Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    The firebase will still shoot the assassin because the shots that hit during the time you are cloaking the hits will reveal the assassin for the firebase so it will keep shooting. And if anything this change will make supports having to worry less about his surroundings.
  2. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    The assassin is going to be blatantly useless if its lunge attack is nerfed and if it can't actually kill anyone near a laser turret or firebase. It makes them utterly useless. This is a nerf to probably the weakest class. Very, very stupid indeed.

    The fact the assassin can cloak before the grapple ends is the only thing which allows her to survive in a lot of cases. This is an enormous nerf - and the lunge attack too. Both nerfs, together, will kill the assassin class. Probably the last class which needed any nerfing.
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The Assassin is the most mobile class in MNC. She is also able to access any area on the map without ever having upgraded a skill or purchased a jump pad. Her Shurikens are also the only weapon besides the Sniper's rifle that do not lose damage over range and they can be force crit'ed with Cloak 3. She is also one of only three classes that can OHKO any class with one exception. Add to that her ability to disable turrets and clear an entire base with Juice and I still don't see the issue. Nope Assassins will be just fine.
  4. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    You forgot the fact that she can be 2-hit by about any class. She goes the furthers from any grapple-throw or ejector. Many back grapple become front grapple and is a death for the Assassin. Smoke bomb doesn't always work. Hum is loud which = easily detecting Assassin. Every class has a counter for an Assassin. YOU'RE RIGHT!!! NERF ASSASSINS OMG!!! Support which you would think has low health, can't even be a OHK from the back if they have Gobi-Numb, same as Assault and Gunner.
  5. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    First, get your facts straight. With Passive 3 the Assassin can OHKO any class except the Tank and they require a Gold/Silver Armor endorsement to survive (Silver requires Passive 3 for the Tank I believe). Even the Tank will die if lunged first or hit with a few Shurikens initially/afterwards. With a Gold Armor and no Passive 3 for the Assassin sure, the Assault, Gunner and Support can Survive a back grapple but again this can easily be remedied.

    Furthermore every class has a counter for almost every other class anyway so using this logic proves nothing. The only class I can think of that does not have a proper counter for another is the Support for the Sniper and even that is situational at best. Overall the Assassin is just fine and will actually require a bit of strategy to use instead of simply running around grappling without any real forethought.
  6. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    What is your main class?
  7. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I'm level 87 and have fairly equal time spent playing Assassin, Assault, Gunner and Support. If the game has excessive lag I mainly play Support (Firebase is server side) or Gunner (bullet hose > aiming) however. I always try to fill in the gaps for my team which means that I have been playing mostly Assault or Gunner of late (way too many Assassins and Supports per team!).

    EDIT: Also, my custom Assassin is G: Armor, S: RoF, B: Skill.
    Last edited: August 30, 2010
  8. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Uh... I'm pretty sure you already have to be aware of your surroundings to backgrab, else you'll get a gunner or tank kicking your rear during/after the grab, cloaked or not. Not to mention the countless times I've backgrabbed a fellow assassin by patiently waiting for them to finish their own grapple animation.

    The only difference this makes is in regards to turrets and bots, which I could've done without frankly. Supports with firebases are already a nightmare as is. I can back-grapple most people with a lunge but most supports fidget around their firebase like a japanese kid with epilepsy during an episode of Pokemon so hitting them with a grab at all is difficult, nevermind guaranteeing it's a backgrapple. Throwing a smokebomb down just makes them worse; they start hopping around like a flea on crack.

    I enjoy the assassin and do well with them but I feel the effort it takes to keep myself in the top 3 as assassin is already currently above what's required from most other classes (I sat in the base as support and got second place in our team without even trying, and the enemy never got in even once while the rest of the team pushed forward.)

    I'll need to dabble with the other classes more but on the surface it feels like assassins just require more work in general to do their job well and are even more restricted than most in how they deal with enemies and what enemies are 'viable'. If they really do stop us cloaking during grapple then I'm just going to outright leave supports alone the minute they get that miniature terror put down and I'm not sure how well I'm going to do at taking out someone pushing a lane anymore without the bots with them shredding me to death as I deal the killing blow.

    Maybe they should give the assassin the ability to just commit seppuku at this rate? Ok slight exaggeration but you get the point :p
  9. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Combine with easy mode kill power, gunner is also able to decimate a base defense without having to wait on skill cooldowns. He can also out damage support's heal on turrets when sporting a rate of fire endorsement for the mortar.

    The gunner is a one man army. The hardest fights I've ever had were teams running 4-5 gunners with the reaming 1-2 as support. The only solid counter to this is being a better gunner/support combo on your team. Sure, any class can handle a gunner... but it becomes almost game breaking (for enjoyment) when there's a second gunner backing them up ALL THE TIME.

