my hearthelt frustration and complaints

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by smilingsaint, February 10, 2011.

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  1. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    So much trash to plow through in order to get a nugget of value. Forums are becoming a dumping ground for people's personal twitter/facebook feeds.
  2. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    And it's sad, considering what I was banned for, yet have you seen Feedle's posts?
  3. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    My ego is so big
  4. misterhino

    misterhino New Member

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    I agree with the comments on matchmaking needing some adjustment, but I don't think that is the problem. From what I have seen, from launch of the game until now, is the decrease in the player base. I used to jump on and find several lobbies existed. If I got my *** handed to me, I could change lobbies and get into a more balanced match. Now I find when I play, I almost always join a game already in progress and on the team getting their asses handed to them. After the game ends, there doesn't seem to be enough different players to fill and round out the lobby for the next match. Just my 2 cents.
  5. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    I can agree with you. If i were a new player i would hate the game as well. I mainly play solo or with lilslayertorres and when we come across 6 clan all-stars and all we have are low ranking randoms on our team, the game can get a little frustrating. I also agree about juice being an unbalanced, game changer. Their are just too many players out there that chain juice runs together. Especailly during overtime. I honestly believe that the game would be just as fun, if they removed juice all together and jackbots. Skill vs Skill.
  6. mulletmann21

    mulletmann21 New Member

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    I can say that I agree with the OP. I've had this game for about 2 or 3 months now and I thoroughly enjoy it, when I'm not getting spawn camped or juice chained. I'm by now means good at this game, but I still have fun when it's a close game. Joining a game to see an entire part of 6 on the other team all going 26-0 and all of your teammates are 0-20 just isn't fun. Taking a step out of your spawn room just to get insta-killed by the plethora of people waiting for you to walk out is very frustrating and has led to many rage-quits.
  7. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I lol'd. You're one of the main people contributing to the trolling problem.
  8. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Because I post and people can't help but troll me? You're right. While we're at it, lets also blame the protesters in Egypt for being attacked for voicing opinions.
  9. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I lol'd. Deadeye actually isn't really a problem. He's the one who gets trolled. His attitude might not be the best, but it isn't trolling.
  10. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Yeah, posting "damn i just destroyed x and made x rage quit, LuLz" at every chance he can get TOTALLY isn't inciting hatred.

  11. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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  12. F5in

    F5in New Member

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  13. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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  14. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Please show me the last post where I did that without being trolled first? Alright, well since you can't, just stop trolling me. I've already added 3 people to my block list today, and I have a feeling it'll be pretty full if I add everyone that trolls me because I beat on them with my gunner.
  15. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Deadeye is TOTALLY an average homeboy now bromontanas. There's no need to troll him anymore unless you have some sort of personal vendetta to troll him. (F5in?) And yeah I don't see too many of these:

    In fact, I don't remember the last thread like that. Last one was by maybe Sephisticated? Or some random to make an account on here to say he beat one of us ELITE FORUMERS.
  16. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Eh... yesterday.


    For the first three pages there are no references to you. Then you post on the top of page 4 about how you make CoR kids rage. The next 3/4 pages after that are pretty much them flaming you and then you asking them to stop.

    (this was posted for humor reasons. I like Deadeye a lot, because he's far more entertaining then 99% of forum people, but I was looking for a way not to study for a test tomorrow)
  17. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    LoL. How much those kids troll me, I thought it right to tell the kid to just ignore them. I do find it funny that out of how much I troll, people love to dig into my posts and find one thing to go at me on. Even you, with that. These forums are worse off than the actual MNC community. Half the kids here should be more like pub kids, and speak when spoken to.

    Now, since I have voiced a valid opinion and somehow it's started to go into trolling me, just like every other thread... I will simply ignore this thread from now on. Peace.
  18. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    The triumph thread to begin with. If you really want I can start reporting all your troll posts to Hudson and Jessep or whoever gets them.
  19. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I'm pretty sure someone from Uber has said this isn't going to happen, since the player base for the game is too small for it to be effective. This isn't some CoD or Halo game that has sold millions of copies and have tens of thousands of players at any given moment. Just going by the number of entries in the Crossfire leaderboard, it's sold a quarter million copies, and has a few thousand playing at any time at best. More likely there's only a few hundred playing at any given time.

    It's kind of a catch-22, if you want split playlists, the game is going to have to sell like hotcakes, but it's unlikely to get so many players because there aren't split playlists.
  20. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Sorry, but this is just too retarded for me not to post again.

    Kckzi. I asked for someone to show a post like "damn i just destroyed x and made x rage quit, LuLz". Sorry but telling someone to ignore the cor trolls, is no-where close to that. So thanks for playing, better luck next time. Maybe if you went with the rules of the game instead of tryharding it, you would've done better.

    It was a TRIUMPH IN A THREAD FOR TRIUMPHS. How is that difficult to understand? If you were mature in ANY way, you would have simply ignored it or posted triumphs of your own, but instead you trolled me and ruined the thread. And don't even get me started on reporting posts, you troll and make pointless posts way more than I do. But don't worry, your teammates already report all my posts anyway.
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