Make headshots go away

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Liefglinde, September 13, 2010.

  1. V A L K 3 N

    V A L K 3 N New Member

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    Headshots happen in one of three ways.

    You're standing still: Don't stand still, duh?

    You're running around: You can see the Sniper sign as soon as he can see you. So be aware of your surroundings and assume that the "Sniper" is going to "snipe" you, duh?

    You're fighting the sniper: Um, you got shot in the head. He wins. Established dominance. Send him a big ol' smiley face.

    Now, I have a question for you.

    How are you getting sniped in the head so much, that you want it removed? What are you doing wrong?
  2. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Specious arguments such as this leave me wondering if people read the threads before foaming at the mouth and giving stump rants. I'm guessing not, because you're not addressing the thread, just the title. And attacking the thread's creator because...Well, you tell me.
  3. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Aren't you the same guy saying you can hit anything because you have prefect aim? Even if they are moving or bunny hopping?
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Same guy, and he didn't read that thread either.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    It is not because I am getting "sniped in the head so much;" it is because I find them OP and unnecessary in the first place. I rarely get hit with a headshot, but it does happen.

    And please, stop acting arrogant and obnoxious and actually read the thread and the argument presented. You might learn a thing or two.
  6. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    That's rather unfair of you to expect so much of him.
  7. DDM

    DDM New Member

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  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The sniper rifle fires way too fast.

    The AOE from explosive shot should only hit bots, not players. Snipers shouldn't be getting accidental kills all over the place.
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Most of your points are valid, except one:

    I play Sniper almost exclusively. Headshot = instant death. period. Headshots are always indicated by the (awesome) "ding" sound and will always result in death. If they didn't die, then you didn't hear the "ding" and you didn't get a headshot.

    No matter what your health status is (overhealed, Tank lvl 3 passive, Gold Armor, etc) a headshot will kill you.
  10. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    What if that tank is juiced?
  11. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    ;) Good question.

    I have been trying to figure out if its possible to headshot a juiced player and I want to say "no". If you look at a juiced player close up, which I do fairly often when I am zoomed in on their head with them stuck in a freeze trap, it looks like all classes get an energy shield around their entire bodies. I think this prevents headshots because I have had headshots lined up on frozen juiced players and it doesn't instakill them.

    So no, I do not think you can headshot a juiced player. That isn't because of their health status or damage reduction, however, it is a protection afforded by being juiced.
  12. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    Ok ok then tell me what happens when I line up the shot on this guy's head and my i mention he is standing still so it is an easy shot. He's a tank at full health I pull the trigger boom he instantly drops to about 10% health but is still alive. Now there are several possiblities A the game glitched and i fired 4-5 shots at the same time or B he survived a headshot.

    Test two playing as a tank gold armor max passive playing a game there is sniper and i'm using my rail gun to try and kill him from a distance. basically were doing the in and out of cover fighting and suddenly boom I lose almost all my health I see the bullet trail going through my head but i'm still alive. note i was not grappled or shot by anything else there were no other enemies targeting me.

    by the way you can headshot juiced players but it normally take 2 or 3 head shots to get the job done I learn this when an assassin thought she was invincible while juiced walked into my ice trap and boom boom she was dead
  13. mute

    mute New Member

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    Standing still? Tank or Gunner? Deployed lvl3 gunners and tanks have head-sheilds.

    In any case, if you hear the *ding* that was a headshot, if not.. it wasn't. Even if you thought you had it right on his head.
  14. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    Unfortunately Tanks don't get a headshield at Deploy 3, though Gunners do.

    And to answer an earlier question about headshotting a juiced player, the answer is yes you can, though it is difficult since they move more quickly.
  15. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Yeah i've been headshot before while juiced, it can happen.

    But with the tank/sniper thing, your bullet probably barely missed his head and hit the armor next to it
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I don't mind a headshot from the front.... but I really don't think the through the back or side of my armor is exactly fair. It would be different if I were playing support/assassin/assault and had no back/side head armor. Faceshots make sense; mystic kill shots through the armor are retarded. Shouldn't we get half damage instead?

    What is most annoying about the headshot is that the bullet becomes "magically instant". Every other sniper shot has a slight delay before it lands. Why should a headshot become a magic bullet?

    This problem is magnified even more when the sniper is the host : host+sniper= I point my gun at you and you die (even if you just went around the corner).
  17. Shivers

    Shivers New Member

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    There's no point in arguing about host advantage as EVERY class has an advantage when they get host, it's not specific to the sniper class.

    Taking away headshots is stupid, that's not how to tone down a sniper, try things like stopping AoE bullets from impacting from your own bots, and a small nerf to ice traps, also possibly you could make it so that level 3 passive gives you 60% chance (adjust as required after testing), and then give them a better bot spawn.
  18. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    lol? u cant dodge sniper bullets? or is it that u cant headshot ppl so u QQ

    headshots are the only reason i ever play sniper. i sit there without upgrading any skills and destroy ppl's faces. the snipers skills are the problem not the ability to headshot
  19. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    And another poster who didn't read beyond the title.

    I wonder why people get so butthurt.
  20. ShadowMonkey987

    ShadowMonkey987 New Member

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    If a Bullet to the head is a one hit kill..

    Then a Knife to the face must be a one hit kill as well..

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