Squeee! We just got a new member! He's not an Uber employee, but he's certainly gonna sport a mustache for our team Welcome Joseph Saulnier! And if anyone else wants to join the team, please feel free! Anyone can join - ANYONE
I would so love to join in, but i can't loose the facial combo. Also there's a saying here in Australia!! If ya dad doesn't have a beard ya got two mums!!
November 1st is Shave The Date - The day to clean shave your whole face in preparation of the awesome 'stache you are about to grace your face with. This clean shaven face may be shocking to see, but in time it will grow whiskers and you will be more than manly - you will be a Movember Man! Thanks again to all who've volunteered to support this cause! The month of Movember is for Men! Men's Health is just as important as women's so why should they get a whole month just for themselves? Growing your mustache for Movember shows that you care about Men's Health and taking care of yourself; going to the doctor and getting yourself checked out. Keeping healthy is important and I'm happy you are all supporting your health and the health of the guys around ya. Thanks again and Happy Halloween!!
It is TIIIIIIIME!!! Today is November 1st in the Uber office and that marks the first day of Movember! We'll be taking a group photo later today to show off the clean shaven faces I'll try to take as many pics as possible to show off the Mo progress, but we will also take weekly pics to post to the Movember site. If you want to check it out, just head to http://us.movember.com/team/1054377
Scathis' whole head is hairless for now. haha Do the dudes know which style they are aiming for? I seen Tim is going for The Trucker.
I also missed the picture. I was in a meeting, even though I set the 2PM picture time. Doh! I'll be in the next shot. But as I am normally clean shaven, I look no different.