
  15. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I main assault.
    I second support.
    I play other classes at random intervals.
  16. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    you talk as if you never have played the class is the problem
  17. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    The assault is, like stated before, mid range. He outdamaged most classes at that range and all his weapons can hit easily with minimal drop off. If in close range you will get ripped to shreds by gunners minigun, charge + burn + db of tank, assassian grapple, sniper grapple, support shotgun.
    Do you see a trend?
    At mid range you can bunny hop with out a reticle in your mouth or at your feet, strafe, bomb, and land most shots on your enemy while you keep the distance. If your playstyle involves you getting right up next to the person then this is why the update hit you hard.
  18. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Okay I am getting sick of this.
    As far as I've read I haven't seen anything that indicates that he DOESN'T play assault. On the other hand you have several times shown that you apparently played too comfortably with the double bomb detonation tactic that the old assault used, and now because it's gone you fail to adapt to the Assaults nerf and hence come to the forums wanting it changed back. You even pulled a "Vids or it didnt happen" card on me, and that's just ******* unbelievable and something a kid would say because he's failing an argument!
  19. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    well i disagree, and i never double bombed. And in my opinion you talk a lot of **** so vids or it didnt happen is fine, and talking in tiny letters is something kids do, good day
  20. killien

    killien Active Member

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    What are you smoking? The only weapons with a more dramatic dropoff is the Gunner's minigun(which makes up for it with 2-3x the firerate of anything else) and the Shotgun. That 2-3x isn't an approximate either, lvl3 minigun does 1800 rpm at full spin

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