Make headshots go away

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Liefglinde, September 13, 2010.

  1. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Ignoring the fact that you're trying to incorporate some sort of realism into a clearly non-realistic game, there is something you're forgetting. Upgraded sniper bullets pass through anything that isn't the arena or a turret, so even if a tank/gunner is shot in the back it's going to come out the other side and if that so happens to be where the head is then that should be a head shot. Maybe they could change it so you only get headshots after upgrading to level 2 passive, but since most snipers go for that immediately I don't that making a big difference in game balance.

    Again, ridiculous argument to apply to a video game. By that same logic then pretty much any weapon should be a one hit kill since these any of these weapons would easily cripple a real person.
  2. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    This is why snipers are the only class who can get headshots & that is with a sniper rifle. Without that one hit kill snipers blow. & will be totally underrated. Sniper would lose all its fans & users. I only think the grab needs to be lowered that is all. Headshots are legit. Always expect a game to have headshots with its a Shooter. If they had it for every class then itd be different. But this is what makes the sniper unique. Get over it random. ;)
  3. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    PS: Your only complaining cause you get stuck in traps etc. Its easy as @#!$ to dodge a headshot & get away from traps. Play more & you will learn young jedi.
  4. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i read the OP's post all it says is "i suck, get rid of headshots" sure snipers can camp their spawn but i run straight into enemy spawns and killed snipers all the time with every damn class

    butthurt? u obviously cant read teh internets fggt
  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Ah. Flaming. Well, I suppose that's easy enough to ignore.
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    But you're ignoring the other part of my complaint; sniper headshots in this game hit their target instantly but every other attack has a slight delay before it reaches the target. Combining the two is quite cheap. I suppose I can live with you getting an instant kill on my character if you have my squishy face in your sights. Nothing else should be the instant kill and that's the issue I was addressing. But I'm not saying instant kill headshots should stay in the game.
  7. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    I think there is a delay before headshots register, as you have to lead people who are moving to get them.

    Additionally, as per statements before, headshots are not OHKO automatically. Tanks can survive them, and you can headshot juiced players multiple time before they die, it just does a bunch of extra damage each hit.
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    There is no delay for a headshot kill unless lag is an issue. If you pull the trigger with someone's face lined up they die instantaneously and you get a little headshot message that pops up. By comparison if you shoot at someone and it isn't a headshot there is a slight delay before the bullet reaches the target. Magic instantaneous bullets are lame (and give one more reason the sniper is just slightly OP).
    Point your gun at an enemy's face in a game with a great host and you will kill them instantly.

    You're close but not exactly correct. If the target has enough health to survive the attack (due to skill upgrades, endorsements, juice or overheals) the bullet doesn't instantly kill them.
  9. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    There is no delay for body shots either if you have a great host or are the host.

    And you just agreed with what I said in the second part, I don't think you understood what I was saying. Headshot does not equal OHKO, it just increases damage. This obviously means there is no instant kill when the opponent is juiced.
  10. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    the two non automatic ranged weapons the sniper rifle and the rail gun are both instant damage if aimed on someone as it should be since u cant spray like with other guns. if u want them to have travel time they better move way faster than they do now or itd be impossible to headshot with the slightest lag
  11. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I'm fairly certain the sniper rifle travels, unless you headshot then it appears to be instant. The railgun, I'm not sure. I don't think it does after a little bit of testing.
  12. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    i meant travel time for headshots.
  13. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Actually, both those weapons are hit-scan, which means that if your reticule is on a player when it fires, it hits them. No travel time.
  14. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Hmmm? Badass. I swear I've headshotted someone by aiming a bit in front of their head of the direction they were moving, though... might lag.
  15. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Is the instant headshot thing something that has been confirmed by developers? I know I've been in laggy games where I get a headshot but it doesn't register for a second or two. Basically, I shoot, the guy is still able to move around for a second, and then the headshot pops up and dings.
  16. Reltsirk

    Reltsirk New Member

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    Thats not at all what he meant. Yes theres lag and delaytime for actually shooting the player, but he means if the game registers your crosshair is on them when you hit that right trigger, they lose health immediately, versus lets say, battlefield bc2, where the snipers bullets have travel time.
  17. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Ok then. I think they should consider speeding up the sniper rifle and railgun projectiles' graphics, because it's giving me the wrong impression! (and probably other people too.)

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