Monday Night Combat Sale

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by RaTcHeT302, June 19, 2011.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    just funny because brink got way more hype than MNC ever did, and it only came out like a month ago
  2. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Yes, but after a few weeks MNC will have less players than BRINK now (I hope not, but...). Its just caused by the fact how cheap this game is nao.
  3. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    brink is a truly awful game.

    also do not go easy on new people, new people should see better players than themselves and aspire to be better than them. Going easy on them is just catering to their retardation.

    and another thing, this game really is not hard to grasp, in fact it is quite the opposite, if new people cannot grasp it then they should **** off back to cod
  4. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    I have no idea why everyone sucks so bad, but just bcause they do so I wont stomp them, because they wont learn anything from OMGLOLASSAULTFURINGOUT/HEADCRAB/CHARGEBOMBCOMBO wait for respawn
  5. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    i dont know whether you are joking or being serious, however it is not a case of me wanting to stomp people, if anything i prefer to play scrims or clan matches and have a challenge, but i do not think mollycoddling bad players is a good idea, they should aim to get better, and practise and try to get better.

    Like i said in the other thread no game i have ever played before has contained people, that i noticed, being helpful, if anything quite the opposite. People should aspire to be better players, if they do they will come looking for help, if they dont then they will never become even decent players, cos they are the ones who are looking for easy stomps and rage when they cannot do it and then blame it on the "****" game.

    another thing, i am not saying that you guys as a community shouldn't do things like make tutorial videos etc. (there are some great guides on this forum) and if someone is really bad and you feel sorry for them say "hey search this on youtube...." but if a player is bad enough that they never think "i suck, maybes i should google for a guide or search youtube" then they will always be a bad player.

    another edit: already i see new people on this forum asking for help which is a good thing, what would be a possibly good thing is if you advertise skill play nights etc. but and welcome new players in, split up the teams so have even number of goods/bads, get them on vent and they will learn so fast. Instead of helping one person at a time you can help multiple, just spam chat with your all-caps invites
  6. Myst

    Myst New Member

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    Tried - does not work as well as I'd like.
    People in this game just don't want to play it "competitively"/the way it was meant to be played.
  7. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    how does the steam sale work? like surely uber must've known it was coming up, if this is the case then they are idiots, they have failed to retain players twice before the sale (original release, free weekend) yet they have done nothing to try and retain players this time, no tutorials which a lot of people have suggested on this forums, no new maps, which a lot of people said would be good, nothing.

    It is not your responsibility to try retain players it is ubers, and they have failed 3 times now. MNC has fell out of the top 100 again and uber are probs laughing cos they made some fast cash at the sale and it didn't cost them a penny.
  8. daztora

    daztora New Member

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    People play video games how they want, that's the idea. They paid for It.

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