MNC: Draft Edition-The Bracket

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Edward Coug, January 30, 2011.

  1. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    If we're going by kill count, then sure, we were getting beat. Considering neither one of us had the ball drop and were headed into OT, I wouldn't qualify that as "getting beat"

    Recap of today's events:

    - We were supposed to start at 2pm EST
    - We didn't start until 3:45 EST since we were waiting on Stretch's team.
    - Neither one of us could get 6 people on, so we agreed to play 5v5.
    - Since it took so long to finally get the games started, we agreed to just do best 2 out of 3.
    - We almost get a game done, then Hostile (host) drops from the game and disappears, so Stretch only has a 4 person team.
    - We wait 10-15 minutes for Hostile before giving up.

    Just looking at how the tournament is going as a whole, I think the idea was a good one, but everyone who signed up wasn't too dedicated to play with a random team.
    Last edited: February 19, 2011
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yes, due to overlapping problems my team had to forfeit. I did happen to record that match the was disconnected.


    Technically I sent Jacktrips a message saying 2pmESt to setup and gather and 3pmESt was Game Start. But that's in the past...
  3. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    I did say 2 or 3 pm originally, which was why I was willing to wait as long as I did. Also, we could have had 6 since I also had Miss Informed ready to sub for us, but I offered the idea of 5v5 to make things easier on Stretch, since he has people on his team that like to be uncommunicative and provide false information about when they'll be on.

    I don't like the idea of anyone having to forfeit, but I've had my team on and ready to go for the past two Saturdays. I'm definitely not trying to reschedule this for this weekend.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I understand and agree with Jacktrips.
  5. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    That's too bad. I could've played, but my team had to play on 2 AM for me. **** YOU EUROPE
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    couldn't manage to get that second bot in there 2 drop your guys ball. we had one hit though. I was absolutely dominating that game. It was hard to get past your guys turrets. I hate having to forfeit considering I thought we were going to win.

    I've been hours early for both weeks.. I want a team for fraggednation.
  7. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    I wasn't on the original team anyways. Only found out about it 3 minutes before it started.
    Shame on those who didn't show up >:
  8. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Poo. I was online for once. Could've jumped in if it meant the game went ahead
  9. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    You'd better not be referring to me.

    You'd better hope to God you're not referring to me.
  10. noma jean 447

    noma jean 447 New Member

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    i have heard nothing from my team about when we are going to play, what is going on?
  11. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Lol @ internet threats.
  12. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Certainly not. I was referring to the two that told Stretch TODAY that they'd be on at 3:00.
  13. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    We are also having issues with getting our game played. We agreed to meet up at 7PM EST, and we waited for over an hour before giving up - krunk had to get some sleep before starting the late shift, it was going on 1:30 AM in Oireland. Syd had to take someone to the ER, but only two of her team were online.

    Through PMs, we worked out that Syd thought "7PM" meant "after 7PM". Which in turn meant "any time from 7PM to 12PM". Imagine if the World Cup final was scheduled to start "at some point during a five hour period".

    I draw a comparison with the World Cup because this is just as important.
  14. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    The funniest part of the scheduling is when our teammate left for about 15 mins after he was kicked offline. Numerous people on JackTrips team said they were constantly looking at the clock saying that once their clock hit a certain time we were done. One minute after all of them decided we forfeit our teammate returns lol. I think he was just as confused as I was on how if he was a minute earlier and joined we could have gotten those games back underway.

    I understand there were issues with our teammates and you were probably fed up. I don't understand the timing situations though and how the forfeit was determined. What if the host didn't drop and we won the first game? Were you guys not going to play the second game because those people had to leave anyway? Its very possible that we could have won that game seeing as we had map control, just as well as its very possible you could have won too.

    I just don't understand because if he did not have to leave for 10-15 mins we would have played? Why did you teammates leave?

    I'm not trying to get anything over turned here it just makes no sense to me lol. I was thankful that even though some subs weren't allowed, you guys agreed to the two we used, as well as giving him about 10 mins or so. You guys were pretty flexible in that sense but like I said were we ever in a position to play 3 games, if needed?

    I agree with sensitive bout these ridiculous time scheduling lol. What is this comcast? I'm not trying to sit around 12-4 just to find out we forfeit.
  15. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    We were all ready to play by 2:00. We had no problem waiting for a while, but by the time we left it was almost 4:30. Sorry Hostile got back on a minute later, but how are we supposed to know that? How long are we expected to wait? Wvlf and Tiger had college work to do, and FULTON was a sub and didn't plan on devoting a huge chunk of his day to getting 3 matches done.

    As I said before, this is the second Saturday in a row I've had my team ready to go. I've changed plans and altered my schedule to do this. It sucks, and unfortunately it looks like it's not even going to matter because half the damn captains don't give a crap, and when messages do get sent out half the players ignore them. I'm glad I drafted people on my friends list, because I knew all of them were regular players that are often online.

    EDIT: Also, the only sub I said no on was JRaw, and that was only because he's technically already on a team in this tournament, even though I don't see any evidence they will ever play.
  16. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Wvlf was the one doing the countdown, he had told us multiple times he had things to do. I also had a paper to write that's due tonight, so I wasn't going to argue against it.

    Speaking of that paper, I've still yet to start it. ****
  17. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Organous dropped out of the tourney due to scheduling issues, if I recall correctly he said F5in would be taking over his spot as captain for your team.
  18. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    gonna make this one short and sweet

    by the time the first game got underway did you guys realize there was possibly 2 more games left? Once it lagged out did you guys think about how much time would be needed to finish the series?

    You guys started a countdown for about 10 minutes or so then you guys were leaving. Did you plan to play those games in 10 minutes? You guys can wait as long as you choose to wait.. and thats exactly what you did. It just so happened that our teammate was 1 minute over your deadline.. which was actually the established time of our player.

    I understand you were on both saturdays.. so was I. I've changed my schedule around greatly for this too.. I mean I asked so many questions in my post and got a response to I think one of them..

    If our teammate had returned in your 10 minute deadline, were you guys prepared to finish the series? It seems that either if he made it or not you guys had a set time on when you were getting off and it was just easier to give us the loss.

    j/k this wasnt short or sweet. All the questions and "..."s make the post sound bitter. Obviously I wouldn't want to forfeit, but I'm just looking for answers not trying to overturn anything
  19. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Wvlf started the countdown because he was fed up/had things to do. Sure, we were prepared to play the next 2 games, but we had no idea what was happening with Hostile. Hostile said he'd brb to get ice, then disappeared for 10 minutes. The 5 of us had already been online for near 2 1/2 hours to play the games and we didn't if he was going to be gone for 10 minutes or an hour. We needed to get other things finished outside of MNC instead of possibly waiting in a lobby for someone who may not show up.
  20. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    I think people on both teams should just calm down. You guys can argue in circles forever and nothing's going to change over the arguing.

    EDIT: Stretch's team was indeed doing better on kills, but since OT never hit and the ball never dropped for either team arguing that is as just as moot as arguing which team deserves the forfeit.

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