Have those players go against anybody in the top 16 of Final Round and see them get raped. Also, this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vybIP-DBQio
I haven't played in a while. I've only seen's Desk's video summing up the bigger parts of the patch. Did they nerf the damage or hit stun deterioration of his corner OTG combos or something?
What I'm hearing is that when you do zip kick off the ground now it bounces Spencer, and therefore he can't land and continue his combo as he used to.
Gosh. Tron has some long *** combos its like get crossed up, tron starts her thing and i can almost set the controller down and stretch out for a little bit. Also wesker. I don't have any issues with him but you've never seen nerd rage until you've witnessed my brothers rage at wesker gun spam. I keep telling him DOWN UP! DOWN UP! DOWN UP HAHA YOU LOSE but he is not getting the idea. I'm currently working on my Shoto as I have only played one street fighter in the last decade and I want one as an anchor or someone with a sweet beam hyper to take out some assist spammy jerks. I'm totally average at this game, but its so damn fun I just keep coming back even though I get wrecked online.
Good Weskers confuse the hell out of me, I can't just block until he stops, because they'll just teleport somewhere else on the screen and keep going until they eventually catch me out. Wesker gun spam is also hard to get out of for pretty much the same reason. If you want a shoto, I'd suggest Akuma. He has a great assist (tatsu), does great damage in lvl 3 X-factor (but who doesn't lolololololol) and if you have 3 meters, you can Raging Demon through pretty much everything.
I FINALLY GOT THIS AND SUCK SO BAD AT IT! At least my Hulk is somewhat decent, and my keepaway Deadpool doesn't suck too bad. My Viewtiful Joe is awful, but I use him anyway. Anyone want to play with me now that I have it? I guarantee I'll lose, but Hell, even losing's fun in this game!
it frustrates me that I can't be consistent with this game though. I haven't played in a month or so but I'll probably get back on soon.
As it turns out, Arthur, Hulk and Deadpool is pretty awesome. Arthur for dat keepaway, Hulk for anti-rushing purposes, and Deadpool as a grenade spamming-shoryukening fountain of death. I JUST GOT THE GAME AND I'M ON A 6 WIN STREAK WITH THEM.
I can see you having a lot of success online with that team. Just when it looks like they're gonna press a button and you're Hulk, just H that shhhhhhhhhh- Add me and I'll teach you how to make randoms/your friends rage with your team. :3 I think the order of your team needs some adjustin' though. I'd say Arthur possibly last as lvl 3 XFC + Gold Armor + Lances = VICTOLY!, but you could also just build another meter and DHC him for Hulk or something. Vs. rushdown you would want Hulk first to omnomnom that mess, otherwise, the Gamma Charge assist is pretty legit. lvl 3 Hulk is pretty good too, I don't think he gains much speed but he can eat people alive with his meteor hyper if you're smart with it (basically same as H, you see them in the air using a move and mash that ish) So I dunno, I see Arthur/Deadpool/Hulk working (DHC's would be quite lovely, Hulk might not flow as well though), or even Deadpool/Hulk/Arthur (Dat lvl 3 Gold!) Take it with a grain of salt, I'm just providing alternate ideas.
I'm still new, and I really don't have have of a clue what you just said. I will add you, though, and I will take your advice. Thank you, good sir.
Don't make Hulk last. You don't want Hulk to be your last man with his bad match ups as possibilities. Who won't be able to do much if he's last against zoners and keep aways. I say make Hulk second or lead and tag in and out when the situation calls for it. Arthur definitely works as anchor if you intend on saving XFC for him. Deadpool, by his very nature, is flexible for anything in any position.
I'm only theory fighting here, but does Hulk actually get gimped that bad? Out of the big characters, I think he has the best chance (Thor, Hulk, Haggar, Sentinel, Tron...nevermind because Sent is there =P). He has Gamma Wave (earthquake), Gamma Charge (has Hyper Armor, I'm pretty sure...and makes him more mobile) and just in general Hulk being Hulk. And then Arthur still has matchup problems, too. If people do get past your shenanigans, he dies pretty quick. Deadpool is pretty versatile as you said, only limited by his lowish health.
I agree. I start off with Deadpool and try to zone with his grenades and guns, and try to start off a team air combo into Hulk if there's a rusher. All while having Arthur spam daggers. Then basically the game goes off from there. I don't usually bring Arthur in unless I have lv.3 Xfactor because just his dagger assist is usually enough to cover Hulk or add to Deadpool's damage.
I'm not sure if I'm missing anything but whenever I face off against a Hulk anchor, especially with lvl3 XFC on, Hulk has very few options on approach. Gamma Charge isn't safe and the only super armor I know of is on his anti-air Gamme Charge assist. His only armored moves while on point is s.M and s.H to my knowledge. And he doesn't have any air options outside super jumping. It doesn't have to be a zoner. If you want to run away from Hulk, you can just run away and he can't do too much. I have Hulk/Spencer/Arthur for my Gold Arthur XFC shenanigans team. I run Wire Grapple assist to open them up with they try anything. I keep Hulk neutral to protect Spencer if my opponent wants to punish a my dry assist.
Then you think wrong. Why would they put people like MODOK or Arthur in if they didn't want people to use them?
That's like saying if you play Black ops they put the Kiparis in the game for people to use but no one will because of how bad it is.
The end result is that you either like Marvel or you don't. So you hate spamming/zoning/projectiles? I guess you could play Tekken.