Main menu elements order (OK, now Galactic War talk)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tatsujb, August 17, 2014.



  1. singleplayer button first

    17 vote(s)
  2. multiplayer button first

    10 vote(s)
  3. other (please develop ...)

    1 vote(s)
  1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I much prefer the turn based mechanic for attacking and defending worlds.

    But would prefer a much better meta mechanic to tie the whole war thing together.

    Such as commanders or 'Lives' to be used on different war fronts, or in some possible cases to have a lack of and be unable to reinforce particular fronts.

    Use the metal worlds as the galactic strategic points for generating and sustaining new commanders to be expended on losses.
    tatsujb likes this.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    there you go. tons of ideas. Metal planets could be super rare and only on certain systems.
  3. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    GTA V is not predominately a multiplayer game.....

    P.S FAF galactic war is drivel.
    Last edited: August 18, 2014
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    picking up on this again I think there must be a way to somewhat remove the turn-base (which you can't make me swallow, not with gallons of honey) what I suggested with the constant output of units per conquered system probably isn't the idea that'll conquer the turn based one as a better idea but I'm persuaded we can concoct an idea that uses the concept of a galaxy while being technically feasible.

    I'm looking for ideas masters. Anyone got a chip that they want to toss in?
    Last edited: August 19, 2014
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Have systems use a X-Com real time system of being able to speed things up to get to the next events.

    Systems produce packages of unit's and their transports to arrive at systems and crash down on designated planets.

    Packages include different combos of units for different terrains, and engineer packets for getting a economy started, on-top of the required single commander packet to act as the commander for the force.

    Battles take place in real time, so speeding up the time only works when there are no battles, allowing real-time packet reinforcements.

    Producing troops on the front lines is still beneficial, as it is very very quick compared to packet construction, but packets allow sieges of new systems to begin.

    Commanders are required to begin new battles, unit packets cannot start new battles.
    optimi likes this.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yes, yes, I like, keep goiing. : )
  7. CounterFact

    CounterFact Active Member

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    What I'd like to see is some sort of turn based game. Where enemy faction leaders have an AI that controls them the way you control your commander. Waging war against eachother as well as you. Maybe even galactic war diplomacy or tech/resource trade?

    As for to make systems useful. Each faction gets 1 capital system and 1 faction leader. Lose your capital and game over. Lose your faction leader commander in battle, he quickly gets energyball teleporter out at 1 health and spawns several turns later at your capital system :)

    Some sort of credits system would be good. Basic tech could be purchased (diff buildings, tier 2, extra tech slot, etc.). Upgrade tech like x2 commaner eco are still dropped from systems that are designated as high tech civilization systems.
    From your capital system you can spawn a regular commander with your credits, who can actually die in battle.
    Another thing for purchase are system upgrades: level 1, 2 and 3, this comes in when there's no defending commander (some generic low ranking commander will still be provided) on your planet and you're attacked. Higher levels will ensure you you'll have access to tier 2 and specialised units, maybe even pre build structures or an ally.

    Like mentioned earlier each system would have some sort of added benefit, making some more desireable than others. When you capture the silicon valley equivalent system of the galaxy, expect some nice tech to drop and become available (not structures and units, more like upgrades). You found a metal rich system or one that is renowed for its energy production, you'll gain a x1.2 eco in fights in neighbouring systems. Some systems have superb engineers and run their factories as efficient as a german engine, well looks like you just found a spot to mass produce those dox you like so much.

    Tech will be on 2 levels, faction wide tech (minor stuff) and commander specific tech (somewhat better tech)
    Either before the battle starts or even mid-game you decide wether you want the added bonusses or save them and gain credits. Eco boosts are pretty straightforward. But, let's say 10 minutes in, when things aren't going your way you can build an interplanetary teleporter and swarm in 100 dox from that factory planet you owned. (Cooler way would be droppods)

    Maybe not all, but some are really good ideas (I think)
    Obviously this all looks cool to me, but I think it will add at least some depth and tactics to galactic war.
    Let me know what you like and dislike.

    PS: some numbers are just for demonstartion purposes, a comment like "10 minutes is too short/long" is not really useful. Also, I doubt any galactic war AI will be made so just ignore those parts as it's just my mind imagining 'how it could have been if I were an oil sheik, bought Uber and paid them a ridiculous sum of money to make the game how I want it'
    Last edited: August 19, 2014
  8. japporo

    japporo Active Member

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    Some feedback on GW balance: I've played two separate games of GW so far, both on medium sized maps on normal difficulty. When I've cleared all the stars except for the faction leaders, I have had 3 or 4 techs and no extra commanders. Both times, the faction leader star I chose has had four planets with four enemy commanders with, insofar as I can tell, all techs. Needless to say, 4:1 odds doesn't seem quite right for the normal difficulty level regardless of the galaxy size, especially when the permadeath system means there's no way to retry the battle (short of the Alt-F4 method).
    Last edited: August 20, 2014

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