Multi-input/multi-touch and in game replay.

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by asgeirom, May 29, 2013.

  1. antillie

    antillie Member

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    While I like where Dust 514 is going I'm not sure how this really applies to PA. A tank driving sim maybe?
  2. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    Battlefield style vehicle FPS where the (PA) RTS player supplies the vehicles and objectives?

    We appear to have veered quite tangentially from the original question, however this is something I think an awful lot of gamers quite like the sound of. I liked (the updated) Battlezone and Battlezone 2 for providing an RTS / vehicle FPS hybrid, where I could build loads of units and control them top-down, or jump into one of the vehicles and lead the charge myself. I've also played a couple of games where one player would be the "commander" and have a top-down view to issue orders to the team, and the other players are all playing an FPS. I'm struggling to remember the names though (unless you count the single-player tower defense part of Black Ops 2).

    Certainly out of scope for PA at release, however I would happily contribute to another kickstarter if Uber wanted funding to make an FPS plugin mod.

    Haven't tried out Dust 514, even though I do play EVE, however as I understand it, the interaction between the 2 is pretty minimal beyond "plz airstrike kkthx", and you can only do it in frigates. Given the scale differences I understand why they've done that, but it seems a little counter-intuitive that you need to bring big ships (with big guns) along to protect your frigates, so the frigates can shoot at the planet with their space peashooters. :|

    Granted, if you let people hammer the planet with doomsday weapons from supercaps, they'd need to borrow PAs planetary deformation engine to render the result :mrgreen:
  3. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Why would you need big ships to protect your frigates? A small gang of frigates is perfectly capable of owning a small gang of cruisers or battleships in a fight or simply out running almost anything that they can't kill. Fleet composition, individual ship fits, pilot skill, and the circumstances of the engagement are far and away more important than what size classes the ships happen to be.

    Back on topic though the Dungeon Keeper games were also RTS/FPS hybrids and they were great fun. I really like the idea of being able to play something like Mechwarrior to play as a unit in a PA match. However this is so far outside the scope of PA that I think massive mods are the only way that it might ever happen.
  4. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    I know, but you can get interdictor gangs that can own frigate gangs and stop them from running, etc. etc.

    I'm just too chicken to risk it I guess ;)

    Absolutely, you'd be edging into total conversion territory for that kind of thing, and it would be an awful lot of work. It's also not worth starting until at least late beta or release, just so you know you have a stable baseline to start the work from.

    You know, I think I'm nearly as excited to get hold of the modding info as getting hold of the game itself. I'm normally far too lazy to look forward to stuff that will give me more work though :?
  5. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Hu? Dictor bubbles don't shut off MWD's and dictors have bad DPS/tank anyway. I suppose they might beat a T1 frig gang. But if the frigs are AFs they will shred the dictors. If either side had support from logistic frigates that would probably turn the battle on its own.

    I am a bit anxious to try and make some basic tanks myself.

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