    Prepare for rage quit if they gunners all figure out they can mortar the turrets down at the same time. You can't even defend yourself against that.
  10. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    FYI, the Support's heal rate has also be reduced so why not take down the firebase/turret first? Again, I'm hoping that it becomes much more difficult to play an Assassin since my team always ends up with at least 2 and I almost never get the chance to play one. Heck, in one game we played against 5! Assassins. The class will be fine so why not actually play it before you start crying about it?
  11. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Because if history has taught me anything, if you wait until you try it before raising your issues then it's too late and it's unlikely to change again. Infact, the mantra of the designers on one game I worked on was "thanks for the feedback, but we'll wait until the users get their hands on it and see what they think." Long story short, that company is now dead and all I have to show for it is the words "I told you so" :p

    I appreciate that it's easy to knee-jerk reaction these things but I've thought about it for a while before having my little rant and it's not a change that I think will add anything positive. People will work around it and the world, nor the assassin class are going to end but I still view it as a bad idea and it's hard not to think that the time spent fixing this 'issue' could've been better utilised elsewhere.

    I appreciate that the assassin class has some popularity to it, but raising the already high skill bar isn't going to help anyone. All it's going to do is make more annoyed assassin wannabes and you're still not going to get a shot of it :3
    Worst case scenario, infact, is that some of the people who play assassin will stop playing the game altogether. Rather drastic, I know, but some people just fixate on stuff sometimes. Like me for example; if they got rid of the 3 characters I play in Street Fighter I'd sell the game off. Not in anger or as a 'take that!' but because I'd have no motivation to play the game any further.

    As for shurikening the base, I've noted in some situations I can already do this, but not all. In one or two games we've had two supports working together and even our assassin duo couldn't do much about it, shurikens or otherwise. We still won by just ignoring them and attacking the money ball but if they'd set up in a better position to harass the lanes then it would've been game over :eek:
  12. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Let's wait and see. For me the Assassin is a love, hate relationship. With little lag the class plays like a dream and is already powerful enough to deal with any class. Some of these changes will fix many of the glitches with the Assassin, including the ability to execute a grapple while cloaked. If this ends up making the class too weak them I'm sure they can adjust it at a later time but for now I think that being able to gain juice quickly and remove every turret in a base is enough of an advantage for one class.
  13. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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  14. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Snipers are a bit tricky depending on where they are positioned. If they are all the way back in their base you know that they will have freeze traps galore all over their upper level so the best strategy is to use your Shurikens when they are distracted and take them down with a single clip before they have a chance to move. You can even force crit them using Cloak 3 to make sure they work effectively.

    If the Sniper is floating around the middle, again you need to note the area and look for any traps. If they are standing on top of them you will gain need to use your Shurikens to force them to move or have another class put them under fire. If not, you can simply Smoke Bomb jump and grapple them quickly.

    More often than not Shurikens are your best weapon when facing a Sniper. I don't know why so few Assassins use them effectively. Perhaps they don't have the 'cool' factor that the grapple does but then again you can use them from any distance and it is often easy to get a flanking position on a Sniper.
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Believe me, I use my shurikens a lot, but a good sniper will easily just take a single step in any direction and ignore all damage from the slow moving shurikens.

    Against a good sniper, it's almost impossible to counter him. It just seems like an unfair matchup if snipers win at all ranges against a CLOSE RANGED assassin.
  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    The slow speed is irrelevent if they don't see them coming. The RoF is all that matters as it determines how tightly the projectiles are grouped. Get enough of them together and the Sniper will be dead before they realize it. I do realize that the Sniper is a bothersome class to deal with but if the Sniper is only watching a specific area or hiding in their base they are giving you free reign to destroy all of their turrets. Despite popular belief the Assassin's role is not limited to killing Pros.
  17. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Despite popular belief, assassins tend to, well, ASSASSINATE.

    I know, hard to understand.
  18. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    And this is how ignorance is born. Every class is more than just its namesake. What if the class was called a Ninja, would you expect them to be Ninja'ing? Seriously, any Assassin that spends the majority of their time trying to Assassinate other Pros is a hindrance to their team. Watch this video..., it is a great example of an Assassin at work.

    Yes, using the Cloak to get behind enemy lines is a very critical part of this class but the point is to take down their defenses and cause disorganization for the other team allowing your team to take advantage of the situation. Sure, you can kill an enemy Pro in the process but doing strictly that is doing the class a disservice.
  19. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I gurantee I know way more than you at being an assassin.

    I'm not a ****ing idiot. I know they kill bots. They can also kill other pros! You're not limited to killing bots only, sorry.

    And really, the assault has an assault rifle, the support supports with his healing, the gunner, well is the main gunner, the tank is a tank, the sniper has a sniper.

    So you're telling me the assassin is the one exception?
  20. Baaay

    Baaay New Member

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    ok i love this game but now its starting to piss me the $%# off, why you might ask its because of snipers
    1-Because they do to much dmg even if its not a head shot
    2-if i play as a tank,gunner they can still get a head shot through my back,through my amor
    3-they can have 4 traps (which there is no way to get out of a frost trap so its easy kill for them) out at 1 time and there guarded but base turrets
    4-they do more dmg to my 3.3 firebase then i can heal or any thing so they can wipe out all my turrets and i cant heal them fast then they can do dmg which just ruines it for my becasue i like to play Differences Support but theres no point now
    5-there grapple is the strongest in the game to like WTF is with that

    Some of you might say why dont i just play a sniper i have its easy kills but its boring as hell

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