Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Spy, January 11, 2011.

  1. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    This failure to adapt thing you keep mentioning doesn't make sense. What is there to adapt to?

    OT places too much emphasis on a single player and juice. A 20-minute team effort shouldn't be decided by a single individual's timely use of juice in overtime. Have you not noticed that's a common occurrence? Regulation ends, red has blue's moneyball at 25%, blue hasn't even touched red's moneyball, but blue wins because a juiced gunner/tank/assassin is sitting right outside red's base when OT starts, and takes down the moneyball in a matter of seconds.

    You might as well just flip a coin for who wins using the default OT rules. Or, like I did, change the rules on my server. The game's better that way, I think.
  2. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    I tend to enjoy the close games that run into overtime much more than the games where one team actually takes out a moneyball before overtime, long drawn out matches are awesome. The resulting 20s juice fueled moneyball scramble is always a boring end though. :(

    Not that I sit around the entire game trying to push to overtime when it's not needed or anything, I'm usually the only person even bothering to push the enemy base.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You do know juiced players are extremely easy to deal with right? Each Pro has at least one way to deal with a juiced Pro in a 1 on 1 situation.

    To the rules and tactics of OT.
  4. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    That's what I'm pointing out: there's nothing to adapt to. The rules don't change. Whoever gets the juiced assasin/tank/gunner into the other team's base first wins. You make it sound like there's some grand strategy when it's little more than a race to the juice machine, luck that you've already got juice, or holding it from regulation into OT for an easier win.

    And in a one-on-one situation, a juiced pro is going to wreck a non-juiced pro every single time, unless the non-juiced pro has the drop on him and has a throwing grapple and a place to ring the juicer out. Or some other set of circumstances that's far less likely than simply dying to about half a second's worth of burst fire from the juicer.

    Must you be so condescending? I don't like the way it works. I fixed it on my server.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I'm going to leave it at this: You couldn't be any more wrong, but hey that's you.
  6. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I agree with you. If you don't like how something works fix it on your server.

    I just don't play on servers with different rulesets personally. I haven't found a pressing need to change the game out of the way Uber intended for us. I think Uber designed the game specifically. I don't like longer game times, no juice buying, class limits whatever.
  7. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    How did this guy went from: 'This guy's funny, here's why' To 'I hate OT, because juice.'?

    But I still wanna add something to the latter topic:
    To me, the class limits are there to force players choose a different class other than sin, or what have you. A team full of sins is just overkill in this game to me.
  8. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    This, so much.
    I like this. People will be forced to choose another class, and unfortunately this will probably result in snipers also being limited but hey I can play support too! :mrgreen: Partly.
  9. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Class limits are great in genera.

    Not that it'll make any real difference to me, I always play whatever the team is lacking anyway.
  10. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    On every server ,there should be like only 2 players (same team) that can take same classes.Maximum.
  11. VoxNihili

    VoxNihili New Member

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    Unfortunately class limits aren't working now. That's how I've got my server set up - 2 of each. Unfortunately 3 assassins on one team isn't uncommon, and 4 isn't rare. Snipers aren't much better in that regard.

    Hopefully they'll get class limits working soon. And a way for me to get that information (as well as other server settings) before they connect.
  12. JPX Brutality

    JPX Brutality New Member

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    Would like to add to the OT juice discussion here. If OT hits and someone is Juice Rushing your money ball. Grapple them. It doesn't have to be a throw grapple just any grapple. Of course you are going to have to die but it takes at least 5-10 seconds off the juice time that the player is experiencing and even makes them have to kill you before walking over to your money ball. It's a strategy I employ in the 360 version and will employ in this version as well. Freeze traps are a nice touch too. It will stop them for 5-10 seconds and also decrease there juice time. Just saying Juice Rush in OT is not as deadly as you think. Whats deadly is an assassin with juice far away infinitely shooting the edge of the money ball they can barely see with the shurikens. Takes I'd say 15 - 20 secs to take down a full moneyball.
  13. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Lol, proof you haven't played the PC version.

    It only takes away one second at most for a non-throw grapple, and you may as well be thin air between the moneyball and him.

    Dying gives you 8 seconds of respawn time, and a juiced player can chain a huge kill combo to leave you all waiting in line to spawn.

    It probably takes just a little more than that to take down a moneyball if you're the right class and conserve your juice until you're right beside it. Tank juice beam and assault juice grenades and bombs tear massive chunks out of it.

    Plus in most cases, you can just evade sniper traps by killing him out right if you use bullets, or flying over/around the traps. You don't even have to be on the ground next to the moneyball to get near it, getting onto the spawn ring instead. And even then sniper traps have been nerfed so unless you can kill them or stop them from getting near the ball in five seconds it's a waste of time. Especially since juice heals them fully so they can just juice right away if they get trapped since they'll break out in just a second.
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Well I've played the PC version and what he says does work. I'm actually able to do even though I am lagging to hell. I have only played 4 of the classes on the PC and the 2 I didn't/haven't played are the Assassin and the Sniper.

    Lets see non-throw grapples...
    Assault: Grenade Launcher grapple - About 5 seconds from the start to the juice player getting up.

    Support: Shotgun grapple - Yeah this is pretty short about 3 seconds but the juiced player will end up standing right at the end of your shotgun so that's about half of their health gone of you shoot.

    Gunner: Mortar grapple - Same as the Assault 5 seconds for start of grapple until they get up.

    Tank: He has no non-throw grapple. His Jet Gun has the Death Blossom and the Railgun is a throw grapple.

    Yep, during OT the Moneyball dies fast, that's the point. Still the strongest weapons against the Moneyball is a Juiced Shotgun and the Juiced Shurikens.

    Although I haven't played as the Sniper I have still seen oblivious players just walk right into them. Also the thing with using Ice Traps for defense during OT is to place them outside of your base. You should have base defenses to force them to pop the juice early if they don't want to die. Players still just waltz right into the base during OT thinking just because they have juice they are unstoppable.
  15. Woyzeck

    Woyzeck New Member

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    Wow, what is this Spy? :shock:

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