Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Though I appreciate the elaboration and detail in your arguments, I think you're defeating yourself by posting these giant walls of text that nobody will read fully
  2. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    maybe, but I've never been the type to make do with brevity like "lol ur wrong" or "42" :3
  3. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    I dont know if this has been asked before but I didn't see anything about it in the assassin fixes. Does assassins passive 3 still make you take fall damage even if it says that it removes fall damage?
  4. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    19 Pages? 23 pages, now. I've seen more than plenty of my fair share of dirty little back-knifing Assassins that vanish right after the grapple and just get regrappled, charged and tossed outta the ring, or chewn up briefly enough by a Firestorm that I can poke them with one press of the RT on my Assault character, and they go down. It's almost depressing.

    There are a lot of people out there who are damn good Assassin players - they make it look easy. And some of them are awfully goddamn rude. They'll read this thread and say 'Learn to play the class, noob', but that's not entirely helpful in any direction aside from trying to be some elitist crapcake that needs a bucket of sewage turkey-basted violently down their throat.

    Rather than 23 pages of disgruntled fits of intarwebs rage and LOLWTFs, why can't we just have four or five pages on how to be a very effective Assassin with what we have? I'm sure a lot of you have your trade secrets you keep to your chest, but we really, really have yet to see a stickied, bumped, or popular guide to using the Assassin in the Strategy forum.
  5. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    While your're at it, how about fixing the smoke bomb jump too? It's getting ******* ridiculous when I won't use it because it know that it'll fail 75% of the times I use it.
  6. MoonJump

    MoonJump New Member

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    Zoinks. I made an account here when they had that one tournament and just decided to join up and edit my profile n' junk and checked this thread out first. Wow. I am happy with the new changes, but as with all games like this, it's a work in progress. I just hope the folks at Uber can keep offering free balance changes while the other stuff that DLC offers will be charged for. Yeah, it sucks we have to pay for stuff, but blame Microsoft for that. I'm just happy with the game and I look forward to new updates.
  7. KazooieBanjo

    KazooieBanjo New Member

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    I don't think Uber can afford to put out all of their new content for free. They aren't Valve and don't get revenue from anything other than sales of their titles.

    If you want to blame someone for charging money for content, Uber is as much to blame as Microsoft, but in this case it's the only way to justify the creation of that content.
  8. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I love the irony of your internet rage regarding internet rage.
  9. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    Naw, if it was rage, there'd be way more caps. Just picture me calmly infusing a potty mouth with potty water. Probably to some kind of catchy lounge music cover of a hip song.

    I even do a dance.
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Anything beyond apathy is considered rage these days, didn't you know?
  11. TranceAddix

    TranceAddix New Member

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    Hmm, I hope this update comes out soon :p....
  12. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Now we're getting meta.
  13. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Anyone from Pax can comment on Mikey Cantor, is there a mute function?

    I'm getting proper sick of this guy blabbering on and on. If TV/Radio commercials wheren't bad enough they are now in my game aswell :p
  14. SpydrMrphy

    SpydrMrphy New Member

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    There didn't seem to be, but I really wasn't looking for one. It's kind of odd that you do not like Mikey Cantor, it adds that little flavor of Sporting Event to the mix. I actually really like it and want more. They did say they fixed it so that he would have more lines, apparently the issue was with a random generator glitch, and it seemed to be working at PAX. Couldn't be sure though as it was hard to hear all the dialog with the background noise. That might alleviate the issue you have with him.

    The changes are much more interesting and not as wicked bad as people are seeming to be expecting. They all seem to work really well and all the classes seem more balanced.

    Those not at PAX will have to wait till it gets released, but I think most of the anger or fear towards it is going to be subdued very quickly when you do get your hands on it. It doesn't make Support more powerful in the end, but it does make it seem that it will be necessary to create custom classes. That was not shown at PAX (custom endorsements) but the change in the power of the Heal/Hurt gun is noticeable. It was also nice to see a lot of the changes work well and the new map will be really interesting.

    I for one am glad that Uber is taking the time and effort to support the game, the community, and putting thought into balance. They were wicked at the booth, friendly and honest about everything they could talk about. It seems that Uber has a lot in store for this game.

    And as a side note, the statues and Tees where wicked awesome. I bought both the Assault, my primary class, and Pit Girl. I wish I had more money so I could have got all four. Please, Please, Please, sell these online or at least have them and more at PAX East, so I can get them all.
  15. PandaOracle

    PandaOracle New Member

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    No Uber, that's ridiculous.. Support still needs to be fixed.. How about making their air strike thing not stick to you? Making their turret weaker? Fix this s**t.
  16. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Thanks for the great response! But don't get me wrong, Mikey Cantor was really funny at the begin and loved the jokes but now im 95+ and at the point you feel like you have heard all his lines a million times. I honestly get frustrated by it and so do the people i play with.
    Like the first week we where all yelling the lines, every minute someone would yell out "Hayoo" and " AMAZING, amaaaazinngggh!" now everyone is just like "goddammit shut the hell up *****!"
    Especially if you are already frustrated by something you do not want to hear a guy scream one of the many lines over and over ;)!

    The worst part is though because he is yelling so loud you often can't hear Assassins or those sniper traps (wich barely make a sound to begin with).
    If there was an option to just have him yell at game start/endings and Annihilator/Bullseye it would, for me and my friends, make the game much more enjoyable.

    But enough with the whine, how is the detail on the statues? Can't wait for PitGirl to be the first non disc game related thing to decorate my gameroom, or perhaps even the living ;)
  17. Kor

    Kor New Member

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    You know you can turn his voice down/off in the option menu?
  18. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    Learn how to play. Its not hard to avoid the Firebases unless your running out into its killzone repeatedly like an idiot.

    And not making it stick? Lets take that away from the assaults bomb as well :roll:
  19. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    You can't sadly :( there is only one volume slider.
  20. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    decent update but nerf the support because f your assassin the support will just camp next to the firebase which will tear throught the paper armor of the assassin so if u are gonna take out clock while grapple give the assassin more armor btw i know how to play my class so dont say that

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