MNC: Draft Edition-The Bracket

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Edward Coug, January 30, 2011.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See now this is where I was trying to be a nice guy but I'll just let it all out now since members of both teams are being bitter.

    There was not official time. Jack first said "around 2/3pm EST" so that's what I sent my members. Once Jack said he might be ok I decided to set an officially time which was 3pmEST. The message I sent Jack was something like "2pmESt to get everyone online and preped then 3pmESt is game time." Jack then sent me a message back saying let me confirm. The next day I had a message saying who would be ready to go and he might needs subs. To me that meant Jack told his team of the time.

    I got no conformation of times or nothing.

    I mean **** can't a guy get a break? Last week I did so much messaging with very little responses Coug was nice enough to give all teams an extra week during that extra it was like week 1 all over again. Although my whole team said they would be ready to go 3 of then apperarnly weren't so then I had to find subs. "Running" around all over Xbl joining this party, that party, sending this person a message and that person a message.

    The bottom line is everyone has a life outside of MNC and at a moments notice they will have to go do something. Don't blame a certain someone for doing what you guys ultimately ended up quitting for.

    If there is anything I have learned about Gaming Tournaments:
    The idea of one sounds awesome. The fact that you have to actually play the games not so much.

    The thing that really ticks me off is that Coug has put so much work into over a span of a few months and when it finally comes down to the matches everyone flakes out.
  2. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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  3. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    I regret to inform everyone that, due to lack of participation, I am pulling the plug on my draft tourney. I'd like to thank everyone for signing up, the subs for making themselves available (special thanks to Magnum Veritan), the captains for drafting and running their teams, and the players who went out of their way to try to make this happen.

    I think it goes without saying that I will not be hosting any future tournaments.
  4. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I wonder how many people hate each other now. So silly. :roll:

    Good on you, Coug, for trying to organize something positive. Not sure why it hasn't worked, but people seem to be less active on the forums/MNC all of a sudden, and I don't know why everyone suddenly became passive-aggressive towards each other.

    Anyway, I don't think there should be another tournament until there's a title update. I've noticed lots of people playing less and less, and the game needs something new to get people back interested in playing
  5. Dagoth Wit

    Dagoth Wit New Member

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  6. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I met some totally awesome people and had the best team name ever.

    I regret nothing.
  7. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Good job people.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Sad to see it end this way but I had a feeling it was going to. I find it very ironic the players that were all gung ho about competitive gaming and how to setup a working draft turned out to be the biggest flakes of them all. It almost feels like this was thier evil scheme as a way to try and get all of us against each other. But I say NEVER for this community is UBER! and nothing can stand in our way.

    Honestly lets not the anger and frustration trickle down into anything it doesn't need to. We all tried out best to make it work. There isn't a single person or group to pin the blame on, if there even is any "blame." Lets just say it didn't work out and if there is a next time we would all have to go about the entire process a bit differently.

    Still, Edward Coug you have do an amazing jab at bringing the community together. Even if the tournament fell thru I and others, have met and played with some of the most amazing members of this community. Some new friends, some old friends heck even some new players. So everyone still say a big thank to The Coug for all of this.

  9. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Well, I can clearly say for my part that scheduling is a big issue. I was unable to get it done in the FraggedNation tournament, and it was that past issue that made me want to drop out so that the rest of my time would have more opportunities to do it than my limited weekend schedule. It is this severe inconvenience that has me motivated to find a new job so that I will be available when everyone else is.

    I wonder if having a specific time for all matches would be more helpful than having us schedule things ourselves. I understand self-organization seems to be the norm, but if lack of participation is an issue, I wonder if that's really wise here. Having something set in advance would allow us to ensure our schedules allow it to occur. Please forgive my ignorance if I'm simply projecting my problems onto others.
  10. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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  11. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Well I thank the players who showed up and played. I thank coug for trying to get this going but due to lack of interest it failed.

    I know some people have jobs/families/school/kids/work/issues but if you signed up you should have at least tried to give it a shot and made time to play.
  12. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    While I would've appreciated a heads-up (I'm on XBL ALL the time), given the number of kckzi's teammates who were ever on, and the amount of times we got to play against ANY of them, this... ultimately a practical and lulzy solution, which satisfies my criteria. Sad that the tourney had to end like this, though.
    Last edited: February 20, 2011
  13. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I know that I tried numerous times to get details of our match, but it never happened. Sorry this didn't happen. But Coug, you are awesome for doing all you did to try and get this on track.
  14. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Thanks for trying coug, I know I got to play with some people I would not have otherwise.

    Some good did come out of your efforts.
  15. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Ah, well. At least we all tried. Thank you for trying Coug, it's disappointing that schedules had to get in the way of this, but that's how it is, I guess. Thank you again for trying to get a tourney going.
  16. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Within the dream there shall be light..

    I suggest those who made new friends form a team for the fraggednation 6v6 tourney.

    At least make that happen
  17. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    At least we won our first round before the tournament was over.
  18. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Too many flaky people on xbl. At least you tried, Coug. You deserve a cookie.
  19. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I think I deserve a special prize for captaining the only team who won a round.

    But, seriously, I'm super sad about all this.
  20. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    I feel like a dickhole, since I couldn't be a part of my teams 'match'. :/

    I ended up being in new hampshire when it had to happen. Xbox-less. :(

    Shame it all fell apart.

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