Looking for galactic war mods

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by Frosty3k, February 6, 2019.

  1. Frosty3k

    Frosty3k Member

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    I haven't been here for quite some time because I thought it was dead, only to come back out of curiosity and find that it's quite the opposite.

    I generally was only a fan of the galactic war mode, but it felt quite limited with the original release several years ago. I searched for updates to it in the news, but nothing to note popped up except for mod support. So now I'm coming here to ask if anyone knows of any mods for galactic war mode?

    To be more specific, one thing that felt incomplete about the mode is that the AI never captured/recaptured systems. Also the AI began with all the systems instead of starting on equal footing. Are there any mods that maybe change this?

    Another mod that I'd be interested in is a co-op version for galactic war.

    Are any of these already available? Or if not is the modding API extensive enough to support these types of mods?
    Last edited: February 6, 2019
  2. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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  3. Frosty3k

    Frosty3k Member

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    Very interesting. I hope they have some interest in making galactic war changes. :)

    So I looked through your list of suggested mods, and they look interesting. I'll have to try them out.

    I don't think any of them are the types of mods I mentioned though, and coincidentally, the creator of that other topic also shared similar interest in an AI on the tactical map view. It essentially turns it into a turn-based game like risk, where when you attack a system it then zooms into an RTS perspective.

    Have you played around with the modding API? I'm just wondering if it's worth the time to develop a co-op mode for galactic war mode (or if it's possible).
  4. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    The only modding I've done is to create custom skyboxes - change the background universe that you play in.
    (shameless plug: there are about 10 different ones available)

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