Mine Layers?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by raffie, September 13, 2013.

  1. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    I made a post in the unit suggestion thread that functions similarly to this. What if the artillery shot out projectiles that explode mid-air like flak, but instead of releasing shrapnel, they create a localized electromagnetic storm that causes aircraft to take damage and fly randomly because their instruments are temporarily fried. The storm would persist for several seconds instead of being permanent like a mine, but it has the similar effect of using the air units movement against itself.
  2. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    A storm or flak effect has to be aimed precisely where and when it is needed, lest it misses most horribly to no effect. I do not expect an artillery weapon to EVER have decent aim against aircraft.

    A field of land mines needs to be aimed in the general vicinity of where air units are, but it doesn't matter when it connects. The air units do the rest. Aiming the weapon becomes much easier overall, because you can still score a hit despite "missing" by a minute or more. The mine effect scores precise and restrained damage, while a lingering storm can whack hundreds or thousands of planes with no damage cap in sight.

    I totally get that a stormy/hurricane-y effect would be really awesome against aircraft. But any form of damage AoE has to be carefully managed lest it dominates over all other weapons. You can still have lots of fun with AoE support effects like blindness or snaring or even an emp that wipes out bomber energy. Those things would be pretty cool.
  3. raffie

    raffie Member

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    I like the new mine layer..... thx
  4. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    it should lay mines quickly( maybe 5 at a time?) around itself, and run like that spreading clusters of mines.
    Last edited: January 19, 2014
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  5. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Isn't that a flak cannon?

    Or you mean more like a line of Barriage Baloons?

    I still didn't use mines. I should go and give a try. Specially against the AI may be fun.
  6. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    I think T1 mines are fine in theory. The idea of denying your enemy a track of land is completely valid. A few mines for a choke point, or a lot of mines to cover a wide expanse. You could also surround your remote MEX with mines to discourage skirmishers. I agree the worst part about mines in most games is the maintenance, but with persistent area commands we can sharply reduce that burden, especially if the factory can support building units with mine laying orders.

    I think T2 mines are a waste. I would rather see T2 mine layers, such as artillery or bomber deployed mines that scatter over a large area quickly, allowing us to secure larger areas more quickly.

    In ZeroHour mines had no AoE, so you could scatter them inside your own base as a very effective deterrent to skirmishers running between your buildings. IE: Dox repellent.
  7. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Anyone want to give me a general overview on how mines are in game at the moment? I haven't used them yet and I'm not at home right now...
  8. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Read two posts above that:
    That's pretty damn important. A weapon which can not directly intercept an air unit has no chance of working. A delayed blast CAN work if you anticipate the enemy's next step.

    Mines only work when the enemy runs into them. Fast units cover more ground. Therefore, faster units have a greater chance to run into mines. The fastest units in the game are air. Ta daaa, mines are most effective against air. To pretend that this is not the case is an exercise in futility.

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