Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Deadpool FTW, January 22, 2011.

  1. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Very Hard tends to block everything anyways, so I just call assists while I jump and use Lance Throw on my way down to create a big lockdown with lots of chip damage. The process is usually enough to kill one enemy outright and I can XFC health back.

    I've done it for 7 or so characters so far.
  2. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    Have you guys noticed that certain patterns of air daggers will stop the computer from moving completely? Doubt it works on Very Hard, but it reminds me of MvC2 where certain moves when spammed would just keep the opponent blocking (B.B. Hood's hp, or whichever is the mine)
  3. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    The computer tends to try to jump over projectile spam for me. So I just jump and spam Lances while Sentinel assists.

    They block Lances then take more chip from Sentinel Force as they get pushed back and fall on them.

    I just played against someone who had Arthur as anchor. Gold Armor + Level 3 XFC + Gold Lances = ZOMGS, WTF DO I DO?
  4. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Random thought.


    Anyways, it this game really as technical as it looks? And how difficult is it?
  5. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    A lot of competitive players are arguing that it's pretty easy. I'm inclined to believe them. The difference is that they think it's a bad thing. I think whatever expands the audience is a good thing.

    At the very least, it's still fun.

    Basically, all bread and butter combos, that is, combos you'd do in a real fight under pressure, are basically chains and cancels. So doing actual, damaging combos isn't a problem for even the most novice of players.
  6. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Ahh.. I is intruiged.
  7. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Don't actually own the game, but I've been at a friends whilst he is trying to beat the game on very hard with everyone. What he does is take his favorite and probably best character, Ryu, the character he's going to beat it with, and Dormmamu. He does as much as he can with the two and then finishes the rest off with x-factored Dormammu's flame thingy. I think he's pretty close to done now. Last I heard he had just beaten it with Modok...Psyionic Blaster!
  8. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    As I've stated before, if you've been looking for a fighting game to get into or you think it looks cool, try it out. The only things you won't understand immediately if you're brand new to fighting games is the controller inputs (if you've played Skate for example, it's like those inputs but for the left stick) and just general fighting game theory (don't mash for the most part, block often, baiting, etc.). If you put a little time into it (like, 10 minutes a day or every other day) you WILL get better. Of all the people I've told only one person listened, and because of it he got better, the rest wondering why they sucked. You might not like the thought of practicing, but it's fun in MvC3. So many possibilities once you grasp the basics.

    The only real downfall is the netcode. It's definitely not the best. It's not unplayable (try Super Smash Bros. Brawl if you want a good reference for unplayable netcode), but there is some delay and it can be enough to mess up your combos. Another issue is there's no replays or spectating. When you have more than 2 people in a lobby, anyone not actually playing only gets to watch dancing license cards (much less interesting than it sounds) and health bars that will occasionally deplete. I figured with Super Street Fighter 4 these would pretty much be staple features, but sadly that's not the case. Maybe in future updates.

    TL;DR borrow it, rent it, buy it, whatever just at least play it.

    As for me playing the game, I switched my team order to Chris(Gun Fire)/Haggar(Double Lariat)/Taskmaster(H-Shot), and it flows better. Haggar would be on point if there's a rushdown character also on point. Chris can either counter or avoid any keepaway that's thrown at you, and if you can keep people off your skin you can do some work. A wrong guess can lead to big damage on you though, his moves start up pretty slow. Haggar is the GTFO button, as per usual. Haggar beats rushdown to mush, pretty bad vs. keepaway though Task assist definitely helps create opportunities. Taskmaster is generally rushdown oriented, but if I'm in the lead I'll shoot some arrows until the other person gets irritated into doing something dumb. X-Factor and the crazy meter he builds and will have left over from Chris and Haggar allows this to be possible.
    Well that's the theory, anyway.

    Looking to pick up more characters, though, as there's too many interesting characters to just settle on one team. I'm thinking Dormammu, maybe Doom. Add Sentinel and you have a top team. But really Dorm seems fun.
  9. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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  10. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    Great sheet of advice. I already have some basic fighting game experience (SSBB, Deadliest Warrior: The Game and various Mortal Kombat titles) so I might try it. Going to look on Xbox.xom for a demo. Thanks!

