LOOKING GOOD!: Im Hudson's Guide to the Ability Spam Tank

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Im Hudson, September 25, 2010.

  1. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    I tried that build and liked it at first...then I tried using the rail gun. Not having gold RoF was pretty awful.
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Gold RoF is overrated.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I'll tryout different suggestions for Gold tonight if you guys post some alternative builds.
  5. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Well if you like killing people much slower then by all means don't go for it. Silver is alright enough if your going for something different. ie: Overkill armor or critical for instance.
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I'd only ever run Silver RoF if you were insistent on running Gold Speed. As you said, gold armor is beyond overkill on the tank. :)

    I think for Rail Tanks: Shammas' build (Gold Speed, Silver RoF, Bronze Skill.)
    For Jet/hybrid Tanks: My build (RoF/Speed/Skill) [since you will be close enough to pick up the single speed drop every 20-30 seconds or so to keep your speed maxed].

    Either build has produced amazing results for me.

    Btw, think I came across you in a game yesterday. :)
  7. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    Yah it would be the 2nd time we played in the last week. First time against though. First time I was a support and I just kept overhealing you when I could.

    That game yesterday was just bleh. My team just sat in the base so I was getting triple tag teamed coming out of the base lol. You smoked me hard on one battle when I didn't even see you coming....was over fast. I was just happy when I got you the second time....think I actually got into you from the side so you didn't see me coming.
  8. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    I played with and against you last night a fair bit. You're a great tank player.

    My build is like yours but with bronze Reload Speed instead of RoF. I tried switching to silver skill regen and it was NEVER ready just when I needed it so I'm stuck with it on gold now :)

    My "tanky" tactics are to rail/grenade from distance only when absolutely necessary and all other times push lanes and move up and engage in close combat. Gold product grenade 3 and charge 3 are beautiful things.

    The Reload Speed is for those chaotic moments when I jump down into a group of enemies and Blossom / Hover / Blossom. Plus the general usefulness of having the jetgun reload quicker in most situations. I'm looking forward to playing post-TU with the increased damage. I wonder if all the nerfed assassins will be switching to tank now...?
  9. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    I keep experimenting with the tank, and although I ditched it at first, I went back to RoF/speed/skill rec, ditching armor in silver for speed to try it again, and speed really has helped close the deal on some kills that I otherwise wouldn't get because closing speed is much better and so unexpected.

    That means, though, that my upgrade path is now:

    Spawn upgrade: stickerz + charge

    Then passive, stickers, charge, passive. Yes, I'm doing what Hudson would probably find horrifying and going passive 2 instead of saving my money for stickerz 3, but I'm not nearly as good and need the extra armor.

    Right now, RoF gold and skills bronze seem like immovable endorsements.
  10. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I never meant to say Gold RoF wasn't great, just that IMO other endorsements are better. I still seem to get quite a few kills without it, and having my charge recharge in four seconds and my grenades in about 7-8 seems to be well worth it.
  11. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I agree with this. The death blossom changes make Reload speed a viable silver perk if you are not addicted to speed like I am.
  12. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Didn't the Jet Gun get a boost with the patch? If so, then your Gold ROF isn't necessarily immovable anymore, but will definitely raep my shotty any day of the week. I'm actually more scared of that than your sticker-charge now.

    However, this is just an assumption. I'm not sure if you've played since the patch (I have not yet, but I can't wait for Gold ROF Heal/Hurt :D). If so, any thoughts?
  13. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    If only I could put that Picard soundbyte from First Contact.

  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Alright I have noticed the general skill of MNC player has grown and in which made my old build kinda useless. I started doing some experiments pre-patch and messed around with a few builds.I ended up "testing" this build:

    Gold Reload/Silver Speed/Bronze Skill Recover
    Hudson was right the tank really benefits from it not to mention the speed pickups. Upgrade went Passive + Prod.nade at spawn farm for a quick 250 then get Charge 2. Push a lane as far as I can with little Pro resistance like if they were pushing the opposite side and then kinda camp around a corner farming until I had at least 1200 then buy Passive and Product 3. The rest for hazards and juice if needed.

