Most Underpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 25, 2010.


Most Underpowered Class?

  1. Assassin

    87 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    19 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    10 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    80 vote(s)
  5. Support

    18 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    6 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    108 vote(s)
  1. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Hmm, Now that i think about it, Tanks are def the most disadvantaged. They don't even have enough armour to get up close to do their damage. It's allways fair when the tank is close, but why would you Let him get close?
  2. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    has anyone ever noticed that it takes like 100 hits with a railgun to juice up
    changing that to like 50 hits is about the only buff the tank needs
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    You should try playing as a Sniper; once you upgrade to explosive rounds you get juice just about every 10th shot. Sadly, the juice gain rates are anything but balanced and Snipers, Assassins, and Supports (in that order) have the easiest time gaining juice. Heck, if you don't get juice 5+ times a match as a Sniper you are doing something very wrong. Hopefully the juice gain rates get adjusted soon.
  4. yoshi1hero

    yoshi1hero New Member

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    What happened last night?

    The game has been becoming more and more glitchy. The firebases shooting you across the map when you're invisible that I can live with. However when I played today the game was really geting messed up. I joined my party of actually skilled players as I usauly do. The game will usauly have me on the oppisite team the first time. I try my best but it's really hard to beat a team with teamwork by yourself. I lost as expected having a 1 kill 2 death ratio when I am starting to get use to my 5 kill 1 death ratio. I tried the assassin class but it wasn't working. My lounges couldn't be followed up by a graple and It wouldn't let me grapple tanks. My arms went thourgh them again and again.
    I tried the gunner. he would slam as soon as he saw me lounging and aparently you cant grapple a slaming gunner. Was annoyed but kept on playing. I went thourgh a alot matches but the game never put any of my party with me or put me with them. Why does it always sacrifice me. It's not appreciated when one gets killed from behind a your bunch of chickens look then move forward. Please stop sacrificing me and fix that grapple it's gonna drive me insane.
  5. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    I personally think if the tanks burn damage did more, thats all I'd ask for. Also speaking of silly bugs, as a Tank, smart assassins dont grapple me. When this happens I always try to save whose being grappled, and even when I do, they die from nothing, or it gives the assassin the kill.
  6. Ghst

    Ghst New Member

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    In my opinion, assassins need a bit tweaking in damage. Melee should be more effective and assassinations should be one-shot kills. Also sniper does a little low damage and with lag issues moving targets are sometimes immortal.
  7. halfcrazy

    halfcrazy New Member

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    IMHO the tank is the most underpowered, but only slightly. I suspect that the Death Blossom fix in the upcoming patch will correct any balance issues with the tank.
  8. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I am totally not surprised to see that the two best pushers (read: Game winners) in the game are listed as the most underpowered classes. Gotta love the death match mentality people always prioritize in objective based games. (Voted for balance, btw).

    When I'm split up from my buddies, and placed on an inferior team, I'll pick one of these two if I want a chance at winning, especially since the tank can solo the money ball, and the assassin can spend almost 30% of the game with juice. My K/D will be about even, but i'll have 100+ bot kills and 15-25 turrets by the end of the game.
  9. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    When this poll was first put up most people had not really figured out how to play tank.
    I think I fought my first decent tank after I had been playing for 3 weeks.

    Most people seem to agree that the large number of ninja wannabe fanboys voted for assassin because they want invisibility, one hit kills, and survivability on top of everything else (I demand you make this character more like the commando or the spy from another game).

    I still say the gunner needs a bit of love as any skill from another class would be better than his grapple (not including passive abilities for weapons he does not have). Having only one and a half skills to use against other pros is quite sad.
  10. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    "Ninja Wannabe Fanboys?"

    Way to discredit the quality players.

    To disagree is one thing but name calling those who disagree with you doesn't add to your argument.

    Every class has an effective counter for assassins. They're pretty weak against good teams.

    There is a reason why "most" assassins have the worst K/d ratio with very little money.

    The assassin is one of the unique reasons people bought this game, but its a very skill demanding class in comparison to the other classes.
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I think the gunner needs:
    -A better/different bot spawn
    -Something that replaces grapple (but does NOT add mobility)

    He is in an interesting spot though, because his weapons are incredibly strong and suit him well. I don't think he is underpowered, but he is poorly designed in regards to grapple, which makes it difficult to give him a new skill and still be balanced.

