Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    If the turrets are at the back of the enemy's advance, that should be your FIRST priority as an assassin. The point is to attack the other team from BEHIND. That would start with whatever covers the players back. It's common sense.
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I've said it once, and I'll say it again.

    I honestly can't tell if you're trolling...

    So I wont bother explaining why that's so wrong.
  3. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    It's not so much "trolling" as it is "taking the piss."
  4. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    Do you know what else is common sense? Taking out the Gunners that are stopping your advance. Taking out the Supports that are keeping the Turrets alive. Taking out anyone who stands in your way that is NEAR a turret.

    You seem to think that killing Pros isn't helping your team, especially Supports who are SUPPORTING THE TURRETS/FIREBASES.
  5. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    Pretty pretty please can you also turn down the "upgrade your skills" messages? My friends and I often ignore a skill (or three :D ) and are getting pretty sick of being told about what our moms did or did not want from us.
  6. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    *upgrades skills*

    "Now would be a great time to upgrade your skills."

    *Maxes skills*

    "Now would be a great time to up your skills."

    "Now would be...."

    *Amaranth [Ringout] Mickey Cantor*

    Oh, I can dream.
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Wow, that's one hell of a list, kudos Uber!

    I wish Demigod had gotten a patch like this back in the day!
  8. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Oh, and the assassin isn't a fragile character?

    Seriously, he shouldn't be able to switch to a shotgun if you can't cloak mid grapple. It makes no sense to let the support do that.
  9. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    are they also going to make it so the snipers (Pin point accuracy) explosive bullets (AOE >_>) don't trigger on their own teams bots? especially their own Jackbots? it's stupid dying while grappling a jackbot because a sniper shoots the jackbot twice thus killing me with the explosive rounds.
  10. Krabbster

    Krabbster New Member

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    I have a couple of questions.

    with the supports heal/hurt gun how much was the rate reduced? meaning if i put a gold fire rate endorsement on a support will i be healing at the same rate as pre-patch or will i hurt/heal faster than before?

    at what point will the tank's death blossom spin do the same damage as pre-patch? i am assuming that the tank's spin always did a set amount of damage. does a 50% clip yield the same damage as pre-patch? how does this change work?
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you watched their cast today on they did a live Q&A while playing the game with community members. This "fix" was addressed directly and from John Comes (Scathis) the Creative Director. If you want you can watch it on the Archives. They basically said it wasn't intended in the first place.

    I don't know which video and at what time it was addressed. Sorry
  12. The Reaver

    The Reaver New Member

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    I found it; it's 26:55 here. He says that it was just a bug being fixed, which is how it is shown in the notes. He also states that the point of heavily guarding a place with turrets is so that no one can just waltz in there and mess around like the Assassin currently can.

    I'm not saying I agree with it, because I believe that the Assassin's ability to bypass turrets like this and take out players who were camping by turrets is what made her unique. On the other hand, I think that if a Support camps by his Firebase in the middle of a lane, he can't really do all that much besides toss out Airstrikes and interact with his Firebase. His team has to come to him, and he can't really be proactive. Plus, the Firebase's range isn't too great, either.

    However, I will say that people are bitching too much about this instead of rejoicing in the bug fixes that should (hopefully) make this game far more playable for everyone.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    There's a saying that goes "You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all the people all of the time."
  14. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Interesting Vid, thanks for the linky :3

    Overall, colour me disappointed. This change does nothing to stop me waltzing into heavily defended areas and I'd hardly say it was 'overpowered' that assassins could grapple with moderate safety near defences, unless you're trying to tell me that head-shotting someone in a heavily defended area from a safe location some distance away is also something they want to patch out?

    I see this change as short-sighted; a change made with the mentality of a set course without being able to adapt and thrive when the unexpected turns up. It's an age old case of "we had something in mind and even though players showed us other possibilities we just trundled along with our old goal and paid it no heed." I'm not saying it was a decision made lightly or without thought, but rather a decision weighed down by previous expectations of how the game 'should' play rather than how it does in the here and now.
    While I appreciate the grab cooldown being toned down, I'm more disappointed with the cloaking change than glad of the grab change.

    Don't take my tone the wrong way, I love Monday Night Combat and in many ways the joy I've got from this game is the reason I'm posting. You've got a great idea here, but I don't think you should be so quick to write off unexpected features that didn't fit your original vision as something that should be stamped out; the best game visions are those that have the ability to evolve to fit circumstances that turn up rather than stubbornly demanding the circumstances change to fit them. While I appreciate the note on emergent gameplay I believe the street travels both ways; not only should players be ready to adapt but ideally so should the game's design.

