MNC Training Camp

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by De Troll, January 8, 2012.

  1. gunked

    gunked New Member

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    1600msp, pay up or gtfo
  2. joker

    joker Active Member

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    we can do a 1v1 (not meaning against each other just a PM where we can discuss strategy on a map) btw guys message us when yourselves and us are on xbox live, seems like we have alot of interest and it would make it easier for us than for us to browse this thread and look around for you guys, thanks
  3. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    We figured we would play a bunch of privates with the person we're training and have them play on the class they're learning. Then we could pause between each match and spend a minute or two to discuss what the player did right and wrong. Outside of that, we could go through map-specific tactics, spots for ice traps, bombs, grenade angles, tank jumps, etc.
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    It would definitely be nice to see a new wave of high caliber players. There hasn't been anybody new recently that really stood out. Last player to completely stand out above the rest was Gunked, although there have been plenty of good players.

    I think just about every class needs an overhaul of what to do. I think especially assault has taken a turn for the worse in terms of playstyle. There are good assaults, but I can only agree with Chron's playstyle of assault. He seems to be the only one that really graps' the idea priorities with the assault. Gunked can sometimes make it work just from sheer slaying/juicing power, and his deadly aim. I'll give him that for sure, his aim is better than mine and I feel comfortable saying his is better than chron's as well. However, that goes to show how much of a factor decision making is in game, especially since the assault's mobility allows him to take care of multiple factors on the map rather quickly.

    I've seen too many people play the assault like a second gunner, or a passive ***** just padding stats. Assaults now are too busy taking care of what's in front of them, rather than what's hurting their team the most.

    If a sniper has good aim, it shouldn't be hard to mold them. Same with gunners, and supports. Teaching good decision making for an assassin may be hard, considering the level of awareness it can take. Tanks though... good luck shammas
  5. joker

    joker Active Member

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    yepp, however whenever i play against gunked or other juicers i just let my team know to overextend to kill them if they get close to a streak. once you take juice away from players like that they have nothing to fall back on. i try to convince assaults who treat it like a mobile gunner that they are doing it wrong, and even with the results in front of them every time ppl disagree with me lol it does not matter how amazing your aim is, anyone who knows competitive gaming can tell you that there are hundreds of high skilled players in mainstream games with very comparable gungame, but its everything else a player brings to the table about their overall skill that separates those who are household names (example, ogre2) and a random semi pro.
    Last edited: January 9, 2012
  6. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Deadpool!!!! We need your assisstance over here, looking for a certain picture ;)
  7. murkyx727

    murkyx727 New Member

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    I wish I could play other classes but stuck to killing bots all the time...
    I have good accuracy with assault but I never get to juice...
    Same with sniper but when I snipe chrons assault on other team :(. (only assault I know of that gives me a huge problemo...)
    With gunner I'm decent me gusta...
    Support is boring as hell! Shoutout to all the supports...
    I don't get how Chron assault kills the support as he says there's a damn gunner next to him...
  8. joker

    joker Active Member

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    its amazing what an assault can do when they dont play for stats and play for the better of their team
  9. murkyx727

    murkyx727 New Member

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    Are referring to me cause I really don't do that anymore that was me my first month of privates...
  10. joker

    joker Active Member

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    technically yes, because im referring to everyone who isnt me!
  11. joker

    joker Active Member

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    To be honest ive been doing privates more than probably anyone who has ever played this game so ive had the most playtime and experience to see the best way to play certain classes, particularly assault. It is not a knock at anyones gameplay, i want to see more assaults play for their teams success and less for stats and juice chaining because if the game is currently something like this

    Top tier players > good PM players > ok PM players > pub players

    and the good PM players start to understand what makes the playstyle of the top tier players work, then the competition will improve therefore making more and better privates because it will have an overall effect for everyone, then ok PM players see what good PM players do, etc etc
  12. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Ever see someone go 2-x-15 as Assault (including an Annihilator kill) and still win? GFYS.
  13. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    I shall offer my hand in assisting with assassins, if that would be ok. And I am content in being a one-class-wonder, since I play this game strictly for fun, and I don't really have that much fun with other classes.
  14. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Thanks for Assault 101 training. Who knew that meleeing bots is a legitimate strategy... ;)
    Last edited: January 10, 2012
  15. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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  16. joker

    joker Active Member

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    gave a few people some assault training. lets see if it works next time we get privates going
  17. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    a training camp??? what the??? I would like to join but i can only hear people through the TV as my headset decided to f**k uhp
  18. Bobomb Bob

    Bobomb Bob New Member

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    ... looks like imma pub player :(
  19. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Bet i'll have to go Gunner though. I guess me and Choiio will go captain then?
  20. joker

    joker Active Member

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    just play assault. one of the reasons i hate playing gunner in privates is cause my teams assault plays like a junior gunner and does nothing to help me, so i figure just let them play gunner. soon gunner will become a game of hot potato or musical chairs with the 1 class per situation and maybe if people who dont like it get stuck on it enough they will learn the true meaning of teamwork and selfless play by thinking back and going "when i played gunner, i hated it because i had weak situational help and no aggressive playmaking on my team, so let me try out what i would have done in their shoes"

    1000 posts, get off my nuts. The REAL way to play assault.

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