MoneyBall Issues, Dodging Bullets

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by HisNameIsTim, October 31, 2010.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I used to think it was my controller getting stuck but then I used a different one and noticed it was the Gunner shooting at me.
  2. HisNameIsTim

    HisNameIsTim New Member

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    also, jumping isnt even a hard thing to counter. generally, if someone has a problem with jumping all the time, catch them off guard.

    Honestly, that is close to impossible considering enemies are almost always going to be facing towards your base and towards you coming out of it.

    it would also be a good thing to post your primary class, then we could give some helpful class-specific hints as to what you could do.

    I play everything except Assassin and Tank, I never touch them except for Blitz. Everything else I excel at. Example are: 60-13-0 as sniper on AmmoMule, and recently, 41-8-0 as gunner on GreNadeIII.
  3. HisNameIsTim

    HisNameIsTim New Member

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    It's as hard to get the shields back up as it is to bring them down. This is called balance. If you needed a constant stream of bots to keep the shields down, every game would go into overtime.

    That doesn't seem too hard now as seeing you, me, and 200 other people either killfarm the base, or spam the annihilator. For Christ sake, I literally saw both my entrances clogged up with Black Jacks on Steel Peel and it wouldn't stop. Even airstrikes didn't fix it :(
  4. HisNameIsTim

    HisNameIsTim New Member

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    "also, jumping isnt even a hard thing to counter. generally, if someone has a problem with jumping all the time, catch them off guard."

    Honestly, that is close to impossible considering enemies are almost always going to be facing towards your base and towards you coming out of it.

    "it would also be a good thing to post your primary class, then we could give some helpful class-specific hints as to what you could do."

    I play everything except Assassin and Tank, I never touch them except for Blitz. Everything else I excel at. Example are: 60-13-0 as sniper on AmmoMule, and recently, 41-8-0 as gunner on GreNadeIII.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    meh, i still say that the reason bots should be necessary to keep the shields down is BECAUSE people ignore bots. they kill farm, and as soon as they juice and wreck up the base enough, they ignore the bots for the rest of the game.

    and bots are hard to kill for half the classes. they are difficult to kill too many with assault or support or assassin. any more than 4 requires some time and everything in your arsenal. tanks can just spam deathblossom and kill 12 if they are that close together.

    and turrets? once the ball is down some pros ignore turrets. thats the other problem, if you build a turret, it should bring your moneyball back up. it doesnt. if you get pros and bots out your base, it should bring your moneyball up. that also doesnt always occur. with that said, at least richocet weapons shouldnt count to keep the shields down.

    i simply said it sounds fair to have only bots keep the shield down, not n00b-tube-from-spawn pros. turtle teams cant win just by building turrets in this case: they would still need to escape the spawn (not happening in most cases), get the money and time to build and defend several turrets strong enough to do the job (2 rokkits or lvl3 lazorblazors just for the bots, tho a gunner could destroy that easily so you'd need to be able to heal turrets, which requires staying alive, which requires pros and bots out of your base...), and then hold that until the shields do return. if you do get bots out your base and build turrets, you deserve to have the shields again, despite the richocet shuriken or grenade damaging it once every 20 seconds.

    whatever fixes it, my idea sounds fine okish, as long as a team cant keep the moneyball shields down the entire game from their own base.


    grenadeIII~ you can richocet off the back-lip below the spawn-room to hit the moneyball from the first bridge outside their base. with about 3 seconds of trail and error, you can also richocet off the walls below that bridge from a farther back bridge, and hit that backwall below the spawnroom and then the moneyball.

    lazorrazor~ you can richocet off the back wall under their spawn-room to hit the moneyball from the tunnel or above the tunnel or the left walkway (behind the glass). and if your lucky you can richocet through the middle underpass of their base, bounce off a few walls and the moneyball circle, and hit the moneyball.

    ammomule~ you can richocet off the back wall under the spawn-room from the first bridges outside the base or around the walled back-area of the bridges (there is a small window opening for cover). you can also richocet off those walls with the said window in it from the middle, to hit the back wall under the spawn into the moneyball ring and finally into the moneyball.

    steelpeel~ you can hit the moneyball from the secondary base entrances (in the very back where it converges to the rest of the main arena sphere area, if you have a jetpack and railgun or the like). you can richocet off of pillars beside the moneyball from your bases entrance or the annihalator area. if your lucky, you can richocet off of the wall leading into the base, into the outside of the glass moneyball circle, into the pillar, into the moneyball.
  6. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Why is assassin in this list?
  7. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I think we both already know why.

  8. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i would focus more on objectives, if that were the case, you probably wouldnt get your ball shot down as much. and if those are your records, i have trouble believing that you have trouble with jumping as well. my personal best is around 40-5 or so, and i have never thought jumping was a problem.

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