Monday Night Hat Fortress 2!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Polynomial, January 23, 2011.

  1. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    Well, I played MNC to escape TF2...

    Brink's only a few months away.

    Jk, if they don't overdo it, I'll be okay.
  2. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    What's the difference between playing a game with an art style chosen by the developers, and playing a game with a new art style chosen by the developers.

    This game is not a gritty realistic shooter, it looks silly, why bitch and moan when the art direction decides to head somewhere instead of staying stagnant?
  3. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    Downloaded update, can't find an option to hide them, or an option to wear them, though I can't check the custom class menu yet.

    New Pro Tags called "Honors". 6 for wearing gear as each class, one for killing a Pro using that tag.

    Edit- You choose Gear while choosing your class.
  4. kurina

    kurina Member

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    No idea how you get "temper tantrum" out of a simple explanation as to why people feel the way they do. Not to mention, I am not sitting here crying the game is terrible and I will not touch it. In fact, I specifically stated I still plan to play and have fun. So not exactly sure where that is coming from. Being disappointed =/= temper tantrum.
  5. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Oh, I'm sorry did I mistake your mostly pointless, completely irrelevant pseudo-rant about changes you haven't really experienced in a game that's been out for PC for less than one hour, with ~1 month of beta for early purchasers for a temper tantrum?

    Next time please label all your posts with either [TEMPER TANTRUM] or [NOT TEMPER TANTRUM] so people don't get the two confused in the future.
  6. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    The difference is that the entire game maintains the same subdued colour palette and team coordinated armour, then people slap a bright yellow hat or ridiculous mask over the top of it.
  7. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    A reasonably valid request, but I'm not aware of any significant cosmetic item in TF2 or MNC that impedes my ability to differentiate between one team and the other
  8. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    0 ... stcount=14
    Why not just add the option to hide them locally, thus solving both sides of the problem? Please?
  9. kurina

    kurina Member

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    Guess I hit a nerve. :roll:

    Pretty sure this would be the best solution at this point, and appeal to both camps. I hope they at least give it some serious consideration. Everyone can then keep the visual style to their liking.
    Last edited: January 25, 2011
  10. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I dunno, the Tank's new pyro mask is oddly shaped. Something about it weirds me out.
  11. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    oh man entitled gamers are the worst "valve you guys have been giving free DLC for three years how dare you attempt to make a little money now!"
  12. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    (you forgot to include a tag here)
  13. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Gentlemen, are we seriously going to bicker about TF2 items in our MNC? And ask for an option to disable them in-game? Really?

    As much as you may all despise Hat Fortress 2, we shouldn't start turning away these said items because of previous experiences.

    These items are going to bring in a flock of new players, new players mean "Bigger Community", bigger community means "More Attention". Don't think that Uber is going turn their backs on us and make MNC a full blown TF2 Hat clone.

    I bet you would all get pissed if the Juice Bot had his own game and was in every single game on steam and Uber decided to get some attention by adding him! Adding the hats, is not a bad thing, it's just a way to appeal to the gamers who are blind because of their precious hats in TF2. TF2 is the crown king of steam, and Uber is just trying to show that TF2 isn't the only class based game that can be fun.

    In a way, Uber used the ol' "If you can't beat them, join'em" tactic. Sorta.
  14. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    The Juice Bot is the Fruit Fucker 2000 of Penny-Arcade fame. I think he appears in the Penny Arcade video games, but I've never played them so cannot verify. Penny Arcade has included a lot of nice words about MNC in their news posts, which is probably why he's in.

    As for increasing the size of the community, I don't think it will have as much of an impact as some people think. It will certainly help sales, which is a good thing, but who knows how many of them will stick around, especially with all the toxicity brought on by the vocal minority that's opposed to cosmetic items because they "ruined" TF2

    ed; oh that word is censored. It's uh the Fruit "Love-Maker" 2000.
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i guess tf2 isnt so different after all. think of it this way next time you rant that they are so totally different. they are fundamentally different, but the same genre of strategic humorous shooter

    since i cant comment directly to what i believe the ragers want to do to uber devs, let me skip that part and go straight to the part where i ask the ragers to stop. it wont be that bad. hopefully the cosmetics are going to be similar to black ops, the one single thing black ops got right.
  16. zar

    zar Member

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    This is an awesome crossover... why are some of you upset? Boggles the mind, yo.
  17. Blatant Troll

    Blatant Troll New Member

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    Jeez, you bring Team Fortress 2 into anything & you can expect a bunch of whiny fans that say... something? I wouldn't know. I don't read your posts because I get bored of people whining.

    Anywho, this is great, cool stuff and you whiners are idiots. End of story. :p
  18. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Stop whining, this is great idea to increase playerbase.
  19. Skizzen

    Skizzen New Member

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    I was really hoping something like this would happen. I have all but hung up my grenade launcher as far as tf2 is concerned but these promotions can work wonders at getting people playing a new game. And MNC is a very good game. I wont be the only one who's bored of 3 years of tf2 and looking for a new non-military class shooter.

    This is a good thing.

    Bonus if this actually signals a move towards class customization which people in other threads are all in favor of. Buying sponsers logos for the armour and all that jazz.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    like i said before, looking at the new update i would say this is going to move torwards black-ops customization more than it will move torwards team fort.

    not actual effectual items, nor items that mean anything. just bonus costumes. probably more for holidays and such, to show the spirit of such things. it will probably be fun when its other stuff, just wait for the tf2 look to go away and another look to come around. and i like some of the tf2 gear, like the gunner isnt too big of a change, and the support is modern looking. the tank and assassin are odd is all.

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