    There's also a saying that goes ""if it's not broke, don't fix it" though I do like to append it with my own bit of "though you should probably make sure it's not broken first"

    Meh. I've had my say. I'll stop nagging about it now and deal with whatever comes. I'm pretty sure I've got my point across by now, but dear god is it going to be annoying taking down jackbots or people stopping my line push while they're hidden in their own line swarm.
  15. Mister A

    Mister A New Member

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    the bases (especially steel peel arena) are still too open. anyone can just camp by the opposing base and take out the turrets. the turrets need to be stronger otherwise theres no point.

    and let me re emphasize that STEEL PEEL ARENA IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OPEN!!!!!!!!! just add a little more glass to cover up the turrets i mean goddam, people can be really annoying in this game (im looking at you support)
  16. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    steel peel goes to overtime more than any other map.. it definitely doesn't need stronger defenses
  17. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    As an all Support player (and a damn good one) here is my little opinion...I am lvl 98 and used Support to get 90 of those levels.

    1. It makes everyone, me especially, mad when an assassin can just camp around a base, wait for a loner to walk away or jump out from the spawn, run up and assassinate them with a 3.3 Rockit Turret half an inch away and absolutely nothing will happen to them because of the cloak glitch. Then see them run off into the sunset only to have them rinse and repeat.

    2. On very many occassions I have been grappled/assassinated next to my firebase where the assassin did NOT use the cloak glitch, and my FB was either distracted by something else or gets this strange lag time from seeing the assassin and actually shooting it, and I die but the assassin has just enough time to recloak/smokebomb and get away. If they are cloaked and assassinate you they have just enough time to get away from my FB 6/10 times in my experience. It makes me a bit upset, but hell I'll get them next time they come after me.

    3. A person who really knows how to use an assassin does not need these glitches to be effective as I have seen personally. Just because they cant waltz on into a base and just rape anyone at will, does not mean they cant dominate the field. I cant count how many times a good assassin either killed me by my FB (even if it was a suicide kill) then camp the area waiting for me to return and just dominate me for the next 3-5 kills.

    4. TEAMWORK - even as a badass Support, I need help some of the time. Hell 1 airstrike and my FB is gone and I am very vulnerable. Ive seen assassins just wait for one of they're teammates to come after me and run up from behind, kill me while my FB and I were distracted, then run off again. Also, anyone who says a smoke bomb is not effective obviously does not use it well themselves. I get very worried when Im killing people/bots/air striking, then hear a smoke bomb, turn around to see my disabled turret, and getting pwnd by a grapple/lunge.

    5. I respect players who play the assassin well because even with this update, they will continue to be my bigget threat. Also, Supports are not around their FB 100% of the time. At least not good ones. We stay close, but we need shotgun/air strike kills too! Thats when we are extremely vulnerable ='(

    6. I can say with almost 100% certainty with this update not just any player will be able to play the Support very effectively. A bit more skill will be needed. And the average Support player gets dominated anyways.
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    The few times so far that I've played support I've never been grabbed by an assassin. Then again, I do massage the A button constantly so I spend all my time in the air... as an assassin player I know how annoying that is so I just do it when I play other classes :p

    As for being killed while near your firebase or standing next to a 3.3 turret, I find it odd that you don't have any complaints about being headshotted by snipers in the exact same situations from outside turret range (Which is considerably safer than what the assassin does) :3

    Like I said though, whatever comes I'll still mainly play the assassin. It's just who I prefer and I happen to be good at it =D
  19. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    I dont mind sniper headshots because it happens so rarely, and only when I am hacking something. Now if that sniper were to stand in the middle of my base shoot me in the face, then walk on out while my own turrets are basically telling him "good job!", there would be some problems :p

    Most "good" Snipers Ive seen get most of their kills off of traps anyways.

    Im already getting some good advantages taken away from me so I feel balanced to the assassin now :shock:

    And you've never been grabbed as a Support? We are like the slowest class in the game. Assassin vs Support is like Cheetah vs Turtle :lol:
  20. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    95% of supports I play against stay right on their firebase, so I'm probably never gonna go after them now. Supports shotgun is a one shot, too, so I don't like going for them a lot.

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