MCxShammas' Assault Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Shammas, October 2, 2010.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Fyi, this is the 'Strategy and Tactics' section of the forums so if you aren't contributing then you are trolling. Here's and idea, why not tell shammas all of this over a PM.
  2. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    u mad troll? :arrow:
  3. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    I'm just convinced assault isnt my play style in any way, I try and apply all these guides and just dont do well as assault, almost ever. I'm usually a mediocre jack of all trades in games but dont excel in on one class, but I can never get the hang of this one. Being on topic good guide I wish it helped me, I think the matchup section was the best thing to honestly contribute. I have to agree about level 3 charge being used more for mobility than actually killing something but as we all know, it happens. Also I always bring gold rate of fire. Its honestly too good to pass up sadly.

    Off topic, some people never learn lol. I love the "NO U" instead of a response. Good use of the forums. Theres too much ego in this thread now and not enough guide.
  4. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    yes because making off topic comments about people making off topic comments usually warrants this

    but you knew that, right?
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    PeachyPony you just don't know when to stop.

    Anyways, I tried out your setup Shammas and it worked pretty good. Although I switched the Skill Recovery with Clip Size.
  6. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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  7. thatsmystappler

    thatsmystappler New Member

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    Sup MCxShammas

    Nice guide just wanted to say that gold armor is noob =P

    But seriously the setup I use is gold RoF and then silver armor. It works well for me and maybe you should test it out because even though you have gold armor, you cant kill an assassin who charge grapples unless you have good RoF. With silver you can survive everything but back grapples, I'm almost sure of it. Even you have to admit RoF is necessary on assault to take on gunners and support heal/hurt gun users. :x (Yeah those guys....) so just test it out and get back to me to see how it is! Oh... and nice guide I try to use those tactics now.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Although Assault is my favorite class I was having a bit of a crisis as to how to use him the most effectively. I used to run with Bronze Armor then bumped it up to Silver. I was able to survive a lot except for the dreaded Assassin back grapple. I find Gold Armor to be really useful. For one I can survive an Assassin Back Grapple and it also gives me a second or two to get away and regen. health.

    I tried every combo. of endorsements and found that Gold Armor and Silver RoF optimally work great for the Assault. The bronze sponsor can be a toss up for your personal style of play.

    As for the "charge grapple" Assassins they are easy to deal with. (since you mentioned RoF I will assume you mean a front grapple) That's easy to deal with. Fly + Bomb + Rifle = Dead.
  9. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I tried gold RoF, but I didn't think it made a difference on the AR. I only use RoF because the grenade launcher needs it, but gold is viable if it suits your playstyle. The reason I use armor is because there are tons of times where I live with very little health, and because it protects me a little when I bomb jump. Getting grappled by assassins isn't a big deal because if I pay close enough attention, they shouldn't be touching me.
  10. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    Whos this grizz guy. oo wait
  11. selkie210

    selkie210 New Member

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    just one thing, what is this "retreat" or "get away"?
    i know not the meaning of those words. i know 'charge!' or 'press the attack'. and "charge back to base!"
  12. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    Assault is my secondary class.

    I used to use

    Bronze: Rof

    its an alright set up, but you'll die a lot with this until you get your passive and bombs at lv 3 and charge at lv 2, but then killing classes such as gunners mostly came down to luck.

    so i changed it to

    Gold:Clip size
    Silver: RoF
    Bronze: Skill

    the huge clip for both your weapons keeps a constant offense on your enemies, making them play more defensively so your team can set up turrents, destroy their bots for money and juice and so on. Rate of fire is so that you can kill quickly and skill because you constantly use your abilities 24/7. Don't use accuracy because the AR does less damage over a long distance.

    Gunners are sill a problem though, its best to flank them and plant a lv.2 or 3 bomb on their backs. because most of the time, at any range they will outdamage you.

    tanks are not a problem if they dont know how to use their railguns. most tanks will rush you which gives you a perfect chance to stick them.

    supports are not so troublesome unless you're in their hurt gun range because with the right endorsements, they can heal faster than you can damage them.

    snipers are easy if you know how to fly.

    you should only die to assassians if you're fighting someone else. your charge 2 is a One Hit on non gold armors, bomb 3 is the same and you can fly which makes you avoid backstabs.

    All and all,make sure you always have someone near you because thats when the Assaults colors really shine through.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Best piece of advice is on page 4.....

    As a gunner I mow down assaults unless they have a buddy. Two assaults are an amazing combination. Then again so is a support with a gunner on a leash.
  14. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Gold rate of fire offers no advantage over silver on the assault rifle. It helps with grenade launcher, but not enough to warrant the health loss.

