Nice!! Those mannequins are looking goooood :{) The Uberent Gents 'staches are starting to come in. I know a few are going for a handlebar look while others are going for a sweet Ron Jeremy look. More pictures to come soon!
My wife actually liked my old full goatee I had for a long time.. so we'll see, the riker beard may stick around for a while.
Hey now, see how I put those in quotes?? I mean, true, I could have just done that to make it look like Forrest said it.... true... But no! I swear he said this! I swear!! and yes, hehe - I do like facial hair
Just posted 2 more pics to the Movember page for Uberent Gents:
Gaf is a hard act to follow. Even now that I'm following the rules and have a proper "adult entertainment" stache coming in, I just can't manage that kind of epicness.