    I'm wondering what would happen if we gave the gunner an "Armor Lock-like" ability from Halo. The gunner takes a knee and becomes invulnerable to ALL damage/knockbacks/grapples (but not other CC) for 1/2/3 seconds. Targets who attack the gunner have their attack and/or movement speeds slowed by x for x seconds (maybe have them stack more for the more damage they attempt to put on the gunner). The gunner would not regen health (without high enough endorsements) or gain juice during this time, but would be capable of being healed (but maybe not overhealed?) by a support.

    Maybe allow him to regen his other skills (but not armor lock) while he is locked.

    No idea what balance implications this would have on the game, but it certainly would be different and would solve the issue of his grapple without making him more mobile.
  12. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The reason for the perception of the class being underpowered is that a well played assassin against a competent opposition will likely not have a high (or even positive) kill death ratio, but should absolutely be leading her team in earnings (or be very close).

    In my experience, a well played assassin FORCES the other team to leave at LEAST 2 players on defense at all times, and can single handedly keep the money ball from ever going back up once it goes down. The defense can't just be supports either, because her cloak counters the heal hurt gun, and her juice will wreck the turrets and firebases faster than they can build/heal them.

    If her team is turtling, she can simply cloak to the other side of the map and kill the bot waves as they spawn. The other team will be unable to push until they back track and deal with her.

    All of the classes have an easy counter to her IF SHE ENGAGES THEM FROM THE FRONT. NONE of the classes have an effective counter against a hit and run pusher assassin unless the Assassin makes a mistake. The closest things are classes with area denial skills (assault's bomb, support's firebase, sniper's ice traps).

    Nothing vital is changing about her other than her ability to effectively kill a support camping a firebase, but other classes were already more proficient at her than that (HI, I'M A TANK).

    The only thing that might really make us Assassin lovers cry is if Dagger's lunge damage is being completely nerfed rather than switching with the sword's. Even then, we will still be amazing for pushing, winning games, and penetrating the enemy lines.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Not really... have you actually been on Xbox Live very long? I mean no disrespect but there are a lot of posts out there about the the "poor assassin". I'm one of the first to agree assassins need to be able to set off ice traps at range but have you read the dribble that the assassin community has put forth? Sorry for the confusion if you felt that I was putting you in with that lot.
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I agree with you 100% on these two changes. Anything else would make him too strong.

    The grapple is poorly thought out considering he is so slow. You're automatically gimped vs every other pro because this one skill is not going to have a purpose 90% of the time. If you use a speed endorsement to try and make it work your gun is gimped and that's even worse. I wouldn't have a problem with the grapple if he either received passive grapple damage reduction for actually buying his grapple (even then I still might not buy it) or if it had some ability to suck in nearby players to grab them. I agree he probably should not have mobility.... as much as I would love it. But he doesn't need a red grapple button as he already has a grapple with the mortar. Deploy is neat, but against pros you really don't want to use it most of the time either. Slam is your close range panic button. All the gunner's skills are extremely situational and as a result you must do practically everything with your weapons.

    Every class besides the gunner has either an escape speed burst or something they can leave behind to claim territory on the map. Some have both but the gunner has neither. I've said it before and I'll say it again... he should have big mines as wide as his body that he drops on the ground (similar to the sniper's trap mechanic in number, but having different effects). They wouldn't do a lot of damage, but they should kill a blackjack that steps on it when upgraded. They would be crappy, but it would be something worth buying.

    As for the bouncer... I hate them so much. They are a waste of $100 except for an extremely small percent of the time (unless of course you could call them in by remote). I'd rather pay $200 to spawn 4 gremlins or 1 gapshot.
  15. HellKnightX

    HellKnightX New Member

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    As much as I love this game to death, I have to express my sincere personal disappointment with the developers nerfing the Assassin and Tank in the upcoming patch, effectively making the other "overpowered" classes better.

    But that's not where my disappointment ends. After wading through 34 pages of trolling and heated arguments in the patch notes thread, not once did the devs step in to offer any consolation or explanation for their decision. The thread was alive for more than 2 months before being closed.

    This poll should be a conclusive representation of the community's thoughts and opinions on the balance of the game. Out of the 3 classes getting nerfed in the upcoming patch, 2 of them are the top 2 most "underpowered" classes according to this poll. This is a perfect example of the developers not listening or responding to the community (who acknowledged reading the entire thread, but chose not to address such a controversial issue), which is what I find to be very sad. On a lighter note, the rest of the patch notes are fantastic, and I eagerly await those fixes.
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The tank spin attack is a buff not a nerf as you get more damage with a full clip. Unless of course you think it's fair to use almost an entire clip of jetgun and then do full damage with the spin.

