My thoughts on the assault balance changes.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by eternal, March 26, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Zing, Bro once again proven wrong because he prefers conjecture to actual testing or research.
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Anyone who actually believes that tanks have an easy time with gunners at anything but sniper rifle distance, can laugh at this.

    Anyone who played this game and knows better, well they can know better. Self explanatory. No need to elaborate.

    Either way, what is done is done, God I am so tired of seeing assault-assault-assault-assault-assault-everydumbn00bassault...
  3. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Because having every dumb n00b play sin was so much better, amirite?
  4. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    And now it seems as though heavies reign supreme in the eyes of new players. Bets on the next noob class? I think it will migrate back to assassin, for ejector camping.
  5. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    tl;dr assault nerf makes game less fun, no fun means i will just play other games, thank **** for starcraft 2 and good balancing, so long.
  6. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Ragequitting a game because a class gets nerfed is just sad, especially when you've regularly said the class was the best. If the balance changes aren't solid, it'll get fixed. If they are, they will stay. Uber's been really good about regularly updating balance tweaks. I gotta say, while I was initially upset about the armor nerf on the assassin, it really wasn't that bad. These changes could end up being similar.

    Double-bombing seemed wrong to me. You should have to make a decision about how to use your bombs, not have a trap and a grenade ready at all times. I do think the charge speed thing is a bit messed up though, the tank is supposed to be slower.
  7. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    So i was playing a lot, to test how this nerf affects my gameplay. Results? I actualy now need to think about my skills, and i sometimes just miss my charge, the bomb nefr is ok, i can life with it, even with the slowly regenerating charge, but the fact i dont have my charge so often is making me much weaker than the bomb nerf itself. But yea i went 47:0, 38:0 and stuff even after the NERF so its still playable for those who know h2p, but it kinda sux that new players are supposed to start with assault and now it will be damn hard for them
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    1. Charge
    2. Knockdown
    3. ???
    4. Profit!
  9. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Can't hear you over the sound of my health being nerfed by 75 points... And me sucking it up and learning to adapt instead of having a cry

    Besides, everyone knows SC2 is not THAT well balanced. I play Protoss. I have a right to complain about balance.
  10. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    A gunner will tear you up way before you get within charge distance, and the second you get there it's slamma jamma time. At that point you're looking at a deployed minigun tearing off your face in under a second.

    Marines anybody?
  11. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    it is not ragequitting, it is quitting cos i do not have as much fun in this game as i do in others. There is no decent comp scene so pubstomping gets old, and now something old has become less fun. And the class is the best. Also maps, where are new maps? how long can you play the same ones on loop and not get bored? Also sc2 not balanced hahahaha that is why in competition you see terran, toss and zerg, instead of everyone picking the op race.
  12. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Well clearly nobody will beat a gunner if they try to run straight at him starting from medium range

    But a tank with Lv3 charge that catches a gunner off-guard in any way will usually win. Flanking, using corners, using high ground, catching him during a reload..

    Yes, the gunner is incredibly powerful at medium range when he's able to keep everything in front of him. But as soon as he's put in a sub-optimal position he's incredibly vulnerable.
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I would suggest that you guys all play a week and try to adapt to the changes. Assassin didn't feel the same after the armor nerf and that was one deep blow for a class that goes up against Tanks and Gunners toe to toe all the time. Itt takes a few days until you have adjusted. I don't think the nerf broke Assault. You just have to be more careful now.
  14. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    Last time I checked comp SC2 it was all Terrans all the time.
  15. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    check more often imo, IEM final moon zerg vs AcE toss
  16. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Nope. It was a pretty significant nerf. He's playable, just underpowered.
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Everyone thinks he needed some kind of nerf, he melts the moneyball at longest range and has most vertical controllable mobility coupled with a weapon of very good range (considering he is fast enough to always stay in that range).

    What would you have purposed instead? I wanted a moneyball damage nerf, but it would have to be bomb and grenade launcher too if he was to keep all of his former spammy skills. Otherwise, maybe reduce his grenade launcher's fodder damage, making him truely a weak bot pusher. He sure shouldn't keep everything, it always seems like 40% of players play it and 80% of those only do okay-ish because they play textbook coward assault. If it wasn't overpowered, why did everyone else play it thinking it was easy wins?
  18. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Surprise will win just about every fight with every matchup. I don't care how hard the counter is, someone caught off guard is dead.

    And my point was the second the gunner knows there is a tank within charge range slam gets popped and the tank gets raped. In an EVEN matchup, where both people know about each other at the same time, the gunner will win at all but sniper range.

    I never noticed assaults effecting the game at all until the moneyball went down. They did well personally yes, but all I ever saw was killwhoring. The assaults that tried to push lanes always did abysmally.
  19. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    All he needed was a moneyball damage nerf. I could compromise on the Charge 1-2 cooldown change, but the speed should not be equalized with the tank. The bomb nerf is just miserable in my opinion. Its basically a sticky grenade now because the longer you don't use it the less value you get out of it. I want to make it clear I think the Uber guys are great, I just don't agree with that one remotely.
  20. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    I wish people would start thinking about this more. Face is absolutely right. Every class had a role to play.

    Supports helped the Push; Sins took down turrets, Snipers and anyone Deployed; Gunners were crowd control and pro kills; and Tanks damaged and scared Pros away from points of interest. So what was the Assault to do? Quite possibly live up to his name and assault. If every other class is to pave the way to the moneyball, why NOT have a class designed to hurt said moneyball?

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