MNC 360 Poll

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Aeadon, March 9, 2011.


What 3 things does MNC 360 need most?

  1. More Maps

    173 vote(s)
  2. Balance Adjustments

    89 vote(s)
  3. More Characters

    38 vote(s)
  4. Better Matchmaking

    127 vote(s)
  5. Better Performance

    108 vote(s)
  6. More Game Modes

    59 vote(s)
  7. Lots of small updates

    48 vote(s)
  8. A few really big updates

    50 vote(s)
  9. More meta game (protags, sponsors, etc)

    31 vote(s)
  10. Exploits fixed

    86 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. knaloua

    knaloua New Member

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    Better matchmaking son
  2. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    All of the bug fixes would be free.

    To add new content, they need an update for the game, and placed inside the update is all of those bug fixes we want.

    I'm not saying I don't want exploits fixed, but I don't want to see them take priority when they seem easier to do.

    I think better performance could be a good option, because the game ran much better before the spunky update. If they toned down the sounds you really can't hear, it would help boost performance. I hope they could take some time to see what causes the performance hit.

    I feel like better matchmaking should be as easy as making a separate solo playlist (meaning no parties, friends joining sessions, etc). As for lag, well that is in every game and there is only so much you can do to compensate for bad connection. Also, if you want fair teams, join some privates, they are a lot of fun but very tough if you don't take advice from experienced players (we might get angry if you don't).

    I would like to see more options for private matches AND THE ABILITY TO CHOOSE TEAMS. It is so arduous to have people leave, rejoin then realize they rejoined too early etc.
  3. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    mnc 360 will never have as much content as the pc or be as good and glitch free.
    are people really going to continue to play with all the glitches for the next 6 months or longer with the hope of getting some fixes and dlc? yeah they will but I won't be 1 of them. the first paid for dlc won't have half as much content thats been added to the pc (new spawns,gear etc) due to "size" restrictions. after the last dlc mnc 360 will die off and the pc version will continue to be supported and with the map editor being added I doubt mnc2 will be out in the next 2-3 years. will it come to consoles? I don't think so. why would uber want to fund a game that is difficult to update and have the constant harassment and bull#### from 360 players? I won't buy the dlc.because I don't want to fund ubers next game that will be pc exclusive. my interest in this game is dead
  4. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    D-D-D-DRAMA QUEEEN! Wake up, they'll still support the game through other means once they run out of their updates, and what the hell makes you think their next game will be PC-Exclusive?
  5. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    If they're going to download only, they should do only PC, because the framerate on the xbox version is something that really shouldn't happen. This is the first dashboard game I've played, but I've never played a game where I experienced this much framerate lag, or box freezes.

    If they do go xbox, and do go shooter, I hope they make it more balanced and focused on skill rather than gimmicks. All the fun stuff on MNC makes it fun, but doesn't make it a better game. When you're trying to compete with big name companies for gamer attention, being fun gets people started, being a better game keeps them hooked.

    Example: Bionic Commando. When the BC trial came out on the dashboard it got ridiculously popular. Although there was a lag issue(with bullet damage, not framerate) people still played it a bunch, and there were teams for the game, and a GB ladder.. before the game came out. There were hopes for the game, like fixing the lag, fixing matchmaking, etc.. but when the game came out people realized that the company hadn't really fixed any of the issues between the trial and the game.. so it failed miserably. It could've been big(think gow mixed with spider man. sounds gay, but the ability you had movement wise made it awesome), but it failed because simple issues weren't fixed.
  6. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I think uber said at some point they would make a full disc sequal, so I'm keeping my hopes up.

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    All i have to say to that is - Brink, see you there.
  8. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    I think it needs more of uber's focus than the pc
  9. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    do you not read any thing thats posted on here? the devs have no idea IF or when the dlc will be out due to the frustrating rules set by ms and the build of the game on 360 is difficult to update and not all content from pc will be added like the new spawns so 1. why would they continue working with ms when they basically slated them and their console with their "don't blame us blame ms" attitude 2. the 360 community is more hostile and aggressive 3.pc only will earn them more gold coins to spend on skills. just over 7k played mnc this week, last week it was just under 9k so tell me this- why would a developer continue to support a game that is losing many players on a "broken" console when they can do what they like on pc? and what support will they offer the 360 after both updates? update this site with images of maps from the pc with the tagline- ARE YOU FED UP OF PLAYING MATCHES SPONSORED BY LAG-O-MATIC? THEN BUY IT AGAIN ON PC!!!! HIYOOO!!!! or finally update the character bio section? oh & this site is supposed to entice new players? 1 look at the 360 section would put anyone off buying it on 360 by reading all the "drama" on here. it really makes me laugh that people call the stuff on here "drama". what challenging lives you people must live :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Capitalization. It is a virtue.

    Anyway, DLC may bring in new players, bring back old players, all of that good stuff. People are still buying the game, which is evident by the level of new players. DLC that isn't free will bring in money. There is still money to be made, so Uber won't leave us.
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you can't enjoy the game in it's current state I am afraid no matter what they do to update the 360 version you're still going to be un-happy.

    If you were able to play through all the "down-sides" of the game I am sure you can wait a few more months and during that waiting period new content is what will keep u busy.

    "No expectations means No disappointments."
  12. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    No, give us ANYTHING more than what we have now and we WILL be happy. Fact.
  13. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    It's too late for new content. I get the impression that the second DLC is nowhere near the polishing stages. By the time it's certified by Microsoft, the remaining player base will have been scattered by Brink, Section 8: Prejudice, and Tribes: Ascend.

    Instead of the options listed, I'd simply like an official apology for:

    1. Abandoning the original version after 360 owners underwrote the PC port.
      (or: not releasing MNC on Steam in the first place)
    2. Failure to eliminate bugs that the patch notes claimed to be fixed.
    3. Listening to the community in regards to balancing.
    4. Implementing lickspittles as forum moderators.
  14. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    This, no offence.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I will just say if the abandoned the 360 version what's the point of this poll?

    Patch I have to say that it probably the most selfish post I have ever read.
  16. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Leave. We don't even want you. Same with you Gentleman. If you are just going to bitch that we are forgotten about when they have said so many times they aren't going to leave us, and they even made this damn poll, you are so stupid we don't even want you.
  17. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    that makes no sense. I did enjoy the game thats why I been playing nothing else since the day it came out but I can't continue to play a game that is so badly put together.& broken in many ways.what is the point of playing a game that will end when the host leaves? whats the point of playing a game that won't let you do what is intended? what is the point of getting people to play a game to have the "waiting for players" screen to come up? I can't play the same maps and hear the same lines for the next who knows when in the hope of new content and fixes. that we have basically been told we won't get due to size restrictions and other problems with the 360 build. all the ideas from the 360 players are now/going in the pc version and all we hear are excuses as to why the 360 is taking so long to be updated. this poll is just to humor us and stop the flame wars. glitchent should know what to put in the 360 without us telling them as they made the game. and what do we really want? the same game thats on pc but we have been told that can't happen. I got 5 of my "REAL" friends to buy the game but they gave up on it. out of 56 people on my friends list that have it only 11 still play. just under 300k purchased the game and now only 7k play a week and thats dropping. what is the point of buying dlc in 6months for a game that so few people will be playing?
  18. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Is it weird that I completely agree with both these people?
  19. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Capitalization: Still a virtue.

    On topic: I'm not even going to try to reply to this. I've already made my opinion clear in this thread, so just leave if you can't understand what is happening.
  20. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    who are you to be saying to people you don't want them to play the game?? are people not allowed to voice their feelings or opinions? oh right you can't on this site without being burned by other players.what a *****
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