MNC 360 Poll

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Aeadon, March 9, 2011.


What 3 things does MNC 360 need most?

  1. More Maps

    173 vote(s)
  2. Balance Adjustments

    89 vote(s)
  3. More Characters

    38 vote(s)
  4. Better Matchmaking

    127 vote(s)
  5. Better Performance

    108 vote(s)
  6. More Game Modes

    59 vote(s)
  7. Lots of small updates

    48 vote(s)
  8. A few really big updates

    50 vote(s)
  9. More meta game (protags, sponsors, etc)

    31 vote(s)
  10. Exploits fixed

    86 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Eh, bored out of my mind, but don't feel like playing a gaem of teh vidja right now. And don't take the nitpicking personally, I'm an equal opportunity Devil's Advocate that will argue hypothetically until I pass out.

    While it does happen very rarely during normal gameplay, one could argue Overtime (and to an extent, Sudden Death/Super Sudden Death Blitz) is not normal gameplay, as it's pretty much unadulterated chaos. Multiple Juicing players, multiple Jackbots, and the Annihilator all happening at once are common during Overtime.


    Of course. I just like to provide reasoning for my own views, and wish to get the reasoning of others for their views.
  2. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    More maps, A few big updates, and Exploits fixed.
    You know?
  3. ForeverZero

    ForeverZero New Member

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    Maps would be nice and new content would be nice. But I would rather have the bugs fixed and done so in a timely manner instead of 3+ months after they are discovered.

    Also, WTB as much attention as (i feel) the steam community gets. :cry:
  4. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    maps, matchmaking, and i don't know... more private match options
  5. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I voted for new maps, fixing exploits, and small updates. But I probably speak for most higher level people when I say that I would love to have more protags and things like that because I have bought every one that is available, so I am just looking for something to spend my millions on haha.
  6. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    If what I think Uber may be planning to do is right though, purchasing cosmetic outfits (aka Gear on PC) would be a good way to burn that up.
  7. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Lol, I mean like the new page of highlights. More tags for doing crazy things, or just strange.
  8. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Private match options should be the first priority- team change and host kick, pretty simple right? then performance- xbox freezes up often then maps- please no more spunky it sucked when i first played it.
  9. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    What about Highlights of things that can be beneficial to the team?

    Spawn X number of bots in one game
    Get X number of kills using bots in one game
    RingOut a Pro that is Juiced
    Heal X amount of health in one life (mostly a Support thing)
    Hack an enemy turret to your team (and Hacking one of your turrets that was Hacked by the other team)
    Stop a hostile Support from hacking a friendly turret

    And then of course we can't forget about Splode-A-Pro.
  10. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Anything new is good for me :D Just want new ones :cool:
  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I have a new Protag idea....

    1,000,000 bot melees
  12. just here 4 the poll

    just here 4 the poll New Member

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    I'm sorry but isn't there a wishlist topic to discuss protag ideas? Let's try to stick to the POLL.
  13. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Major exploits should be fixed not voted on.
    Performance issues like the stutterstep should be fixed not voted on.

    Maps are fine the way they are, if it means better content joining the mix leave out new maps. Id like maybe one more but if it has to be put off for a later date fine.

    Before i say my 3 picks i havnt voted on them yet but will. I would just like to say, Customizable options such as outfit changes (PC has some interesting outfits, id like to see Xbox Exclusive outfits)would be awesome, Protags are not anything special as ive seen so far, some are funny but for the most part no one really cares about them, however they will care about the way they look on the battle field.

    Smaller Updates-A big update once and a while is good, but small updates like patches and glitch fixes keep a crowd. We have been playing a very broken game since November and where PC sees fast fixes, a patch would have been nice by now.

    Better Performance-If anyone plays Assassin im sure you hate the stutter step by now.

