Now that it is less than a month until MvC3 comes out, most, if not all characters have been announced. Who will you use? I think I'm going to main Deadpool (duh), Captain America, and Viewtiful Joe.
Only characters left to be announced are Hsien-Ko and Sentinel. Playing TEAM SWING. Spidey, Spencer & Taskmaster. Although honestly, the game is almost definitely going to suck as bad as TvC did. Edit: Turns out it doesn't.
Found an overview for each character currently confirmed: ... 3183109&p=
I'm kinda afraid most people will end up picking a team consisting of Wesker, Dante, and Deadpool. Deadpool and Dante are kinda looking like Ken and another version of Ryu, and Wesker is just badass.
I'm feeling Dante will be popular for his plethora of moves (which may signify flexibility), Storm for her assortment of movement and tools, and MODOK has a barrier assist so some people are excited about that. Also, I've seen Ammy has a combo that requires no meter and does nearly half health bar damage on standard health characters (i.e. Ryu) not to mention her different stances. Maybe if I wanna be a keep away jerk I'll do Arthur/Trish/MODOK.
So far I have two teams. One of my teams is an old one from MvC2. My new team is Amaterasu, X-23, and either Super Skrull or C. Viper. The minute I saw Amaterasu I knew I would be using her. I loved Okami. My old team is Morrigan, Tron Bonne and Chun-li. This team will also have Shuma-Gorath, who will be alteranting with chun-li every once in a wjile, since he was my main in MvC2. But I won't be able to play with him right away because I'm not going to get the special edition. But I can wait till he's released as DLC.
lol tron bonne and chun li. win. hey, when was the last marvel game that came out? not ultimate alliance. i pretty much mean an XMen fighter, or Marvel fighter in general.
Already have MvC3 paid off! Don't know exactly who I'm gonna use yet. I'll cross that bridge when I get it.
Im gunna be using Dante, Zero, Spider-Man i think to start off. I also may be using Chun-Li, Ironman, Wolverine
Awwww, so no respect for Cap or Joe the Hero? Honestly, though, I wouldn't rage at someone who called Joe a joke character. His head is bigger than his body. AND HE SOUNDS LIKE A CHIPMUNK IN A BLENDER.
Actually, I wanna tinker around with Joe too. Especially since you can actually combo into his Six Cannon now. Plus he's rather small and has a triple jump, not to mention SlooooOoooow as a super. I forget if it's a level 3 or not but it should be funny to punch a normal sized character in the junk and have them slow down. But Cap has always been pretty meh in terms of function and style.
I think slow is a lv. 1. And Cap is a jack of all trades, but his hyper combos look pretty powerful, especially the stars and stripes. And there is always FINAL JUSTICE!!
and the last x-men beat em up was x-men dimensions on ps2/xbox in 2002 deadpool/x23/dante will be the last time we see the old dante :cry:
Preordered!!! 2/15 i will be tearing it up :twisted: I hope some of you are interested in a throw down then too :mrgreen: