Must... beee.... host.... to.... WIN

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bonecrusher, February 3, 2011.

  1. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    I can't get host :cry:
  2. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    This is an antiquated attitude towards wireless internet. This was true when wireless was in it's infancy, but these days it's much more reliable. If you have a good quality router and NIC that are not malfunctioning packet loss is going to be trivial, so long as there are no other major factors involved (such as other routers using the same frequency, or working right on the edge of your wireless range).

    In fact, just to prove that I'm not talking out of my ***, I decided to do a test with my own network. If you want to test your own network, open up the command prompt on a computer connected to it and type this:

    All this does is send 100 packets of data to and back. Over my wireless network I lost exactly one packet. I decided to try it with 1000 packets, and lost 10, for a consistent 1% packet loss, which is well within acceptable ranges (over 2% start to worry, 5%+ indicates something is definitely wrong). It's also worth noting that this packet loss could just as easily be the fault of my ISP, Google's own servers, or anything in between rather than my own wireless network.

    What's particularly interesting is that I ran the same test with the exact same setup but wired to my router, and I came up with 2/100 and 16/1000 packets lost for 1.8% average loss. This means that for whatever reason, be it my router or this particular laptop, my wireless connection is actually more reliable than my wired connection.

    tl;dr - Assuming no equipment problems, the difference between wired and wireless internet is trivial.
  3. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    I'm the complete opposite, I play a lot better as assassin when I'm host. I have trouble lunge grappling when I'm not host. The grapple never seems to work on the first grab.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    and you smokebomb jump just fine?

    :shock: :eek: :shock: :| :eek: :| :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
  5. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Sniper on host is massively OP in the right hands.
  6. mute

    mute New Member

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    Ping is a horrible indicator of high traffic packetloss. The only way it would be remotely viable as a check would be to have wireless laptop connected at the same time you are hosting a game over Xbox and run large packet pings (the largest packets you can run over the net will be 1500, after that its split up into fragments or blocked).. but also given that the destination addresses you'll want to test (XBL service) are blocking ping in the first place, a secondary site such as google would be the only option. You'll also be using a different source with different approx. wireless strength rather than the same single refence...bleh, anyways, its not a worthy method of knowing what its going on.

    Wireless has many more factors in performance you are not taking into consideration, its not the equivlenent of a wired network at all and its well beyond trivial.. even if all gear is operating correctly. Most wireless routers come from the store or provider defaulted to the same Channel configuration and if you live in an apartment complex or a decent neighborhood there will be many others eating up the available radio freq. The heavier the packets and the faster the traffic (such as hosting a game), the more packetloss you would experience on such a saturated channel. Pings are single packets, a hosted game will have thousands going at a time. A somewhat capable computer person that's relatively comfortable with configuring their wireless router can troubleshoot it down themselves and try different channels until they have good performance, but the majority of people out there have absolutely no clue.. and if you are in a heavily saturated area (large complex, downtown areas, etc.) its still possible you won't be able to get strong performance no matter what channel(s) you set. It's nowhere nearly as cut and dry as you want to believe and it is a very common issue with Hosted games all over XBL. That, and Microsoft's over-priced WIFI adapters for the Xbox are pieces of junk.
  7. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    F people who wirelessly host.

    also today i came back to the xbox version after a week of playing on pc and the lag is so bad , i would love to get a list dedicated servers like the pc .. its like you are always host in the right servers. yeah i know its not going to happen but one can can dream.

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