    More Meta Game-Not Protags please, this is along the lines of Customizable options such as outfits only. A $500,000 outfit will mean a lot more to me and my custom classes than a me!
  14. mute

    mute New Member

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    Lobbies/Parties should find other lobbies/parties when they exist. Reduce the pubstomping. At night you'll see the same 6-8 people playing in lobbies, running over pubs but the 2 lobbies never match up. It's a pretty obvious problem anytime really, but at night it ruins the only available few lobbies. I tire of being in a team running over people @ 2-4am when I want a real game/challenge.

    More maps:
    There needs to be more variety. Maps like Laser and Spunky are cool because they do not have direct paths into the bases. GIII and Ammomule are basically the same map, and SteelPeel is a terror for undermatched shooting fish in a barrel.

    More classes:
    I like the idea of adding a new class or 2 simply for the fact that it will change the scope of the game a great deal and will force people to change their tiring routines.

    Outfits and meta-game additions = lame ideas. Add something with substance. The game is becoming a broken record. They are only mildly interesting as side-items, but are not a major attraction or a reason to update. They'd also waste precious size-limiting space for future, more meaningful, updates.
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Port everything from the pc first, that could help the xbox version.

    Basically fixes really. New spawnroom doors and more bots would definitely do a lot in themselves.
  16. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I voted for:

    Fixing Exploits:
    But should exploits really need to be voted on?

    More Maps:
    In Mw2, like Aeadon said in that first post, the problem was that they devoted effort to maps instead of fixing the game. There were 16 maps originally, so I'd tend to agree with that. Whereas in MNC, there were only 4 maps originally, with 1 added. More maps would for sure increase it's longevity. I know everyone here has probably said at one time or another, "OMG Spunky/ again?" Maybe not.

    A personal issue, I just freaking hate when the game slows down while so many things are going on.

    If I didn't have to vote for Exploits I would vote for Balance Issues, and after that, Matchmaking. While the Matchmaking I could deal with not being improved, Balance Issues would still make me rage time and again.
  17. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Cant believe im saying this but this is a good idea, i hope we get the spawn doors and the juice bot. Also i think one juice machine is enough or maybe a vote to have no juice in the lobby for players to decide, maybe 8 votes to disable juice?

    Also the matchmaking should be number one priority, so many times have been sat with friends waiting for one or two people to join who never do when i know there are people searching for games in ones and twos.

    I love this game but lack of maps is killing it for me, i would gladly pay plenty for new maps.

    One more thing, if i dont get my pyro mask for the tank im gonna be mad.
  18. vashkey

    vashkey New Member

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    New content, period. Balancing updates, improvements to performance and tweaks would be nice but it really wouldn't bring people back for long. It'd still be the same game, just more functional.

    Monday Combat is a relatively small game and it hasn't been updated in three months. People have seen everything the game has to offer, what it needs is new reasons for players to play. I got a solid 60+ hours of fun out of this game. For fifteen dollars it's served it's purpose for me stupendously but I have had no urge to go back since Spunky Cola dlc.

    Leaving a game like this, a new IP on xbox live neglected for so long is not a way to keep interest up. To be frank, Uber dropped the ball. Even if they can't rush out new content to the game they put next to no effort into interacting with the 360 fanbase. Wheres the tournaments, the contests? I made a topic about this way back when but it douesnt hurt updater the site more, perhaps create a weekly update or something, like Bungie. As is they mostly go twitter. They use to frequent forums often. I wouldn't know about now they, I haven't seem on the 360 boards for a while but I don't frequent too much.

    But it seems they're avoiding the subject. Odds are they have quitely decided to drop support for the 360 version due to the difficulty of applying updates and new content to it and personally I think thats wrong. The game is great, like I said, simple community support like tournaments, contests and other events would go a long way to showing they care about us fans.

    Sure, the 360 is a hurdle, the only way they might be able to get more content out is over pricing it, but you know what? Thats better than completely dropping support all together. You look worse to your fans by ignoring them than you do by charging for dlc.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Their 360 database is still bigger, because it's more accessible.

    They know this already. I think we at least are going to see steam updates, and I think we are going to see big stuff for a price soon too. That was their intentions all along, if you listened.
  20. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    and new pro gear
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