Micro and macro at pro/high level play

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sirshane, June 2, 2013.

  1. Vijar

    Vijar New Member

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    You aren't married, are you? :D
  2. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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    To answer some questions for the players who want to know what makes a TA player pro:

    There are very few 'spells'.

    What makes TA players better is their ability to manage multiple fronts of conflict. Can you manage 5 assaults at the same time and reduce losses to a minimum while increasing damage on your opponent to a maximum with those small clashes?

    Can you set pre-planned routes for your units that best fits their planned strategic conflicts?

    Can you micro your commander to the nth degree to keep him alive while causing the maximum amount of damage with his Uber-gun?

    Can you pick targets of opportunity that better cripple your opponent?

    That's the core of TA and SupCom game play. Whether there are gambits that are added to support or compliment these items is up to Uber.

    I honestly think at the end of the day once the strategies and build orders are in place the higher ability to manage multiple conflicts and micro your commander early game comes out as TA's apm. It's not apm, but its critically thinking and management that may have your hand twitching.

    Good luck have fun
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    The most important part in FA/TA to be good simply is: How many units can you produce till minute X? If you have twice as many units stuff like unitcontrol doesnt even matter.
    Only after reaching a certain level, where it becomes hard to improve, it is useful to care for other stuff. It is the same in SC2: Are your mechanics good enough to get out as many units as possible in a quick time? No? Well, go improve them and don't care for the rest...
    No I am not and the supermarkt is like 75m from here, so usually I don't even take a bag with me.
  4. numerials

    numerials New Member

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    We just need for direct link interface. No keyboard no mouse. Use that new technology that they're developing (or have been developing?) that should be commercial within 10 years then when you lose a match you know for CERTAIN it was your strategy not your lack of APM

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