Most Underpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 25, 2010.


Most Underpowered Class?

  1. Assassin

    87 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    19 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    10 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    80 vote(s)
  5. Support

    18 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    6 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    108 vote(s)
  1. Quazikill

    Quazikill New Member

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    I submitted assassin. I don't feel like they are "underpowered" per say, but they do have the biggest learning curve of all the other classes. When I first started playing, I could not play sniper or assassin worth a crap. Since then, I've learned to play the sniper with ease (coming from BF:BC2, sniping was a LOT different). Until recent, I've learned how to master the assassin class and I refuse to play another class unless assassin has already been picked on my team. I feel that they are just so weak, but you have to learn/adapt to the situation, but they are a great instrument and asset to the team if they are in skilled hands.

    There are a lot of easy-mode (Note: NOT OP) classes (gunner and assault). I've played every class extensively and support is my least favorite, but not the most underpowered (healing isn't my thing).
  2. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Why would you vote for a class that you think is just harder to learn how to play but not underpowered?

    If you felt it was weaker then vote for it.... all you're doing is helping to make things look out of proportion.
  3. Quazikill

    Quazikill New Member

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    Well they are the weakest class, obviously that is why I voted for them. And the next patch isn't exactly helping assassin's either. Assassin's are too easy to kill with any class as long as you have hands. I apologize if you felt like I needed to explain in depth every single reason I feel they are underpowered.
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The poll specifically asked which class is the most underpowered and you stated, and I quote, "I don't feel like they are underpowered." I do understand that they are the weakest class as they have the least amount of health and arguably take the most skill to play well but that does not make them underpowered in any way.

    If your opinion is contrary to your previous statement them please feel free to explain further but for now you have only cited reasons why they are more difficult to play, not reasons why they are underpowered.
  5. Quazikill

    Quazikill New Member

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    Ok, for starters, I said at the beginning of my last reply, they are the weakest class (weakest as in health wise, sorry if that was unclear). I understand they have no armor, but being able to take a couple more bullets wouldn't kill the game imo either if they decided to give them a slight health boost. Perhaps even a slight increase of damage output on the sword wouldn't hurt either... I never upgrade to the sword because it seems to me that the dagger does a hell of a lot more damage (lunge and regular RT)...again, just my opinion, which is what a poll is for.
  6. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The dagger lunge is currently glitched and does indeed deal more damage than the sword lunge but this will be fixed in the upcoming patch. As for having too little health just run a Gold Armor endorsement like most of us, that is the point of having a custom class. Again, nothing you have stated leads me to believe that the Assassin is underpowered so why vote for them in a poll asking which class is the most underpowered?
  7. Quazikill

    Quazikill New Member

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    Haha, I voted for them because that's how I feel. I don't need your permission to vote nor do I have to convince you for the reason why I chose assassin. I also know that the dagger is glitched...I spend half the time at work up here on these forums because I have nothing else to do, I've read at least the first 3 pages of every topic. You don't have to like my reasons for thinking they're underpowered. We all have our own opinions. If you feel it's necessary for me specifically to go more in depth, I'm sorry but I will not. Ask some of the people that strictly say "assassin cuz they die too quick, and they suck, and grapple never lands, etc." Have a good day, sir.
  8. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I voted for Assassin

    As an Assassin, Dash isn't entirely 100% useful, i mainly just use it to run between the bots spawn location to spawn gremlins. Sure it can be used for escape purposes but thats mainly what the smoke bomb is used for. If it added maybe a cool ability at level 3 then it would be something i would upgrade, but i never even upgrade to level 2 dash its that pointless to me. And by cool ability i mean by example Level 3 cloak gives you all crits for the Shuriken Launcher while leaving Cloak for one clip.

    Cloak, i rarely upgrade this skill past level 2. I'm never on the enemy's side of the map to be cloaked that long for a level 3 cloak. It does give the cool ability of crits at level 3, which i like. Although they are usually only good at Deployed players and turrets. Cloak is fine i think.

    Smoke bomb, its special ability to 'blind' players is pointless, I've yet to find an Assassin who does the smoke bomb just to blind an enemy player. Jumping out of a situation is great, but there are many times, many times where the smoke bomb just isn't fast enough to escape. I know how a lot of you will say that who cares, they shouldn't be able to escape anyway, but with the Assassin having such low health (Even with Gold Armor) that they do need a way to escape. Which this escape is pointless against Tanks, Assaults, Gunners, and Sniper who know how to charge/grapple right after our grapple while our smoke bomb goes off, but they grappled before being able to jump in the air.

