MNC - fresh meat (Steam SALE)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by KiddToKmart, June 20, 2011.

  1. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Slayer build for gunner: Crits/Armor/RoF
  2. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    gold crit gunner is suprisingly devastating indeed
  3. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    THe gold ROF works same as with Gunners minigun, your AR will spit more bullets than you have in your mag.


    Click the link in my signature, it will lead you to my assault guide. (The orange one saying "My Assault guide")
    Consider me as one of the best assault, with the difference that im more "agresive" than OD, who is mah brudah in ze arms, feel free to ask on anything

    In case you would like to get more "contact" training go to this page viewtopic.php?f=27&t=9648
    you can choose your own trainer from the best players in MNC. We will be glad to help you
  4. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Actually no. Gold RoF on the AR makes it operate like a lvl3 Minigun where it spits out extra bullets
    You'll drain out the magazine at the same rate, but you will kill faster
    I tested this a few months ago, even so far as studying frame by frame

    My playstyle is rather suicidal, so my Assault runs Gold RoF/Silv Mag/Bronze Acc
    With that I've been able to out-shoot most Gunners before they can get their minigun spun up
  5. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I ran gold crit gunner on the console quite a bit. It was certainly fun, but the gunner already destroys anything at mid/close range in my experience. I like gold accuracy to shut down/deny assaults at good distances. Bronze rate on the mortar feels god awful slow to me.
  6. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I went with a basic setup for my Gunner, gold reload, silv mag(maybe silv RoF), bronze accuracy
  7. verden

    verden New Member

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    Gold crit works extremely well for a gunner, but it's most suited if your whole team can carry the offense as it's a very static way of playing.

    Personally my gunner is RoF/armor/speed

    I tried several things with bronze and found them to be useless, this build however is primary for being mobile and in the front of the offense. It's NOT a build that is made against other gunners. It's primarily for support and keeping the map control. With this build you would need a sniper to ding the gunner and a good assault for pro killing.

    As for Vlane's ridiculous assault built for warning shots.. don't.. just don't. Assault with gold accuracy is a complete waste of his abilities and his efficiency with the rifle.

    My assault is RoF/armor/Acc

    It's true that gold RoF compared to silver only shoots out a couple more bullets, but instead of seeing it from a technical view, my game is all about aim, and gold RoF completely shreds the opponents health.

    Gold skill also works very well if you want to focus your game on your skills instead of your weapons, especially if you want to counter a sniper(sigh), charge also becomes very handy and gives you the capability of a fast getaway, I believe Asmodej-.. I mean OD uses gold skill. :D :D :D :D
  8. BillNyeTheScienceGuy

    BillNyeTheScienceGuy New Member

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    This used to be my opinion. I ran a gold accuracy/silver armor/bronze rof build for a couple months but 4 star+ Assaults are just too mobile that they would constantly destroy me in mid range combat by flying erratically with hit and run tactics and using their bombs. I honestly found that gold crits helped me 1v1 assaults at medium range with a higher success rate but maybe that's just me being sucky at aiming.

    And yes bronze rate does make a huge difference in turret killing power. I suspect that in a coordinated team a gunner with gold rof for his mortars is more valuable than player killing power but you can't depend on people watching your back in a pub.
  9. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    I'm all about the gold RoF gunner since product update 8. It's amazing for breaking defenses and building juice. I try to play with one person I know that can handle some of the pro killing for me. If you've got a solid team, you can be instrumental in getting the win.
  10. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Makes me want to play with u some moar :p
  11. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Hell, I ususally play Assault because too many times* I couldn't trust my team to hold their own.
    I've had too many games where I could push a botlane to their last turret by myself then have to run back to push the other botlane because the other 5 couldn't do it @_@

    *before the sale, haven't played since it started. Also, ingame camera wasn't responding to my mouse, pointer did in menus tho
  12. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Sure, anytime :cool:.
  13. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Played a game as gunner on grenade 3 earlier today where I went around 32-2 with 95% of my teams bot kills, several turret kills, only leaving the lane when I died. I spent the whole game in the left lane. I got their ball down twice, five of the six enemy players were in my lane defending.

    My other five teammates were losing a 5v1 battle against a support and his firebase in the right lane. Somehow, the arguably worst pusher in the game got bots past our team mates, and juiced down the majority of the ball.

    Moral of the story: never assume the fresh batch of players is capable of winning a 5v1 battle against the worst push oriented class in the game.
  14. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    well, a firebase in that one particular spot on G3 is ridiculously hard to beat without airstrikes or flak
  15. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    I can destroy any firebase in range of an airstrike throw. If you can't place an airstrike beneath or near, you can always peek out and direct hit the firebase, even if die after doing so, the trajectory is almost a straight line so it isn't really hard.
    The most annoying firebase on G3 is directly on the annihilator because you often spot it when it's already too late.
  16. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Gold RoF huh? I've needed to update my setup since my noob days. Running gold accuracy minigun when I am already adept at using Mortars is counter-productive, but I procrastinate too much. Gold RoF mortars will tear a base apart w/o Juice. Gunner should be called the "Battering Ram" class. :lol:

    And to think, when I first started, I thought Gunner was pretty useless before I discovered the power of Mortars. Also, deploy is underestimated. Used correctly, it is killer against other heavies, w/o worrying about being grappled by Assassins. Combined with a Support, you won't even have to fear Snipers.
  17. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    I just love accuracy on CRIT, silver ACC, bronze armor..aka u mad
  18. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I had a guy(running Support) call me a hacker because I punched off two TankCharge3's close together
    I have Gold Skill on that Tank :|

    Also encountered a "wtf?" moment on AmmoMule. Was on the enemy spawn ring, a Gunner was opposite and I threw my bomb off to the left to coax him into it. He walked over, I detonated... nothing
    No damage, no burn, no nothing

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