Lore of Game

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by mechaphantom, May 4, 2013.

  1. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    A few posts here and there are ... flippant about the Lore and think that the "focus" should be on the game.

    But there's a completely seperate (likely contracted) outside party that is working on the Lore. So there's no time that Uber's employees are "wasting" on Lore. It's terrible that some people think the Lore is going to detract from the game.


    And yes cwarner7264, +++ Full Force Engaged +++
  2. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    I agree that Lore would only add to the game, and that having a single writer working on it, external to the main group doesn't get in the way of primary development.

    But let's be honest here. The focus of the game is on gameplay. Uber has many more coders/modellers/animators/texture artists/sound designers/musicians working on the game itself, and putting many more man-hours of productivity into getting the game running, then they have with the one guy who is writing the backstory. Unless they've hired Stephen King to do the writing, I would also hazard a guess that orders of magnitude more money has been spent on developing gameplay features, than on writing story.

    I'm glad that uber is taking the time to develop the story around why these robots are fighting, and I certainly think that such lore will enhance the game, but let's not kid ourselves where the meat of this project lies.
  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    I never indicated that it was.

    But... I think this is pertinent to the conversation;

    "I mean '3PO is just a hunk of plastic... and without Tony Daniels in there, it just isn't anything at all."
    -George Lucas, 1983

    If I may paraphrase:
    Planetary Annihilation is just a hunk of code... and without some spark of humanity in there, it just isn't anything at all.

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