Moons of Moons?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by iron420, April 26, 2013.

  1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    That's because they would be the same, not being unique isn't a reason to not have them, and as I have explained before, they are an asteroid belt, they act like an asteroid belt.

    So your points about them being different is just you pulling at threads for a reason to say that you don't like this particular type of set up for gameplay reasons you haven't stated other then as 'non-unique'.

    By that classification we shouldn't need more then 1 planet in a system as the combat on them would all be the same, yet you have no problems with them, as to my knowledge playing on two worlds with similar biomes should yield the same experience.

    So you still have yet to provide a gameplay reason not to include them.
  2. guzwaatensen

    guzwaatensen Active Member

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    Well this whole discussion would be moot if such a button was just confirmed as existent. And i'm tempted to suggest: "Just mod it in, if it isn't there". Though that would serve no point other than to enrage you.

    As far as we know a asteroid circling a moon offers no benefit over an asteroid placed there by the player. And i think moons to the nth degree would in fact be derogatory to gameplay as the complex mechanics take focus away (suddenly moon 3 is in firing distance of the planet and you never saw it coming).

    But to be more specific, you seem to rule out moons of moons (1st order) based solely on them being not detected (yet) in our universe. And you strongly imply that you would treat other implausible phenomena with the same vehement rejection. This is where i have to disagree strongly, by this you also disentitle planet sized bodies orbiting gas giants from having their own "moon" which i can see clear gameplay benefits for. Also i see a lot of other implausible orbital scenarios that would enhance gameplay and i would like to know if your resentment for these is equally hardened.

    Some that come to mind are: Equal sized "planets" orbiting a gas giant on the same trajectory in Lagrange points. Binary planets. Binary suns (well they do not really add to gameplay but they look pretty). And most of all i'd like to see this:
    (Just with a sun in the middle)

    And on the point of breaking someones immersion, the one thing that would break mine has nothing to do with the amount of bodies. Instead I think it would look really odd if smaller bodies rotated around larger ones instead of both rotating around their common barycenter, especially if the mass difference isn't big enough to have the barycenter inside the bigger body. So I sincerely hope they include that in their simulation, but then again I also wouldn't discuss it to death if their was no confirmation either way :cool: .
  3. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    And yet here he is again. I've seen people troll threads but I think this is the 1st time I've seen a thread troll a person lol. nanolathe I'm starting to wonder what you expect the game to be like. Are you expecting to join a lobby and have the map generated on the fly right before you play? Because if PA is anything like any of it's predecessors the map will be made before the lobby is...
  4. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    I feel compelled to respond when someone directly asks me a question or directly addresses me by name. Sue me.
  5. thgr8houdini

    thgr8houdini Member

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    I look forward to playing on those as much as the ridiculous setups that I'm sure will show up (and that I'll probably want to make just for fun). That being said, I'm sure the devs will make the randomly generated systems/maps that show up be fantastic and playable and all of that.

    Given that we haven't even gotten to alpha yet, it's hard to say what will and won't be supported in-game. If you can't hop onto an asteroid and put it into orbit around a planet/moon in-game, then maybe it would open up some interesting options to have an asteroid orbiting a moon. Would create different timing windows of when each orbital body could and couldn't easily interact with another.

    Either way, looking forward to seeing it all soon!
  6. klewis5

    klewis5 Member

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    You know, a sub-satellite might have interesting side effects on a player that managed to take the moon, especially if its orbit put it between the moon and the planet. That unit cannon's not going to be much help if there's a lunar Verne Troyer parked between you and your destination at the time you plan to invade. :lol: All joking aside, I would like to see it in the generator, if only a miniscule chance. Common? No. A pleasant surprise every once in a blue moon? Sure, why not. Might open up some new strategies on that world, who knows.
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  7. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Mmmm... Blue Moons.
  8. apocatequil

    apocatequil Member

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    Hate to dig this thread up. But I was just watching a Live Stream back from November where they've already CONFIRMED moons of moons as possible with the editor. No word on if it will pop up in regular game play, but I see no reason it wouldn't be possible.

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