MrTBSC Post Master General

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    ... tunneling mobile bombs ... now that would be a commanders nightmare :D

    thing with mobile bombs as single units is they are wayyy to risky and therefore rarely used ..
    at least from what i saw in supcom fa mobilebombs WHEN in use where often anti commander ... give me one or two matches were they have been used antibuilding/base or antiarmy that was played by well skilled players ... mobilebombs would have to be rather cheap to build have a relatively good aoe and damage in order to be a viable option ... then there is of course the danger of them beeing OP when in numbers and not to forget they are rather mirco intensiv by default otherwise they would all attack the same target by themselves unless propperly ai skripted but again eventualy and likely OP...

    ... so yeah it´s cool and all ... but how do you propper implement them in a largescale war were hundrets of units happen to be in ... AND mutiple battlefields ...

    ... imo the multiminelauncher/layer example would be a good solution ...
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    A simple wall can counter a cloaked unit.

    Mines are more effective against FAST units. The mine is immobile, and it depends on an opponent running into it. This makes it a natural barrier against air units, which tend to be the fastest of all.
  3. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    Flying mines. Sounds like kamikaze pilots.
  4. pantsburgh

    pantsburgh Active Member

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    So we're talking about area denial. What do I personally want from area denial?
    - has both soft and hard counters
    - requires problem solving to counter, not micro
    - is straightforward so that people have a clue what is going on

    I don't know that mines solve any of that very well. If you want to deploy mines with artillery and bombers, why not just use regular artillery and regular bombers? If you want "set it and forget it" why not build some PDs? These are all existing mechanics that accomplish the same things, and don't add an entire layer of complexity to accommodate the appropriate counters.

    What I wouldn't mind is some creative options for PD. Not everything needs to just shoot lasers at the nearest enemy. If we give players a few PDs that accomplish different things then that adds some decisions for them to make regarding which PDs will be most effective in a given area, how to place them, and balance this against how much engineer time and resources they want to dedicate to denying this area. To me, this is far more interesting and active than any of the decisions that mines provide.

    Regardless, I hope to see both unique PDs and mine solutions from modders. I'm not really convinced we need either from Uber though.
  5. veta

    veta Active Member

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    In ZK there is a mobile bomb unit that can quickly reclaim resources and build copies of itself, it's useful on wreckfields.

    Supreme Commander had this for Aeon, they were called "Guided Missiles". Although they weren't Anti-Air. http://supcom.wikia.com/wiki/Aeon_T2_Guided_Missile

    I agree, we don't need mines in the same way we don't need cloaking units. They're just interesting additional unit interactions like EMP, Burn, Mobile Bombs, Spiderbots, etc.

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