    The patch changes the dagger charge to what it is supposed to be and the sword lunge now does the damage the dagger lunge used to do. That's a huge improvement. Cloaking while grappling is so lame and I can't wait for it to end. You're supposed to be vulnerable during the grapple animation as it kills everyone except a tank before they can respond. How about we half the damage and you can cloak during the grapple? I'd personally prefer that. The assassin is also getting a huge buff for missed grapples. You should not even mention the other assassin exploits in this discussion as they will only hurt you.

    In case you missed it almost 40% of players voted that the support class was overpowered. Right now the rate of fire endorsement has no effect on the hurt gun's rate of fire. I have to wonder if the weapon is currently working as though everyone had gold RoF for healing and hurting.
  17. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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  18. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Let me first say, i am quite unfamiliar with playing the tank (as in 5 minutes of gametime). But i can imagine i would almost empty my jetgun before doing a last effort spin a lot of times. That won't work as well now, but maybe that is not a tactic used by tanks anyway.

    If the Lunge damage on the assassin are switched instead of nerfed, then you are right. But as i read, they are nerfed.

    I am not arguing that the cloak during grapple should not be removed. But it does mean the assassin as it's being played now will be weaker, thus a nerf. The boost that you can re-grapple faster is almost a non-factor for me. I would rather have the reload time for the grapple shortened.

    On the support, that is indeed the question. But if the silver RoF increases the effectiveness on the gun, then i believe it to be a boost.

    Not that all that is said:
    I believe all the classes are currently balanced (including Tank and Assassin), with the exception of the Sniper, which i feal is slightly overpowered.

    After the update, i think the assassin will be underpowered, but still usefull.
  19. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The tank is not getting nerfed. At the least, it is switching the order he does damage around. I thought I read that the new death blossom will 1 shot assassins and snipers with no armor (after adding the burn damage effect), but I might be imaging that. Death blossom being buffed will make him even MORE of the strongest juiced character in the game than he already was, as it will now likely one hit kill any class except maybe a fully upgraded and armored tank.

    What it will nerf is the tank's ability to do combos like: Charge > Jet gun half clip > Death Blossom. But if full clip death blossom is stronger, you will possibly have more damage output from the two burst nuke sources in a shorter amount of time than the listed combo which includes a dps source as well.

    As for the assassin, she is getting a well deserved cloak while grappling nerf, and possibly an undeserved nerf if they completely remove dagger lunge's damage from the game instead of swapping it with sword. The buff to missed grapple penalty reduction is huge for her. Regardless, none of these changes weaken her strongest assets and usual role on any team. Other than the possible removal of high damage from both sword and dagger lunge, none of the good assassins I play with are worried about the patch, and are looking forward to it.
  20. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Being able to instantly kill someone with no risk is hardly fair. Being able to grapple cloak and not give turrets a chance to shoot you is pretty overpowered. It's part of the designed limit for the class. The lunge change only makes sense as the dagger should not be doing more damage than the upgraded sword (that's basically what bgolus said). I looked and realized that players wanted the sword and dagger damaged reversed (not devs). If you feel the sword damage is terrible, then you are going to hate the new dagger damage. Or maybe you'll just buy the sword like everyone else?

    Just for clarity sake... which classes do you feel are overpowered? Support is getting nerfed (hacked turret rush certainly needed to go) but we don't know how bad it will be. That leaves the assault sniper and gunner. The assault is just average in most categories; his greatest asset are the bomb and charge. The gunner has powerful weapons and the worst skills in the game (one great, one extremely situational and one that may as well not exist). I will grant you that the sniper is overpowered; his one shortcoming is a terrible bot (but this is shared by both the tank, gunner, and possibly the assault).

    That's the thing.... just about every tank has learned the charge jet, spin combo. If this trick is your bread and butter I imagine it will feel like a nerf. If you've been on both ends of this trick I think you would have not have been surprised to see it disappear. I'm actually doubtful that you'll be doing more damage in less time with two spins compared to half a clip and a spin. The change is most likely inspired by just how much damage this combo can do in a short period of time.

    Both of these changes remind me of a little game called Diablo II. A lot of people discovered that the blood golem was stealing way more life than it should and were consequently nearly immortal. Some people realized it was broken and didn't abuse it (because they knew it would be fixed later). Other people ruined their characters because they decided to take advantage of the skill while it was broken.

    Your old reflexes might need some updating with the patch, but I think we'll still see you in the locker room and on the field.

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