Looking for a large group

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by TOM12121112, September 26, 2010.

  1. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    I'm not flaming. I'm LOLing at a kid that called me a cheater for a solid week cause I raped him, now him and his butt buddies are obsessed about me on the forums.
    Shadowrun. Best console shooter released since H1, I like to explain it as a mix between CS and WoW, because it's a classed based game with magic and tech abilities, that you purchase in a buy system(sorta like MNC) but has incredible weapon dynamics with the greatness of reticle bloom and crouching.
    I don't think I play fair either. I'm just too good, and it's not fair to other people. And I'm not really interested in being on any 'lists'. The majority of MNC community are just kiddies that I LOL at because they're so dumb and take my **** so seriously. I just enjoy making kids rage while I show my superiority.
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    I wish you would stop posting here, Deadeye. I have this topic subscribed to in the case that someone posts, I can log on and accept their FR. it's really frustrating when I get a notification that someone posted here, and I come to find you, trying to start something with Midget or someone else.
    It may all be fun and games to you, and I thought it was amusing that you are as arrogant as you are, but now its just irritating and I really don't appreciate the fact that you come over here to my thread, wasting my time, trying to start some kind of war. If you need attention that bad, go play MNC and brag about your skills at killing there. I'm sure that all the 12 year olds are incredibly amazed with your complete and total lack of objective based play.
    Im sure I speak for the majority here when I say I'm pretty sick of all the attention grabbing behavior from you, as well as the immense feeling that you are somehow better than everyone else. It also greatly irritates me that you get such a kick out of making other people so mad at this game that they quit out. I don't know why that's so fun, maybe you get some kind of gratification in the fact that people don't like playing against you.
    I also dislike the fact that you can't tolerate losing. Whenever you get out-killed, you claim it was unfair, even though you talk about killing 3-5 people at once all by yourself. And when you lose, you try to make yourself look cool by saying you out-killed them. I have NEVER seen anyone as arrogant as you. It isn't funny, it's actually something you should mull over.
    you REALLY get a kick out of making it so other people don't have fun?! You make me sick.

    For the record, I have never declined him access to MNC Crossfire, I declined his offer to join his clan. In the case that he would request access, I would decline because he has an abrasive personality that would not mesh with our community, and at the moment, I thoroughly enjoy our community's friendly non-competitive setting as it is; and i believe adding him would completely wreck that.

    It also goes without saying, at this point i will be blocking you, Deadeye. If you feel like you need to respond, don't do it here, nobody cares. Don't send me a message, i won't be reading it.
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Sent a request to MNC Crossfire.
  4. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Now that you removed that garbage from your account, hopefully Midget will too, and I'll let it go. For the record I have never really been mean to you at all, or Midget. He accused me of cheating and said he was going to have all of his friends report me, and because you were his lil buddy you started riding his nuts and hating on me. Last time I saw Scented online I tried to be cordial and play with him, he booted me, even when i joined his party saying "all I want to do is play", and he gets on here and makes the post lying about me bragging about pot? Come on kid. Maybe you should tell your friend to not be such a ******* tool, and I wouldn't have to troll you.

    PS. The avatar/sig BS of you and Scented warrants me to talk ****, especially when it's one kid who accused me of cheating I made him rage so hard, and his buddy with a bunch of numbers in his name. I won't need to bother this thread anymore, as long as you two kiddies stop riding my nuts.
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  6. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    It's just keyboard diarrhea anyway. You aren't missing anything.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  8. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    I read it, but halfway through i had to go look at this guy in a Humongus Lego Halloween Outfit. It was so sick!
  9. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    lmao. anyway SR does sound like a mix between WoW (or take your pick: oblivion, runescape, fable, mmorpgs in general) and CS.

    but MNC is a lot better than you give it credit for too. its a $15 game. its simple. it still stuck a unique system of play, and is relatively balanced, and teambased, and easy to learn. and that makes it initially addictive and fun.

    the simple and easy to learn thing is a good idea for a start-up game, as the developers say, it will attract a fanbase when people can learn it for the first time. people may start feeling they been playing the same game repetitively at some point is the drawback, but this is countered by DLC and a sequel to expand the simple gameplay to have more features while keeping the other qualities, which by then simple wont be needed as a fanbase will already be here.