    Grappling, now i know they are buffing and nerfing this in the patch, but i won't discuss the patch, this poll is about right now so thats what we will talk about. Grappling, as an Assassin the cooldown is ridiculous after a successful grapple (every other class's grapple is a shorter cooldown). And you would think that the Assassin's main ability is grapple that it would be the strongest right? Nope you have some stupid twig(Sniper) who has the strongest grapple in the game. And how of all things the Assault's charge/grapple's cooldown is very very short in comparison to the Assassin's.

    Sword - They don't do much unless someone is wearing a Gold Endorsement which doesn't happen as often as you think. I never upgrade my passive even to level 2 just for that fact, unless there are 2+ players on the other team with Gold Armor.

    The fact is nearly all of the Assassin's abilities are not good enough to spend the money on it, it just isn't which of course makes it much harder to fight against players who actually have good abilities.

    Also if you are being grappled by an Assassin and you have a teammate near you, they can easily kill the Assassin before their grapple is finished (saving your life) or very close after, which eliminates the whole Assassin's game of run in, grab a quick kill, run out and then push another lane.

    I picked Assassin because of every class they are the most underpowered (probably tied with tanks) Just for the fact because their abilities is near pointless which makes it tougher to play with less usable abilities.
  9. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Tbh, I find lag affects playing Tank far more than it does assasain.

    Also, why can an assault kill a tank at range in 2 seconds, and a sniper kill an armour 2, passive 3 tank with the uzi at a fair range in 2 clips? Hes needs some serious love guys. More something, more health, more damage, more range. Just something
  10. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    Actually, lag DOES affect the assassin more, simply because the assassins main damage comes from grappling people, and if you can't grapple, you don't do damage.

    But the tank does have its fair share of downfalls. There are very few good players that use it, and most of them are people that play on teams with a support constantly overhealing them. One of the major problems of the tank is that it doesn't have enough firepower. The railgun does it's share of damage, but it's too slow (though, for a secondary weapon, that's perfectly fine). The problem is that the jetgun has too short of a range. I think that you should get some sort of range amplifier with an upgrade or something. Being able to only shoot 2 feet in front of you and do minimal damage is sort of meh, even if you are perceived as a damage soaker.
  11. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Im a good tank. I usually end up 25-3/6 with about 50 bot kills, a few turret builds and a few turret kills, the problem is you have to be better than your opposition. By which I mean if a good tank comes up against a good anything else your screwed.

    Have you used a lagging tank? You can fire and entire jetgun at someone, get hit sounds and visual the whole time only for them to take no damage. At least when the assasain gets lucky and gets a lag grapple they die mostly
  12. Master_Scorn

    Master_Scorn New Member

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    Assassin has some bug problems with its grapple. Some time I can grapple from like a mile away, and then other times i cant even grapple from point blank range. Pretty sure its lag but still, not 100% sure. Grapple wait needs to be reduced, and maybe a little bit of armor up. and why is it that the assassin seems to be made of balloons? with even the slightest knock back they are sent flying halfway accross the field and off the other edge for an almost free "Ring out".

    I dont play the tank much so I dont really know there problems i'm just pitching in what i noticed.
  13. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Oh, tanks. Yes the TANK the heaviest slowest mo-fo in the game get knocked just as far as assasains which I think is really rediculous
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Hahaha, tanks don't even remotely get thrown as far as Assassins do, quick experiment, give it a try for me. Go in a private match with a friend, Switch off as Tank and Assassin standing on an Ejector, almost every time the Assassin will be thrown miles! Tank.. moves nearly a few yards. Same as Gunners slam, and for the grapple throws, i made a forum about how heavier characters shouldn't be thrown as far and the Devs confirmed that it already does that, just not a significant difference, other than that the tank does not got nearly as far as an Assassin.
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Tank doesn't get knocked as far, but still plenty far to get ringed out frequently
  16. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Maybe not as far as an assasain but its still bloody miles. Charge grapple+sniper grapple can throw you accross the map in ammo mule. Literally across the map, its happened to me.
  17. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    This. Most other classes you can 'lead' them, in aiming where they are heading. This doesn't seem to work with the tank though. I've gone against a support, with him spamming his hurt gun, unable to hit him back due to lag. In the end I just charge spam back to my base, hoping I don't die.

    At least when the assassin is lagging they arn't the centre of attention, due to invisibility and moving 5x as fast as us :p
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I dunno about that sakori... once people know there's an assassin about they tend to chase you until either they die, you die or the world ends. I'm constantly surprised at the tenacity of people to chase down an assassin once spotted, often at the expense of more important things like the entire enemy team, people shooting them, jackbots, etc XD
  19. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    That actually nets me a good number of kills as assassin. I usually set up a level 3 laser turret right away, so I just lead people into that if they feel like chasing me to the end of the earth
  20. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    well, if you're talking lag, assassin can't run, and if they can, it's laggy and usually slower than the walk.

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