    EDIT: Well damn, no demo.
  11. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    I was going to reply in a similar fashion, but it appears that somehow I tripped the word filter. Anyway, he takes a small amount of red damage (you can replenish this if the character isn't on point) so that you don't spam it. You can also punish it after the lariat ends.
    Yeah, sadly. And the MK9 demo is PSN+ only *shakes fist*. See if any of your friends have it and want to hang out and play it with you. Don't say it like that though. =P
  12. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I played someone who did Chris/Haggar/Tron. Two assists with difficult to break, defense oriented assists.

    Super jump backward + gunfire. Haggar assist when he felt like comboing. Tron assist when he wanted Haggar to take a break.

    8 games and I only won once because I descended upon Sentinel. Even then 4 Sentinel games failed.

    I know there was a way to punish. It's my fault for not knowing it. But goddamn, I couldn't figure it out after 8 games.

    The invincibility frames on Haggar Lariat are difficult to punish when the point defends correctly. Of course, you can always throw out a beam when he steps on the field...

    I'm starting to like Spencer/Hulk/Arthur now, if only to have a way to structure Arthur as anchor in order to get Gold Armor + level 3 XFC.
  13. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    Gold Lances are already ridiculous without XFC. If I recall, they have 16 medium durability, so basically anything that isn't a hyper won't beat it. There's only a handful of moves that have medium durability, all of which I have forgotten, but Arthur has two. The Lance, and the Axe, I think.

    You might already know Strider, but if anyone else is interested projectile durability goes low, medium, high (or whatever the correct terms, you get the gist). I don't need to outright tell you that high > medium > low, but I'll do so just for the hell of it. The caveat here though is that medium beats low absolutely, and high beats medium absolutely. No amount of low durability projectiles can beat a medium, and same from medium to high.

    Edit: And here's what happened a week ago, when I picked random. Boy, I love going all random. I hate getting Viewtiful Joe. And missing simple stuff like X-23 combos. :(
  14. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    Shuma and Jill are out now, I see lots of setups with both of them. Personally, I'm putting Shuma on a team, not sure who else is going to be on it. I've been messing with Wesker/Shuma/Arthur, but I found out that Arthur's fire bottle doesn't OTG very fast. Maybe switch the order, but then I'm not sure if I want Wesker at the end. I think Shuma really relies on an OTG assist to help him do decent damage. And I'd prefer him spot 2 so he can do some of his level 3 setups, I freaking love that thing.
  15. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Shuma can OTG on his own with mystic ray.
  16. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I can't believe two of his special attacks are charge motions though.

    Also, Jill's Raven Dive is insanely fast. Too bad it has no invulnerability.

    I like Jill and the possibilities of using her Feral Stance dashes for mix ups, but down, down + S makes execution hard while juggling an Iron Man Unibeam assist as well.

    I may throw her in my Wesker/Iron Man team but that would not only mean losing a much more reliable mix up, rush own, but also losing one of the best full screen punishers in the game (Gunma Zero).
  17. PinkPwnageFrenzy

    PinkPwnageFrenzy New Member

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    Yeah, but if you're going the launch MMHS route, you can't cheat like in other games and hold down, or else you'll do an aerial exchange. That's probably why S has so much delay, though.

    Played around with it a bit, and Shuma covers Arthur really well, and any other zoning character with Mystic Ray assist. It hits a little over 90 degrees of the screen, which is crazy. It has a little startup, but if your opponent is rushing recklessly, they're getting cut short. Also, tk'd Mystic Smash (qcf+atk) is SO GOOD. It hits overhead and it doesn't look much different than L Mystic Smash on the ground.
  18. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    This is true, but you have enough time after you hit S to charge and hit with M mystic ray (possibly even H) and do, say: MH, QCB+PP. You can also relaunch or combo into Chaos Dimension.
  19. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    See what I did to your poastwords? I made some of them go away. ;)
  20. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Huzzah! More zoning I can get behind/rage at!

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