    Since I was camping around corners a lot of Pros would chase and follow then I'd charge once they were close then light'em up. It wasn't until a Tank with Charge 3 charged back. I did not like it. That's when I found it out. A Tank the plays a Railgun style relies on the Product Grenade while a Tank the uses it Jetgun more relies on it's Charge. This is what I found to work the best for a Jetgun/Charge tank:

    Gold Skill Recover/Silver Speed/Bronze Reload
    What can I say that Sliver Speed IS useful. Thanks Hudson. "To fly with the Eagles you can't hang out with the Crows." Charge 3 is simply put 'Unstoppable'. I used to flee when I was head to head with a Gunner. Now I just bait him around the corner then Charge him which will knock him down and stun him when he gets up all while I burn his behind. Upgrade order was slightly different. Passive + Product at spawn (you need to stun effect) Farm for 150 buy charge. Quicky push your lane half way using you Bots as cover fro Pros clashing with their bot lane. It's easier to farm when enemy Pros has bots to dodge while you can hover up and over and around. As soon as you have enough for Charge 3 push on forward. Lastly Passive 3. Like I said I like to sit on cash for when I need it. I.E Hazards/Juice/Bots. If I happen to have en excessive amount I'll go for Product 3. I started using my nades as a way to have Pros stop chasing me as I get around my corner.
  15. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    How much of a damage increase are you guys seeing with full clip Death Blossom? I'm at work and haven't had a chance to play the patch yet.
  16. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Clip Size doesn't increase the damage of the DB. The damage is done by the percentage of what is in your clip.
  17. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Yes, but he was asking about FULL clip death blossoms (not increased clip size.)

    You now do less damage for % of your clip that is empty, but 100% full clips do MORE damage than they used to. (See patch notes)

    A Full Death Blossom will 1 shot assassins/snipers without armor now. (After factoring in the burn damage.) Reload speed is for sure worth considering now for any tank that uses the jet gun (not sure what I'm going to sacrifice to run it though :( ).
  18. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The jet gun primary fire is the same, DEATH BLOSSOM got a buff/nerf. Death blossom does not do constant damage anymore, instead doing damage based on the % of ammo remaining in your clip when you blossom. Full Clip death blossoms do much more damage than they used to.

    For a pure jet gun tank, RoF is probably not needed over reload speed after the patch. Hybrid tanks will still want RoF at gold or silver. I have 6 tank builds I have to try out when I return.
  19. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Yes that's what I was asking, thanks for the info. Sounds nice but maybe not as game-changing as I thought it would be when i read the patch notes. Low armour pros would normally die on first blossom anyway, as it would have been preceded by a prod gren or charge.


    I find myself playing "tanky" tank pretty much exclusively now - gold skill, silver armour, bronze reload, getting speed from pickups. Not because I feel it's better than gold RoF, it's just a lot of fun to play. Plus jet gun tank is a good playstyle for the laggy connections I often get playing from the UK (hopefully improved with the patch) I need to test out dropping armour and seeing whether my survivability takes a noticable hit. Gold skill, silver reload, bronze health recharge maybe? I've gone through so many tank builds now I'm starting to forget what I've already tried :)
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Since the patch is out I was testing the Death Blossom and now run with yet a new run that doesn't include Speed. I still use that one sometimes.

    I run a swapped version of MootPinks. Gold Reload/Silver Armor/Bronze Skill. Since the damage of the DB was tweeked pulling one with half clip or less will not destroy three Blackjacks. That's one thing I have to get used to. The reason I switch to Silver Armor is early mid game Support shotguns and Sniper eat me alive.

    and oh yea my mistake for the misinterpretation but yea a full clip DB can kill an Assassin ans Sniper with no Armor and have Supports and Assaults just near death. With barely any ammo in the clip it sets the on fire and does minimal damage. Which, imo, is woeking out great. I know use my Jetgun to tear through bots and DB Pros or when the bots start to get crowded.

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