Maybe a solution to the fragile bot problems.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Goose, April 8, 2011.

  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yeah, the Buzzers have this weird love affair for walls.

    Imo if the speed of the Scrambles were buffed I think that alone would increase their usefulness. After all they are an ambush bots and how can they ambush anyone going as slow as they do. The skill drain radius on Scrambles is roughly the size of an Assault's level 3 Bomb.
  2. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    Scramblers are a real pain in my ***. As a sin i can't easily attack them without making myself vulnerable.

    Buzzers.. are never my problem.

    But Bouncers. Oh god, bouncers in large enough numbers are a nuisance for anyone.

    Especially just after the zap is triggered and you run past them to pop ejectors so people can't cheap them. I remember in one match i spawned about 15 bouncers. That was some good fun.. Swapped back to sin and rushed in to find the enemy team scrambling to sort out the 6 bouncers that were still running around at that point.. :lol:

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