    Anyway, I've been experimenting with bronze endorsements, and am actually liking health recovery right now. Accuracy has a couple problems, but is still very viable, and so is skill recovery and clip size. It comes down to preferences, is all.
  15. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I prefer to roll this build

    Silver:Rate of Fire
    Bronze:Clip Size

    This allows me to run a decent clip while maintaining full mobility in a skirmish, although at the expense of being very vulnerable to a direct assault. Part of my playstyle is hopping on an elevated platform, drilling someone who isn't paying attention and then ducking away before they can return fire. Charge is used primarily in a defensive role, against people who close to melee range and to duck around a corner.

    With the amount of people running armor these days, it makes it more difficult to take out many people but I do my best to not be the one they're focused on when I attack. If forced to defend myself I fall back while spamming my AR. Gold accuracy means I don't have to aim and maintain good damage, while furiously dodging, jumping, short-flight to screw with their aim. Yes, I'd be even tougher with the armor but I find the defensive maneuvers coupled with the offensive endorsements to be effective enough for me.
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i must be the only one to use a gold skill endorsement. but like you said in the guide, a bomb can defeat all but a few classes and do enough damage to a lot of bots, and a lvl 2 or 3 charge can defeat the other classes and damage large waves of bots.

    i say level 3 charge because i want to add something. you can use lvl 3 charge better because of range and damage increase on impact and higher skill-regeneration. you can even find situations where the grapple is more fatal for pros (like snipers) and can ring-out others if your near the edge.

    am i a n00b for getting myself stuck in grapple animations every time i charge? no. why? because i dont get stuck in grapple animations ;) if you jump and fly very quickly together, you end up flying just above the ground at the height you pretty much would stand at anyway. if you jump-fly close to the ground and then lvl 3 charge, you do amazing impact damage to groups of bots or pros with teammates nearby that you must escape from without it grappling. a grapple is not done during a charge performed while your in air and not standing when you begin the charge.

    just remember if you gold-endorse skill, to upgrade bomb at the beginning of the game (while also upgrading passive, you needing the extra jump height is a no-brainer), then upgrade charge with collected money, then bomb again, then charge again. charge and bomb should be level 3 immediately after you upgrade passive to 2 and before any other money is spent.

    and the other 2 endorsements can be armor/health-regen, RoF/criticals, clip-size/accuracy, ect. depends on how you play. and if you play nothing but assault, make a setup of each, so you can use them depending on the enemy team (more damage assault rifle for a team heavy on gunners, more health for a team heavy on assassins, more shots/faster shots for turret killing so there are "turrents turrents nowhere")

    i wanted to make a guide, but adding the skiller set-up for an assault pretty much is all id contribute, and that can be done here without redundancy since shammas already made an assault guide that cant be added to any other way, he covered everything fundamentally and like every class its up to you to modify it to work better for you.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    If you just tap Y you'll hover off the ground. Since I have been trying to get the 10 grapple kill achievement I have been doing something similar although I need a new build for it.
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i also noticed assassin's backgrapple being a problem for assaults. what will protect you IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A PLACE YOUR STAYING AT OR RONDEVOUS OFTEN AT is placing a bomb and standing really close to it with your back torwards the bomb, if not standing directly on top of on it most the time. if you get grappled by an assassin, detonate the bomb while being grappled if their grappling you is within blast radius, as a level 3 bomb will instantly kill unarmored assassins.

    i saved my life many times by blowing up an assassin grappling me while i was in range of my own bomb, and it would have definitely killed me otherwise. i use the bomb a LOT. at level 3 they KILL most assassins, flat-out converts them into a neat pyle of giblits. same with snipers, a point blank bomb will kill upon detonation without being attached if its just close to their feet on the ground, unless they armor up.

    and the fly thing is true, i just usually bunny-hop anyway so for a bunny-hopper its faster to jump and fly when near the ground. idk, with skill-pill id argue its easier for you to get charge kills as well as charge-grapple kills if you upgrade charge, as well as being able to escape using it more often

    i believe higher level charge regenerates faster anyhow. and if im correct, lvl 3 charge wont leave you staring at a gunner in the open from mid-long range frantically mashing the red button thats still just barely not regenerated.

    "oh god no just another three seconds, please oh please gunner spare my life. ah, oh, owh, yeawh, aggghhhh..... *cough blood up* why was i out of bombs and charge?...."
  19. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Not knowing that gold Rof does virtually nothing over the silver RoF is pretty noob. An enemy assault with gold armor and silver RoF will kill your build over and over unless you're playing on LaseRazor (where you can actually use the grenade bounce trick just about everywhere).

  20. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Sorry, but if level 3 charge doesn't grapple it does no damage. It'll kill slims and gremlins, but that's it.

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