Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. DAlicious

    DAlicious New Member

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    If anyone is overpowered it's the Gunner, though not by much. The minigun is fine, not all weapons should be the same and it can be countered. And his combination of health and speed force him to have to be careful. Not to mention somebody has to be the best class for killing other pros, why not the gunner?

    What drives me nuts is the mortar damage against turrets. I play Tank as my main, but on ammo mule arena i play gunner sometimes. And it pisses me off knowing how hard I work as a tank to get close enough to people to kill them, then a combination of product grenade and getting up close to the turret to kill it (and often get killed by someone else afterwards as i get weakened). Then I play ammo mule as a gunner, butcher a few other pros from a distance with half a seconds fire. Then proceed to mortar the turret from a safe distance halfway across the map with 6-7 shots. In my opinion, it should take more mortar fire than it currently does to destroy turrets. I can't agree with one of the better classes at killing enemy pros to also be the bestter class at removing turrets.

    As far as support goes, I don't really think it's overpowered. I don't play it (much), don't have too much trouble with enemy supports - And I watch my buddy play it, he is good at the game. It can produce very pretty statlines. But over time I've come to believe that Supports tend to just reap the benefits of how the game is going anyways. If your team is better than the other, doing well, harassing them at their base. The support is able to pretty safely set up and get a ton of kills with his firebase, his missiles, destroy enemy turrets, etc while you're pressing them. I don't feel like they're actually good at pushing the other team though. I think they are fairly well balanced, just that in games where a moneyball is being besieged for a while they will run up ridiculous looking statlines - they're just likely not responsible for you being besieged in the first place.
  2. quaabi

    quaabi New Member

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    the reason ppl think classes are OP is because you guys receive the "D" by most of them,
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I play as a support all of the time and I will be the first to admit that the class has some huge advantages. Not everyone gets 'pwned' by a class in order to think that it is overpowered.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    So you voted for support AND assassin right? With the sword upgrade the assassin has a golden sword against everyone but tanks.
  5. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    If they can get behind me, I deserve what's coming. The Assassin does need adjusting however but for other reasons.
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The support air strike is way easier to evade than invisible assassins. The cool down for left trigger instant kill is 15 seconds while the air strike timer is four times as long!

    I wouldn't mind if the assassin had a cursed upgrade like the gunner. Say for example buying the level 3 sword upgrade made her cloak less than perfect invisibility.
  7. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    lolwut? Even when standing still a cloaked assassin is difficult to see, yes, but still entirely visible if you know what to look for (distortion in the air).
  8. Gate88

    Gate88 New Member

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    Medics are probably the most over powered.

    Snipers, however, are probably the most annoying. No other class can kill instantly with little warning and little to no way to counter.
  9. Just King

    Just King New Member

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    Are you forgetting about the assassin's grapple from behind? Every class is fairly balanced, it's just those Support firebase campers that really irritate me.
  10. vashkey

    vashkey New Member

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    Cool story, bro.

    On a side note I take back my vote, Support is easily the most over powered class. Followed by the gunner.
  11. Lightwrks

    Lightwrks New Member

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    Every pro has their pros and cons. I just think Support is on a different level from the other guys. So I wouldn't say nerf him, just a tweak here and there.
  12. Duckols

    Duckols New Member

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    I don't think any of the classes are necessarily overpowered. The main balance issue I have is that the grapple move in general is far too overpowered for every class. It's just far too easy to pull off for such a powerful attack, and a lot of players use it as a crutch so that they never have to learn how to effectively use each class. I can understand the grapple being an insta-kill for the assassin, but I think it's effectiveness should be toned down for some of the other classes, specifically the sniper and assault. Sure you can have a gold armor endorsement, but the launch at the end of the grapple usually ensures that surviving the initial attack doesn't matter.
  13. Cal3e

    Cal3e New Member

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    Support, and it's not even close.

    The flipside is that it gives people an incentive to play the 'healer' class, which is traditionally the least preferred class by most players.

    Anyone arguing differently needs to play scrims or against high level opponents. By far the most versatility of any class.
  14. AutoMATTikk

    AutoMATTikk New Member

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    I think they are fairly well balanced, I just voted Support because of the No-Aim gun and the Firebase. I don't know how you can complain about the Shotgun. If its such a problem then just don't get too close.
  15. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i agree completely especially playing as a tank. i can survive the grapple its the knockback that ruins me
  16. VagaBond007

    VagaBond007 New Member

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    I voted Support for 5 reasons:
    1. Heavy damage up close (shotgun).
    2. AoE sticky insta-kill/base defense removal at range (air strike).
    3. Bot and pro destroying mobile base (3.3 turret).
    4. Juice. Seriously.
    5. Gap shots (10+ gap shots do significant damage to the opposing team).

    The whole package is pretty overwhelming when compared to what other classes offer.

    On that note, most classes attempt to effect change in the flow of the game, creating a very dynamic, exciting environment. It seems to me like Support is the only class that can literally dictate the flow of the game alone by shutting off one team's bot flow in a sustainable way (healing a 3.3 turret under a bridge). I play with a few Supports and I'm always happy to have them on my team.

    Even though the purpose of this poll was to look for OP classes, it's particularly telling that Tank only got a couple votes.
  17. Demoz71

    Demoz71 New Member

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    Support chains, all with lvl 3 Firebases, are completely unstoppable. I played several matches where two would just set up in a hallway, and our entire team could not touch them.
  18. Nfernoza

    Nfernoza New Member

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    I don't think any of the classes are overpowered at all. Sure, any class in the right hands is deadly, but I don't think that any class is too powerful.

    If anything needs to be balanced at the moment its the Overtime Juice Zerg, but that's for another topic entirely.
  19. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    I voted Sniper.

    Reason Why; Its the only class that has no counter.

    All classes are powerful but the rest have theyre counter. (i.e. Assassin < Tank < Gunner < Assassin \ Sniper etc)

    Assassins are "supposedly the counter to camping snipers but, due to lvl 3 traps and lvl 2 grapple, assassins are easy kills for decent snipers.

    If all players are equally skilled, which class is a counter to a camping sniper??
  20. Nfernoza

    Nfernoza New Member

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    A good Assault class will always take down a Sniper if they are par on skill. With Jetpacking over traps and fast/high mobility, the Assault should win 9/10 aginst the Sniper.

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