My theory: Why people quit MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by zarakon, July 30, 2011.

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  1. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    This is very true.
  2. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    and it is extremely hard to remove from people's heads
  3. hobo-with-a-shotgun

    hobo-with-a-shotgun Active Member

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    I've played against a few players who have clearly come from a CoD background. They give out hackusations as soon as you land 3 jet-gun hits in a row, bitch about getting flanked constantly, usually play sniper and assassin, but only kill players, even when bots are coming with all their turrets down.

    It's pretty hard finding nice games lately. Even getting roflstomped is better; at least there are decent players in the server.
  4. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Almost all of that could be learned with a look through at the playbook which has info on a whole lot of things including the crossfire trailer.
  5. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    Snipers are the reason I no longer play.

    I love the game, and I don't even mind assassins or assaults.
  6. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    @OP: They quit because they get roflstomped every game. They get roflstomped because they are bad. They are bad because they don't understand the game.

    Although I guess even good players get tired of MNC. I'd say it's mostly due to having 5 maps (I wouldn't count Tully's either) and sniper being obnoxious if the player behind him is reasonably good. I'd consider myself among the top tier of players in MNC but I honestly hate playing against a sniper in the same realm as Draketh, Tiblolan, Hentai, etc. Sniper is anti-fun in my book.
  7. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Thank god that the Sniper class itself isn't too adept at objective play, though some have managed that as well. For a lot of players (newer ones especially), Assassin also is anti-fun, despite not being near as powerful as the Sniper in pro killing, perhaps due to being able to constantly harass players.
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I agree with a lot of the things that were said in this thread. I recently played a few hours of TF2 and there are a couple of things I noticed:
    True. You can simply start playing TF2 without even knowing the map. When I started playing I didn't know where the capture points were, didn't matter. I did okay anyway. Pick Pyro, hold W and left mouse button down, win! :D

    In MNC you will get stomped because veterans know how to avoid deaths and know how to counter your moves. They will do better and continue to get more powerful due to upgrades and juice. This becomes increasingly frustrating as you get slaughtered by the same player over and over again without a reasonable chance to retaliate. Things get worse when you take into account that there are only 6 players on each team. You will encounter that Uber player very soon again.

    Many players who go 3:30 a couple of times will simply quit. If they joined after a sale they only payed a couple of bucks for MNC so many of them lack the motivation to learn the game because they invested $50. It's sad but true, today's gamers are no longer willing to take some punishment to get better.

    I agree on the Sniper thingy. When I play against a very good Sniper (O hai Tib and Moose!) I will most likely change my class to Sin or Assault because I don't want to cower behind cover the whole match. Avoiding LoS is easy enough, it also kills my fun! I don't want to spend 15 minutes carefully looking around corners.

    As for the maps: I could live with 5 maps, maybe even with 3. However, if Steel Peel or Uncle Tully's come up in the map rotation I tend to quit or take a break. It doesn't matter which team trapped the other team in their spawn area, it's never fun to play. Sorry.

    MNC is still one of my favorite games and I love it. The only downside is that it never feels well balanced (although it mostly is). The reason is that even slight skill differences are immensely amplified by upgrades and juice. If one player on a server is 25% 'better' than the other players he will be 25% better at the end of the match in most shooters. In MNC his potential strength can almost grow exponentially.

    Only 37.7 of all MNC players ever managed to get a Hot Streak (3 kills without dieing). I got the same achievement in TF2 on the very first day...

    (PS: And as everybody who ever played with me can confirm, I'm horrible at shooters... :D)
  9. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    a lot of you have some great points , especially Col_Jessep's post. Sniper is a party pooper but ONLY when you are on a team without a anti-sniper, i think the sniper's skills and power-ups are perfectly fine on the pc.. its the xbox version that needs a sniper nerf.
  10. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    A growing trend is that any discussion related to game balance and fun eventually targets Snipers.

    I have been saying this for months, yet back then I was mocked by people putting their names after their posts.

    Overpowered is not necessarily the word I would use to describe Sniper, but definitely a fun-killer. Overpowered can be debated, but the concept that Snipers decrease the fun for all cannot.

    Snipers have ruined my game for me as well, and not even because of my own attitude. It isnt that I personally am put off by Snipers, because I play Assassin, so they dont bother me so much.
    However, they do bother my friends. After a Japanese player became semi-decent at Sniper, one of my main friends started playing only half as much. After a certain pro sniper joined my game once, my Japanese friends almost entirely rage-quit and have hardly been on since.

    Snipers are a huge problem in this game. Even if I am not personally bothered by them, they have made almost all of my friends quit and the whole game is less fun for me too as a result. Now I have also started playing only a few times per week because none of my friends are playing (on the bright side I have been making great progress on my engine!).

    And I can easily pinpoint those two sniper incidents as the major drop-off points in my friends gaming times. I still see them logging into Steam, but they just play Team Fortress 2 or Killing Floor now.

    L. Spiro
  11. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    makes sense

    i don't understand how D:
  12. B33rChiller

    B33rChiller Member

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    I tend to agree, the sniper and getting steamrolled constantly can be pretty off putting. This game took me a hell of a long time to get semi-competent at, with lots of frustration. It would have been a lot longer if I didn't come here looking for strategy guides. One thing though, I don't know where the hatred for U.Tully's comes in. I freaking love that map. Makes me laugh every time I play it. When I finish work in the evenings, I just want to go home and party with Chickey. Maybe bounce in the bouncy pit a while. With the jump pads in the base, I don't think I've ever got trapped in my base like I have on Steel peel. That map tends to frustrate the hell out of me. On future maps, I would like to see many more of those long distance jump pads. Makes me feel like less of a slug playing tank.

    Just my 2 bits
  13. daztora

    daztora New Member

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    Thing with Tully's Is, people moan about spam, don't use the tunnel's there's quite a few ways out of the base rather then the rape tube.
  14. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    This and that.

    Honestly the only problem I have with Tully is that the back two rocket turrets are a ***** to take out if you

    A:Have a support on the other team that is competent and hacks them.
    B:Are dealing with a team that won't allow a lone gunner to deploy and mortar the first turret.

    Other than that the defenders advantage is a little big if the other team can fill out the bot spawn nubs. Raiding the base is generally hard due to the placement of turrets. But this can be alleviated by having a good support, gunner and tank.

    Bouncing around to avoid fire is fun.
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Steel Peel and Uncle Tully's share a similar problem.

    When one team gains a slight advantage, it's easy for them to pin the enemy in their base. Then once that happens, it can be really tough to actually finish them off.

    Both parts of the problem are more severe on Uncle Tully's. I've seen plenty of games there where one team utterly dominates but just can't finish a push because of how the base is laid out.

    In the end, one team is frustrated because they can't leave the base, and the other team is shouting "TURTLES"
  16. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    ^What Jotun said. The base layout is horrible. 8 second respawns and your spawn point is inbetween the main bot choke point and the moneyball? That's just silly.
  17. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Hey guys,

    I don't know if some of you remind me or not, I used to play MNC a lot a few months ago, and then I totally stopped...

    I still have a lot of interest for the game though, so I was wondering if there are still a lot of people playing it or not?

    Sorry if I'm a bit off-topic, I didn't want to start another thread just to ask this.
  18. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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  19. Big Ordeal

    Big Ordeal New Member

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    Here's my theory on why people quit:

    1st game: Owned
    2nd game: Owned
    3rd game: Owned
    4th game: Owned

    Oh, **** this. I'm playing COD.

    If you don't get my example, (har har) I'm talking about steep learning curve. Believe it or not, most people don't like having to learn. True facts.
  20. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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