    oh, did i forget that the developers actually host a forum where they interact with their community and make the gaming better for everyone? oh wait, we are here! the only game i ever known to do that was c&c renegade, and really all they did was give us development tools as say "you improve on it" and we made 1000 different themed maps and modes and skins and even CREATED a taunt system and an anti-exploit system, both which were never put into the game or even considered to be put in the game when the developers released it. id say this is better tho, because i dont have to spend many weeks behind a keyboard creating game goodies, and all us fans dont have to hold weekly sessions seeing whos making what and who needs help.
  10. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    yea Bro. The problem with this game is it will never be competitive. It's not balanced enough and is third person, which automatically means it's full of glitchiness, add assassin BS and juice.. It's a good game for the money, but a competitive/balanced/great game it will never be, even if the developers listen to the community.

    Scented Midget, you'll always be some randy XBL kid who raged & sent me 10 voice msgs saying I cheat

  11. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  12. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    I am still very queezy by the fact of why you still want to talk to me. It is starting to really get me horny, and i would like for you to stop; cause i might get a lil chub over your horrible gameplay. On another note, I do not think you have done anything for this community but start up a bunch of flame threads. Leave this thread, your calling me annoying or whatever it is you called me because i sent you messages just saying "I love you." Cause i really do love you. Side-note. God, I love you, will you love me someday, like i love you? Love, love, loveeeeeeeeeeee you <33333333333333
    Back on track, but you are very egotistical. Your main games are (as you reapeat and repeat, hoping you will get some type of reaction, but no; you suck) MNC, And Shadowrun. And you talk about these games so much, you must play them a bunch because you suck. What i said doesn't have to make sense because as long as I say "you suck" ITS FUNNY.
    Now let me ask you this, is this what you do with your life? Sit on your lazy ***, smoke pot, and play video games just for teh lulz? You need to grow up, because your hatrid and disputes are not welcome here.

    This is the only time I, myself will ask you to not talk on this forum.

    Now if you feel the need to type up another message, go ahead, just know that your babies will come out of the hooker you had to pay good money for (which you should have spent on me baby) looking like a dead dog's ***. Come on man, do it for your babies.
    No just kidding, not about your babies, they will all die a horrible death, but I was lieing about you wanting to post on here again.
    This is my last "write up" on the matter.
    Remember, I will not allow you to contradict with people on here.
  13. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    private matches today, see you on in a little bit.
    please send mnc crossfire a message or post here if you are looking to get in. i do not accept random FRs, and many of you do not have a GT that matches your username here. as of now i have 3 FRs that lay unaccepted due to my not knowing who they are. if one belongs to you, please claim it.
  14. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Hmmm. Scented I didn't really read any of that, but I did pick out one word.. Suck. Now if I suck, you must be territrash. I've been a top player in every game I've ever played, and could create a top team in any game I wanted.. You're an XBLRANDY who has never done anything in a video game other than accusing good kids of cheating.

    Scruuuub City.

    I didn't really read this thread since my post, but you guys are obsessed. Tom, you should really re-think your friendship with Scented.. He's a randy, and ruining your thread.
  15. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    GET OUT.
    take your crap to a pm or something. this is the second time AFTER I SAID TO STOP that i have noticed an email from gmail notifier, went to go mark it as read, come over here to check the message, and its YOU! GO AWAY! ALSO: WHERE DO YOU GET OFF TELLING ME WHO I SHOULD BE FRIENDS WITH?! YOU REALLY THINK THAT WHO I ASSOCIATE MYSELF WITH IS ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS? i couldn't care less who you play with. heck, i will even say himicane is a fun guy to play with/against, and shammas was cool too. but i dont go telling them that they don't need to play with you because you have a superiority complex. back off and go find something else to do with your time besides waste mine.[/vent]
  16. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    lmao. This thread is full of teh lulz
  17. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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  18. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    private matches were pretty fun, had a lot more fun than usual. didnt have to deal with hosts quitting. random teams kept the games fun, and even in losing i had a blast playing.
  19. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    Tank Shadows is me. I've randomly popped in on this forum but never really said anything just nice to get a good laugh out of random fights sometimes
  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    ok. got you. expect to get added tomorrow.

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