Re: Mass Effect 3 looks... Anyone know if progress is going to be carried over? I'm assuming no, but anything can happen.
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread Aww, Mom, just 30 more minutes pleeeease? Oh wait, I'm 17 years old f_ck sleep
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread 46 more days? It's out on March 6th. If you were referencing something, then disregard. :V
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread I'm going to be pre-ordering it shortly. I haven't tried the single player yet. Saving it for the full game.
Re: Mass Effect 3 looks... Just use a pistol like the Phalanx and have the charge upgrade that restores your barriers to 100% and use it all the time to regen after using nova
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread How would you feel if you couldn't get an exclusive character with great story and lore significance unless you bought it at launch?
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread Yeah. I'm already raging about this a bit. **** EA and their money grubbing ways.
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread The Mass Effect 3 demo featuring one button does everything and Anderson's sprinting animation
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread Mass Effect 3 demo's multiplayer featuring space bar does even more and hyper realistic AI
Re: Mas Effect 3 thread EA makes so much money it's ******* ridiculous. If you think they're hurting for money to pump out new games then you're touched in the head. They could actually make more money selling Mass Effect for less because more people could actually afford it instead of having the people who want to play but don't want pay the gouging prices pirate the game. Look at Minecraft and how rich Notch is now for selling a game for $15. EA takes every chance it can to gouge its customers and gives them absolutely no respect.