This game would be amazing if there was some kind of multi team game mode. Adding 1 or two more teams would just make the game that much more interesting and fun to play in my opinion.
Like maybe a 3way match where one bot lane spawned towards each team? Would be fun, but nver would work because MNC is laggy eough with only 12 players in the game; I can't imagine how painful playing MNC would be with 18+ players in one lobby.
Has potential... what would happen if one team's moneyball died though? would the team with the most damage to the ball win, or the team that did the finishing blow.
The last team to be alive wins, furthermore, the players of the teams to die first will be put on the other 2 teams. Maybe you could have teams of 4 persons and 6 when one moneyball has died?
wonderful idea, make it with small teams (3-4 people) 10 minutes, no moneyball destruction (instead, you just count moneyball damage). small arenas with a big central wall, and big arenas with a big, central, messy fragfest. third team is yellow color and called bright nukes or something like that. nda two-players-per-team mode with small arenas so i can make full use of my split screen options. and maybe a 4 teams 2-on-2 mode with a fourth green team? ok, that's just overkill.
A problem i see arising is that once a team's money ball gets downed it never gets back up as theres 2 teams trying to hit it.
4 teams. If you destroy the adjacent money ball you win. The other 2 teams would help out the team with their shields down.
there wouldnt be any more lag than there already is it would just be like 3 teams of 4 or 4 teams of 3