MNC and Steam - Small Question

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Thunderbox, June 23, 2010.

  1. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    No, not pretentious at all, my friend. For I too, are one of those people, just give me the action. Don't talk all bull about the...whatever the heck you're supposed to be talking about, just talk about the bloody game, damn it.

    I mean, it IS nice to see two (and ONLY two members) talking about really difficult stuff that most members don't ever what to see on the screens in front of them. But to be honest, if I may be so kind, that I have not seen you talk ONCE about the gameplay, the characters...mostly anything to do with what's inside the game itself on the forums yet, TGO023.

    You need to, oh what's it called? Converse with the other members a bit more instead of just the one and talk about what WE want to talk about as well, not just the one thing. I''re BORING. You never know, you might gain some more friends.

    Well, now THAT'S out of my system, let's talk more about Monday Night Combat, yes?
  2. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Dear "The Great One",

    First of all, I don't remember anyone arguing that a Blitz trailer was bigger than the Summer of Arcade.

    There has been only a single post that might be contradictory to my previous statement.

    However, he wasn't real descriptive in what parts of your post he was agreeing/disagreeing with. I'm not trying to single out Gentleman here, I just feel like you need brought back down off your pedestal.

    Secondly, the only reason some of us hoped that SoA wasn't the big announcement was because there was already a consensus that it was going to be included. It may not have been confirmed yet, but some of us figured it would be. And we came to this consensus before you even joined the forums.

    So in your future posts please try to not make it sound like you're superior to anyone else on these forums. We're going to get enough of that once this game goes mainstream and all the 12 year-olds think they could've created a better game than the devs.
  3. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Not pretentious at all! Everything you said is perfectly legit.

    There are certain areas that I think do affect game players in an indirect way, or directly depending upon the point of view. Used games for example. Unless I have no choice, because I am looking for a trip down memory lane for example, I never buy used. I don't blame EA, Ubisoft, THQ, etc. for one single solitary second the measures they are taking to de-incentive-ize (made up that Webster's) used game sales. After watching the blood bath of development studios and smaller publishers over the last few years, and seeing announced and unannounced games being killed off is just not something I want to see in my hobby. I want to see the game developers and publishers get every bit of reward they should for their work, because that goes into their next game...which is good for my future gaming options.

    I'd like to see a viable competitor to Steam step up their game. I think it was Randy Pitchford at Gearbox that said Steam being the 800lb gorilla in digital distribution sucks for the industry (I'm liberally paraphrasing). There needs to be some better competition there.

    The more revenue back to developers, the more they can invest in development, which means more games, more competition and more options for us.
  4. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    And see, I buy used games as often as I can. Granted, I think a developer should get his just reward, believe me I do. But, and I really sound selfish, I try to save a dollar any way I can. I'm am opposed to what EA is doing with their "online pass" program because I feel that I already pay my fees to play online (xbox live fees). Now, it wont really affect me because I dont buy as many ea sports titles as I used to, HOWEVER, I'm more concerned with how this is going to affect my achievements. I dont want to have to pay $10 jsut to get those last 4 achievements to hit my 1000 gamerscore.

    Also, now that Steam will be available on the PS3, they will never have competition. Like Netflix and Gamefly will never have competition.
  5. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Who me?
  6. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Not you, Papa Goulosh. (If ANYONE gets that reference, I'll give them a prize!)
  7. XxXMullin13XxX

    XxXMullin13XxX New Member

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    No I dont think he's talking about you gentleman he is talking about TGO023
  8. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    Yeah it was directed at TGO023. I could never be so harsh to such a Gentleman. ;)

    I do kinda feel bad tho it was a little overboard and I hope this doesn't escalate further. but I had to vent.....
  9. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    As a fellow consumer, I don't blame you, Sm1tty. Ultimately, demand and the market dictates what is available to us based upon what we do with our wallets!

    I'm not cheering on the tactics of the publishers, but at the same time I can't blame them for doing it. At some point this policy will bite me in the ***, I'm sure. Not a matter of if, but when.
  10. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Thanks for the info! This kinda explains why the PC market just refuses to die - as it was foretold so many times already.
    About the Infinity Ward thing, from what I have read EA probably approached the IW bosses before Activision started the dispute. But those are only rumors and I certainly have no inside info. But no matter what happened, it's frustrating to see how this whole story developed. Publishers need to understand that game studios are more than names and interchangeable human resources...

    Oh btw, when is that PC port coming? :D
  11. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Think it's funny that West and Zampella (Respawn guys) left 2015 because of EA to form Infinity Ward...and are now back working with EA again, albeit under an ENTIRELY different set of terms with EA Partners.

    The circle is now complete...
  12. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    I think that's actually when Respawn announces "Medal of Honor: Modern Warfare".
  13. Thunderbox

    Thunderbox New Member

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    Thank you. :shock:

    I didn't think there'd be anything close to this number of replies. Honestly... I... just read through the first page and a half, and skimmed the rest. :oops:

    I sent Zaven a link to the thread not too long ago (about a couple hours) -- And I've yet to hear anything from him since then. I'll catch him tomorrow to see if I can wrangle a response of some sort...

    From what I understand from this so far - hooking up Xbox and PC servers together has its pros and cons. Just that there's more of the - than the +.

    Again, thank you all.
    I'll.. uh, be switching back to lurk mode.
    Until something else pops to mind. What there is of it, anyway.
  14. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Blast! I think EA Los Angeles and DICE already beat them to it. Back to the drawing board then...

    Call of Honor: Near Future Fighter

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