Mod Video Database Submission

Discussion in 'Videos And Replays!' started by trialq, December 29, 2014.

  1. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Ok, database is a stretch. I've made a github ( ) for specifying additional data for mods, including youtube videos. Basically if a video is related to a particular mod, be it a gameplay video, showing how the mod works etc, it can be included in this github.

    The purpose of this list is that other things can use the list to find additional media for a particular mod. is using the list, other sites can use it, and things like a PA Hub plugin could be made to add videos to be viewed directly on PA Hub.

    Anyone who can submit mods can edit the github, however if you want to contribute but can't edit the github, pm me or post in this thread. Alternatively, whenever you put up a new youtube video relating to a mod, tag me in the forum post with @trialq ,so I see it to add it.

    I've looked at the last few months of your videos, and have found videos for puppet master, boom bot wars and something else. Does this video relate to a mod that's been released?

    I've found the statera tournament videos.

    I've found the mini mods mayhem tournament videos.

    I've picked a few of your mod videos, of mods I know the video still applies (awesome projectiles, custom skyboxes). Some no longer represent the mods as they are, or the mod is broken, or I haven't figured out one way or the other. If there are any more that should be added let me know.

    I found your video using 2 mods and have already added it.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I think the Marshall vid is of Randebaucher (Or however it's spelled).
  3. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    My video was a combination of 2
    Redenbaucher and Roll-Off Remover
  4. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Ah thank you, strangely the same combination as avatar's video :p
  5. avatar100400

    avatar100400 Active Member

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    I have hardly any clue what is going on or how i am involved but it seems interesting :)
  6. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    I added your video to a list that connects a mods id to media about the mod, nothing major. Anything that wants to (for example) find media about Redenbacher Deluxe, can search the list and find your video and Marshall's video (currently only my site uses the list, here).

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