engine change turned into a new game afaik support for MNC has ended all hail SMNC best of all it will be free
Can we make our own mod tools? Is serverside control large enough for us to add our own content, and would we not get VACbanned for joining such a server? Mods have a long standing tradition of not having developer support. Valve has just sort of spoiled us.
I think that for the Unreal Engine it's a lot different, uber has to release their map compiler for example (or whatever it is called), that's one thing wich is stopping us from modding the game.
Almost every game ever has modding capability. A game has to be specifically designed to prevent modding in order to make it impossible, and even then people seem to find a way around it. Seeing as Uber inteded on allowing mods eventually, I doubt they put in those safeguards. We have client software, we have server software, somebody should be able to mod with that. We might not have that kind of person in our playerbase right now, but at least the programmers among us could take a shot at it and make some progress towards decent tools. The question I'm asking is will modding in the current release mess with VAC? Making mods without developer help usually involves breaking a game somehow. Broken games look like hacks. Heck, these would be hacks, just not the malicious kind.